
Li Yitong's night drama is terrifying! The big centipede quietly landed on its legs, and netizens called "Lao Tie is really calm"

author:Renja Wilderness Q4

Late at night on June 29, in the star-studded film and television city, Li Yitong and his partner Liu Yuning were in full swing filming an important night scene. Just as the two were immersed in the plot and talking and laughing, a visit from an "uninvited guest" made this scene particularly thrilling.

Li Yitong's night drama is terrifying! The big centipede quietly landed on its legs, and netizens called "Lao Tie is really calm"

It is reported that at that time, Li Yitong was engrossed in the role and seemed to ignore everything around him. However, at this moment, a centipede, several inches long and pitch-black, silently climbed up her leg. This scene was discovered by the sharp-eyed staff for the first time, and they exclaimed, and they couldn't help but pinch a cold sweat for Li Yitong in their hearts.

Li Yitong's night drama is terrifying! The big centipede quietly landed on its legs, and netizens called "Lao Tie is really calm"

You must know that centipedes, although they are usually common in rural fields, their toxicity should not be underestimated. What's more, in the dim light, this centipede looks unusually large, which is even more terrifying. The staff gathered around, ready to drive the "uninvited guest" away.

Li Yitong's night drama is terrifying! The big centipede quietly landed on its legs, and netizens called "Lao Tie is really calm"

Surprisingly, Li Yitong, who was in "danger", did not seem to realize that he had had a "close contact" with the centipede. She is still playing against Liu Yuning, with a bright smile on her face, as if everything is under control. It wasn't until Liu Yuning and the staff worked together to drive the centipede away that Li Yitong woke up from a dream and realized that he had just experienced a "frightening" journey.

Li Yitong's night drama is terrifying! The big centipede quietly landed on its legs, and netizens called "Lao Tie is really calm"

Li Yitong said frankly in an interview: "I really didn't know that there were centipedes on my legs at that time, and I just felt a little itchy." It was only when I heard the exclamations that I realized what had happened. Really thank you very much to the staff and Liu Yuning, they responded quickly and helped me get rid of the centipede. ”

Li Yitong's night drama is terrifying! The big centipede quietly landed on its legs, and netizens called "Lao Tie is really calm"

Regarding this sudden "frightening" trip, netizens have expressed that "Lao Tie is really calm". Some netizens ridiculed: "To what extent is Li Yitong's 'big heart'?" Even centipedes dare to put them on their laps! Some netizens praised: "Li Yitong's professionalism is really admirable, even if he encounters danger, he can be so calm and comfortable." ”

Li Yitong's night drama is terrifying! The big centipede quietly landed on its legs, and netizens called "Lao Tie is really calm"

Li Yitong has always been known for his dedication and professionalism. She not only continued to break through herself in acting, but also showed a high level of professionalism during the filming process. Although she encountered the "surprise attack" of centipedes this time, she was still able to maintain a calm and professional attitude and continue to devote herself to the filming work. This spirit is undoubtedly worth learning and learning from every actor.

Li Yitong's night drama is terrifying! The big centipede quietly landed on its legs, and netizens called "Lao Tie is really calm"

And in this incident, we also saw the professionalism and emergency response ability of the crew. They were able to spot the danger at the first time and react quickly to successfully drive the centipede away. This spirit of solidarity and cooperation and emergency response ability have also raised our expectations for this work again.

Li Yitong's night drama is terrifying! The big centipede quietly landed on its legs, and netizens called "Lao Tie is really calm"

The incident has also sparked reflection on the topic of "harmonious coexistence between wild animals and humans". The presence of wild animals in this particular environment on set is not uncommon. How to protect the safety and living environment of wild animals while ensuring the filming schedule is a problem that every crew needs to face seriously.

Li Yitong's night drama is terrifying! The big centipede quietly landed on its legs, and netizens called "Lao Tie is really calm"

We might as well draw on some traditional folk proverbs and wisdom. For example, "If you respect one foot, you will respect one foot", which means that as long as people respect nature and care for the environment, nature will repay us in the same way. During the filming process, the crew can remind the crew and actors to pay attention to the safety of wildlife by setting up warning signs and strengthening inspections. At the same time, it can also improve everyone's awareness of environmental protection and responsibility through publicity and education.

Li Yitong's night drama is terrifying! The big centipede quietly landed on its legs, and netizens called "Lao Tie is really calm"

Although this "centipede incident" brought some hiccups to Li Yitong and the crew, it also let us see their dedication, professionalism, and calmness and courage in the face of danger. At the same time, this incident also reminds us to pay more attention to the protection of wild animals, so that the harmonious coexistence of human beings and nature has become our common goal.

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