
Naren Chaogetu: Leveraging Internet thinking to promote the new development of traditional culture

author:Hulunbuir News

From employees to bosses, from platform operations to innovative communication, in the past 5 years, except for a brief internship in the tower, Naren Chaogetu has hardly stayed away from media operations. Between the roles, he has always maintained the innocence of a media person and the responsibility of national inheritance that he enshrines.

Naren Chaogetu, 27, is a native of Hulunbuir. After graduating from college in 2017, he went to Chengdu with the idea of breaking into the outside world and worked as a media operator at Onion Video for 3 years. Naren Chaogetu always had the idea of contributing to the inheritance of national culture in his heart, and with such a dream, he returned to his hometown and founded Hulunbuir Xiaoyuan Times Culture Media Co., Ltd. "I am Mongolian, Hulunbuir is my hometown, I want to combine my national traditional culture with the new content that young people like and are easy to accept, so that it can produce a chemical reaction, integrate new content, and promote traditional culture in innovative ways." Naren said to Getu.

Naren Chaogetu has always been committed to combining national characteristics with new eras, new contents, and new trends. After returning to his hometown, he visited dozens of restaurants with traditional national characteristics in succession, creating "net red restaurants" through a broad network coverage, integrating physical stores with the Internet, and attracting more people to understand and experience local ethnic culture. "Integrating Internet thinking into the traditional business model can not only help merchants expand their business channels, but also publicize the traditional national culture, so that people across the country can better understand Hulunbuir, feel the traditional national characteristics, and boost The economic development of Hulunbuir." Naren said to Getu.

Talking about the impact of bilingual education on his personal growth, Naren Chaogetu said: "I learned the national common language from the novel Mongolian language, and after going to school. I believe that mastering multiple languages can broaden your work scope and enrich your development path. Learn one more skill, master one more language, and have a broader space for development after entering the society. ”

For the future development plan, Naren Chaogetu said that he wants to make a news account before the end of the year to better disseminate the local national culture of Hulunbuir. While publicizing national culture, we will carry out public welfare live broadcasting to bring goods to help the sustainable development of the local economy. (Reporter Rainbow intern Jiang Lu)

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