
The 2021 TVB Thousand Stars Hui He Taiqing looks lively and lively, a bit like ten years ago

author:TVB's latest TV series

2021 TVB Thousand Stars Hui He Taiqing recently began, the current preparation work has been in full swing, Xiaobian got part of the rehearsal photos of He Taiqing, small partners can have a sneak peek, smart partners can analyze more valuable information through He Taiqing Ha.

The 2021 TVB Thousand Stars Hui He Taiqing looks lively and lively, a bit like ten years ago

2021 TVB 10,000 Stars Hui He Taiqing two promotional films

Seeing the above two 2021 TVB 10,000 Stars Hui He Taiqing promotional videos, what problems will you find? The protagonists of the first promotional film are Chen Hao, Tang Luowen and Ma Guoming. Tang Luowen is sandwiched between the two emperors, if there is no accident, next year Tang Luowen will continue to ascend to the throne and obtain better resources, is this the light of the emperor's boyfriend? The protagonists of the second promotional film are Wang Haoxin, Lai Weiling, Zhang Zhenlang, Lai Weiling, as the winner of last year's best supporting actress, this year in He Taiqing's promotional film sandwiched between the Emperor and the popular Xiaosheng, next year's promotion to the front-line Huadan ranks is also a high probability event.

The 2021 TVB Thousand Stars Hui He Taiqing looks lively and lively, a bit like ten years ago

2021TVb Thousand Stars Hui He Taiqing strong emcee lineup

This year, TVB 10,000 Stars Hui He Taiqing has a total of 13 emcees, including Wang Mingquan, Chen Baixiang, Zheng Yuling, Ding Zilang, Feng Yingying, Cui Jianbang, Song Wanying, Lu Haoming, Mai Mei'en, Lin Shengbin, Deng Zifeng, Li Zhishan, and Chen Belle. Look at Zheng Yuling's title is the captain of the artist team, Wang Mingquan's title is the captain of the singer team, not surprisingly, the Taiqing performance will be the artist team and the singer team's game, the routine of the two teams is not fresh, mainly to see the quality of the artists' programs, TVB artists in the singers are born a lot, singing skills are not worse than professional singers, then there will be to watch.

The 2021 TVB Thousand Stars Hui He Taiqing looks lively and lively, a bit like ten years ago

Li Keqin led the Taiwan Celebration performance

The list of singers participating in the 2021 TVB 10,000 Stars Hui He Taiqing has been determined, and will be led by Li Keqin, with 19 singers, including Grasshopper, Lian Shiya, Wang Hao'er, Yong'er, Chen Baiyu, Li Xing'er, Jiang Haijia, Zheng Xinyi, Feng Yunqian, Sugar Sister, Zeng Bit, Zhan Tiantian, Wu Ruoxi, Ju Ziqiao, Tan Jiayi, Yan Mingxi, Lin Xintong, Yao Zhuofei, and Zhong Roumei. Careful friends will find that these singers in addition to TVB star dreams, but also from universal, Emperor, Warner, Huanya four major record companies, Zeng Zhiwei has been insisting on breaking the ice with the four major record companies after taking office, this time the four records all sent singers to participate in the TVB thousands of stars to celebrate the celebration, so that this year's celebration is more meaningful.

The 2021 TVB Thousand Stars Hui He Taiqing looks lively and lively, a bit like ten years ago
The 2021 TVB Thousand Stars Hui He Taiqing looks lively and lively, a bit like ten years ago

2021 TVB Thousand Stars Hui He Tai Qing Singer List

The 2021 TVB Thousand Stars Hui He Taiqing looks lively and lively, a bit like ten years ago

2021 TVB Thousand Stars Hui He Taiqing singer rehearsal

The list of members of the 2021 TVB 10,000 Stars Hui He Tai Qing Artist Team has not been fully exposed, and it is not surprising that the main ARTISTs of TVB in Hong Kong will participate, but how many performances will be unknown. We saw a rehearsal photo of the male artist Stacked Luohan, in which Chen Zhanpeng stood in the C position, the aura is quite strong, this program should be the highlight of the artist team, Chen Zhanpeng's position in TVB is still quite stable, before the rumors were suppressed, it should be misinformed, Chen Zhanpeng is also very hopeful to win the emperor by virtue of his play in "The Case Against the Sky". In the program of female artists, we got a group photo after rehearsing the dance, including Chen Xiaohua, Jiang Jiamin, Guo Baiyan and other small flowers.

The 2021 TVB Thousand Stars Hui He Taiqing looks lively and lively, a bit like ten years ago

Male artists perform stacked arhats

The 2021 TVB Thousand Stars Hui He Taiqing looks lively and lively, a bit like ten years ago

Group photo of female artists after performing dance

2021 TVB Thousand Stars Hui He Taiqing looks lively, a bit like He Taiqing ten years ago, but in recent years, Hong Kong TV dramas and songs have not been booming, and there have been almost no new kings and queens of heaven, and there are still many differences from the grand situation of that year, but it finally looks lively.