
The efforts of 440,000 peasant families and four generations have wiped out the desert

The efforts of 440,000 peasant families and four generations have wiped out the desert

Satellite map of Mausu

What you see now is the MaoWusu Desert, but also this year Google took a satellite map, you can see from the map, the yellow desert is disappearing, at a glance can be obviously seen, green with yellow, means that the desert is disappearing, oasis is appearing, after enlarging again will be more obvious, the desert is not a desert, more like the land, but the essence of the desert is still there, green plants are dominant, continue to zoom in can see more clearly, this is not a desert, completely and rural fields are almost the same, But there's still yellow sand.

The efforts of 440,000 peasant families and four generations have wiped out the desert
The efforts of 440,000 peasant families and four generations have wiped out the desert

According to the Shaanxi Provincial Forestry Bureau on April 22, 2020, the yulin desertification land treatment rate has reached 93.24%, and it can be determined from the satellite map that the desert does have a level of more than 90%, and it is only high or low, and in a few years it is estimated that it will not be a desert, but a real oasis, and the Mu Wusu Desert will completely disappear.

How the Mausu Desert was formed

When understanding the Maowusu Desert, we must first understand the clear name, Maowusu is the Mongolian name in ancient times, that is to say, in the past the Maowusu Desert was called Maowusu, 4,000 years ago here is the land of abundant water and grass, breeding about hundreds of thousands of sheep, covering an area of 4 million square meters, in the core area of the Shi'an ruins of the Imperial City terrace unearthed a large number of sheep bones, which is why it is determined that many sheep were bred here.

The efforts of 440,000 peasant families and four generations have wiped out the desert

Stone Ridge Ruins

However, the good times are not long, after the Qin and Han Dynasties, there are problems with the ecology of Mao Wusu, unscientific large-scale breeding directly leads to the ecological balance of Mao Wu su being broken, according to the "Notes on the Water Classics" recorded that there are Red Sha Fu and Sha Ling here, and after the Tang Dynasty, the record is more serious, directly using flying sand as a heap, high and city.

The meaning is obviously that the sand and gravel that appeared in Mu Wu Su, and there are no plants, the loss of a large amount of water, that is, similar to these deserts, the subsequent records have always been desert-based, and Mu Wu Su has been like this for thousands of years, that is to say, the Mu Wu Su Desert has existed for more than 1,000 years.

The efforts of 440,000 peasant families and four generations have wiped out the desert

This situation was not reversed until after 1950, when the Shaanxi government began to create a sand forest belt in northern Shaanxi, I believe you also know what is the sand forest belt, that is, to prevent the desert from continuing to spread, in 1981 the local government began to formulate policies, let people go to the desert, as long as you can open up the desert can be used for a long time, for many people is an opportunity, after all, you want to open up the desert in the desert, always have to pay something.

The efforts of 440,000 peasant families and four generations have wiped out the desert

Historical photos of the Mu usu Desert

So there is a family of four generations to plant trees here for 36 years, you can't imagine that this family at first just wanted to plant trees, hoping that future generations will have firewood, this insistence is 36 years, four generations of time are used to govern the desert. From firewood to desert management, this is the biggest transformation,

Since the 1985 opening up policy, 440,000 farmers in Yulin have contracted five wastelands. What is called the five wastelands, in the north generally refers to barren sand, barren mountains, barren ditches, barren beaches, barren slopes, in the south refers to barren mountains, barren slopes, barren ditches, barren beaches, barren water, that is, more than 9 million mu of such five wastelands are contracted by them.

The efforts of 440,000 peasant families and four generations have wiped out the desert

Now the Mu Usu Desert

The efforts of 440,000 peasant families and four generations have wiped out the desert
The efforts of 440,000 peasant families and four generations have wiped out the desert

From no sassafras pine to more than 1.3 million mu now, so that the change in Mao Wusu is also very large, in 2000, there were 40 days of sandstorms here, but after 2014 the sandstorm disappeared from Yulin City, yes, sandstorms completely disappeared in Yulin City, this is their credit, with the most simple method, with several generations to govern, to plant one sassafras pine after another.

The efforts of 440,000 peasant families and four generations have wiped out the desert

dust storm

With more than 1,000 years of formation of the desert, they used 70 years to dry the desert hard, simple methods, four generations of persistence, the desert has become an oasis, I believe you also have the use of insisting on planting your own tree, but it takes more than 5 years to let it grow, it can take root in the desert,

Persistence is the best way to control the desert, generation after generation of persistence, the desert will one day completely disappear in China, I believe that the day will come sooner or later, into green water and green mountains, I am Kewu, planted 3 shuttle trees, have you insisted on planting a tree?


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