
Zhang Lingfu stole Su Yu and occupied Lianshui, and at the same time Su Yu was superior in Fighting Hu Lian's war god skills in Subei

author:Blameless nonsense about history

In the early days of the Liberation War, there was still a big gap between the People's Liberation Army and the Kuomintang army, especially Chen Yi and Su Yu, who were too close to the old man's Nanjing, and during the War of Resistance Against Japan, Su Yu had hit the outskirts of Nanjing, and the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions were also important grain producing areas, so both the Japanese and the Kuomintang attached special importance to this place.

Zhang Lingfu stole Su Yu and occupied Lianshui, and at the same time Su Yu was superior in Fighting Hu Lian's war god skills in Subei

After the Shandong Field Army led by Chen Yi lost the Lianghuai region, the central government decided to merge Chen Yi's Shandong Field Army and Su Yu's Central China Field Army to form the East China Field Army.

The first battle of the combined field army and Zhang Lingfu's Seventy-fourth Division fought a big battle in Lianshui City, and it was a war of attrition, Su Yu finally defended Lianshui City, Zhang Lingfu did not take much advantage, but the Seventy-fourth Division and Zhang Lingfu were hit and lost their self-confidence, and the army even rumored that they did not enter Lianshui, all because of a stone tower in Lianshui City, that is, the gods were defending Lianshui, so they did not go in, and finally Zhang Lingfu had to personally meet to find confidence for the soldiers, saying that the next time they would use a thousand shells to deal with the stone tower.

Zhang Lingfu stole Su Yu and occupied Lianshui, and at the same time Su Yu was superior in Fighting Hu Lian's war god skills in Subei

Zhang Lingfu also had a strange premonition, he sent a telegram to other generals, saying that a year later, there would be no place to die, and a year later in Meng Lianggu, he was really dead.

In the second Lianshui Campaign, Lianshui still did not hold, but the command was not Su Yu but the political commissar Tan Zhenlin, the opponent was Zhang Lingfu, Zhang Lingfu learned a lot of things from Su Yu after the first Lianshui Campaign, this time all used, it can be said that stealing the division succeeded.

And Su Yu went to Suqian to command the Subei Campaign, which was also what he later said, the three most tense battles in his life, this was the first, but the result was that Su Yu won, which shows that Su Yu's military ability is really powerful.

Zhang Lingfu stole Su Yu and occupied Lianshui, and at the same time Su Yu was superior in Fighting Hu Lian's war god skills in Subei

Zhang Lingfu said so, but he really summed up the lesson, that is, he had previously despised the New Fourth Army and Su Yu too much, especially the lack of preparation for reinforcements, which was the main reason for the first failure.

On December 3, 1946, Zhang Lingfu's 74th Brigade and 192nd Brigade, starting from Huaiyin, once again attacked Lianshui, their first target was the south of Lianshui, but this time he had to fight steadily this time.

However, at this time, the defense of Lianshui City had been replaced by Huaye Political Commissar, the commander of the Sixth Division, Tan Zhenlin, with a total strength of ten regiments, Tan Zhenlin, according to the experience of the last Lianshui Campaign, believed that Zhang Lingfu was still attacking from the south, so he arranged the main force in the south.

It was personally commanded by Wang Bicheng, deputy commander of the Sixth Division, but the terrain there was gentle and did not have the favorable conditions of the old Yellow River embankment, and after two days of fierce fighting, Liannan did not hold it.

When Wang Bicheng retreated to the south bank of the Old Yellow River, he let one regiment after another carry out rotational defense, and when one regiment was almost fighting, he switched to another regiment, and used this wheel war to successfully stop the attack of the Seventy-fourth Division.

At this time, in addition to Lianshui, there were also three Kuomintang troops also attacking, Su Yu led 12 regiments south of Yancheng to meet the enemy, Chen Yi put 27 regiments in Lunan, and took 24 regiments south to Shuyang.

In fact, among these four roads, the enemy who attacked Shuyang from Suqian was the most threatening, and the defense was also the most uncertain, so Chen Yi proposed to concentrate on the mountains and Huaye to attack the enemy of Shuyang with all their strength.

Therefore, after su Yu solved Yancheng, he led the main force to Shuyang to participate in the battle, and the enemy of Yancheng was Li Mo'an.

Zhang Lingfu stole Su Yu and occupied Lianshui, and at the same time Su Yu was superior in Fighting Hu Lian's war god skills in Subei

On December 8, 1946, Li Mo'an let Li Tianxia's Eighty-fourth Division as the main force and approached WuyouChang in Yancheng, a town of more than 2,000 families, there was a river in the town, Su Yu used this river to lay fortifications, Li Tianxia attacked for several days, but did not enter.

On December 11, 1946, Li Mo'an personally arrived at the battlefield, and while arranging for Li Tianxia to continue to attack from the front, he also arranged for Li Tianxia to attack from the right flank.

However, as the battle progressed, Li Mo'an became more and more aware that something was wrong, and the information that came from the People's Liberation Army showed that the main force of the People's Liberation Army was moving in the direction of Yancheng, and even he himself took a plane to reconnoiter, which made him frightened, the People's Liberation Army was not just defensive, this was to surround its own two divisions.

So Li Mo'an got off the plane and resolutely ordered the troops to retreat, to tell the truth, Li Mo'an is still a little capable, you must know that this order was issued by the Ministry of National Defense, and he was responsible for withdrawing troops without authorization.

Because Li Mo'an retreated in time, sure enough, Su Yu's main force came to wrap his dumplings that night, and only one battalion after Li Mo'an was broken was destroyed.

At this time, the Ministry of National Defense really called to question him, and Liu Fei, deputy chief of staff of the Ministry of National Defense, came to question why he had retreated without authorization.

Later, even Mao Zedong said: "In fact, Comrade Liu Fei has made great contributions to our ability to liberate all of China today."

Zhang Lingfu stole Su Yu and occupied Lianshui, and at the same time Su Yu was superior in Fighting Hu Lian's war god skills in Subei

Liu Fei

Li Mo'an was not surrounded by Su Yu, of course, as an "insider" must have to find trouble with him, so Tang Enbo came, and after Tang Enbo came to listen to Li Mo'an's words, he knew that he was correct, and liu Fei did not continue to pursue it.

At this time, Huang Baitao's reinforcements came, and Su Yu's 12 regiments in Yancheng could not go, so he could only go to Shuyang alone and command the Battle of Subei.

Why is this Su Yu's first and most intense battle? Later, Su Yu recalled that it was mainly because the troops here were all originally from the mountains, which were composed of Ye Fei's column of the New Fourth Army and a part of the Shandong Military Region of the Eighth Route Army, and Ye Fei was indeed Su Yu's subordinates before, but after the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, they went to Shandong, which has been more than a year.

Moreover, there were few familiar command organs, in addition, the new environment, the new opponents, which Su Yu had to be familiar with in the shortest possible time, which was the reason for his nervousness.

But when he entered the war room and saw the map on the wall, the energy of the god of war that flowed in the blood returned.

There were two units attacking Shuyang, one was Hu Lian's reorganized Eleventh Division, which was one of the same five main forces as Zhang Lingfu's Seventy-fourth Division, which was not weak in combat effectiveness and had a weak sixty-ninth division next to it.

Dai Zhiqi, the commander of the Sixty-ninth Division, had three and a half brigades of troops, half of which had just been transferred, so the command was inconvenient, Dai Zhiqi originally relied on Hu Lian's thigh, but there was also a big marshal above, and it was this marshal who gave Su Yu the opportunity.

Zhang Lingfu stole Su Yu and occupied Lianshui, and at the same time Su Yu was superior in Fighting Hu Lian's war god skills in Subei

Dai Zhiqi

This marshal is Wu Qiwei, deputy director of the Xuzhou Office, this guy is not a command material at all, and it is far worse than Li Mo'an, he did not know that shuyang was stationed with heavy troops, and he thought that there was emptiness there, so let the two divisions advance quickly, or divide the troops into two roads.

According to Su Yu's usual practice, Persimmon first found a soft pinch, but this time he aimed at Hu Lian, and at this time, Chen Yi, the old army elder partner of the command, also agreed with Su Yu's opinion.

Chen Yi's Yamano had lost several battles in a row, desperately needing a beautiful victory to boost morale, and after seeing Su Yu's battle plan, he was also optimistic and confident that he could eliminate them in a week.

At dusk on December 15, 1946, Ye Fei's column was punctuated all the way, and even almost ran to Hu Lian's headquarters, and the connection between Hu Lian and Hu Zhiqi was severed, and they were knocked unconscious by this sudden attack.

There is a mountain on the battlefield called Fengshan Mountain, which is the commanding heights on the battlefield, wu Qiwei asked Hu Lian to quickly move closer to Dai Zhiqi, but Hu Lian knew that not only could he not save others by leaning over, but he also had to accompany him.

On December 16, the Sixty-ninth Division was completely encircled, on the 17th it began to be surrounded by sections, and on the 19th the Sixty-ninth Division was destroyed.

Dai Zhiqi was from the Huangpu II period, and in the end he shot himself, which was the first senior Kuomintang general to obey the old man and become a ren without success in the East China battlefield during the Liberation War, while Hu Lian had already run to the favorable terrain and did not go out at all, and Su Yu could not do anything with him, so he had to withdraw his troops.

Zhang Lingfu stole Su Yu and occupied Lianshui, and at the same time Su Yu was superior in Fighting Hu Lian's war god skills in Subei

Hu Lian

At the same time, Zhang Lingfu's Seventy-fourth Division also began to attack Lianshui City, and in the first Lianshui Campaign, Zhang Lingfu despised the New Fourth Army and suffered losses, and he later said: "The bandit army is superior to the nationalist army in both strategic and tactical battles."

In addition to the light enemy, the defeat of the first Battle of Lianshui and the main attack direction chosen by Zhang Lingfu are also related, the terrain of the Battle of Backwater is too unfavorable, in fact, this is also related to his light enemy, but after seeing Su Yu's tactics last time, he was greatly inspired so Zhang Lingfu stole Su Yu.

This time he still sent the Fifty-eighth Brigade to the south of the city, which was the first suspicious tactic with Su Yuxue, the last time was under Su Yu's suspicious tactics, he did not line up all the main forces and lost the opportunity, and the wise opponents on the battlefield were always the best teachers.

Virtual reality is a trick, and the second trick is Su Yu's roundabout copy.

On December 14, the day before Su Yu besieged Dai Zhiqi, Zhang Lingfu commanded the Fifty-first Brigade, the Fifty-seventh Brigade, and a brigade of the Seventh Army of the Gui Army, and suddenly launched an attack on Lianshui, avoiding the frontal defense and launching an attack from the town of Daihe in the west of the city.

During the First Battle of Lianshui, Su Yu also judged that this might be Zhang Lingfu's main attack direction, because there were two rivers in this town, which was not convenient for the New Fourth Army to attack, and it was very difficult to defend frontally.

In the first Battle of Lianshui, Su Yu deliberately asked Li Shihuai to put the most effective troops there, and there were also second and third lines.

Zhang Lingfu stole Su Yu and occupied Lianshui, and at the same time Su Yu was superior in Fighting Hu Lian's war god skills in Subei

This time it was not Su Yu who commanded, it was the political commissar Tan Zhenlin, who placed the main force in the south of the city, Wang Bicheng and Jiang Weiqing telegraphed Tan Zhenlin several times, and from Zhang Lingfu's attack this time, he was likely to attack the east and the west, but Tan Zhenlin did not pay attention.

Zhang Lingfu seized this opportunity and captured the town of Daihe at dusk that day, after which Zhang Lingfu changed his habit of attacking during the day and launched an attack overnight.

Seeing that many places in the west of the city were broken, Tan Zhenlin hurriedly adjusted to avoid the heat and let Wang Bicheng's Sixteenth Brigade go to the west of the city to support.

On December 15, the day of the Battle of Subei, the 16th Brigade and the 74th Division repeatedly fought on the embankment west of the city, after which Tan Zhenlin asked Wang Bicheng to dispatch the 18th Brigade to participate in the battle.

Unfortunately, it was too late, Wang Bicheng's sixth division was all in the south of the city, because there were not enough ships, a full nine hours, to cross the eighteenth brigade across the river, there was no way to participate in the defense of the west of the city at the first time.

At dawn on the 16th, Su Yu divided and encircled Subei, and Zhang Lingfu also began to launch a general attack on the west of the city, and fierce artillery fire completely covered the positions of the People's Liberation Army in the west of the city.

At this time, the Eighteenth Brigade had not yet crossed the river, the Sixteenth Brigade could only fight alone, suffering from the enemy on both sides, the defensive line was broken again in the afternoon, and the Seventy-fourth Division attacked Lianshui City from the west gate and the north gate, and Lianshui was completely lost that afternoon.

Zhang Lingfu stole Su Yu and occupied Lianshui, and at the same time Su Yu was superior in Fighting Hu Lian's war god skills in Subei

Huaye World War II Lianshui, only the Sixth Division lost more than 4,000 elites, in addition, the loss of Lianshui also triggered a series of chain reactions, the south of yancheng, which was difficult to hold, because of the loss of the protection of Lianshui's flank, coupled with Li Mo'an's large number of troops from the front, Huaye could only helplessly withdraw from Yancheng.

Zhang Lingfu occupied Lianshui by stealing his teachers and learning art, and at this point, the two Huai and Lianshui were occupied by the Seventy-fourth Division, and Hua Ye and Zhang Lingfu's enmity was added to the record.

Originally, on the 19th, Su Yu might have had the opportunity to destroy Zhang Lingfu, Xue Yue let Zhang Lingfu go north from Lianshui, if Zhang Lingfu carried out According to Xue Yue's orders, it was bound to be a lone army, and such an opportunity Su Yu would definitely not give up.

However, Zhang Lingfu was motionless in Lianshui, even if Su Yu gave a strict order, he still did not send troops, the Battle of Lianshui made Zhang Lingfu learn to be obedient, he was like Li Mo'an, waiting until the reinforcements around him were close together, he was willing to send troops forward, thus forming a dense formation, Su Yu wanted to divide the encirclement Is difficult, Su Yu can only make more plans.

And the two Lianshui battles, two different endings, not only the difference in the strategy and tactics of the troops, but also because of the different commanders, the results are different, Tan Zhenlin did lose Lianshui, but Zhang Lingfu stole the teacher to learn the art, played a key role, no way his teacher Su Yu is too powerful.

Chen Yi also said that when he mentioned the Seventy-fourth Division, it was best to eliminate them as soon as possible, because the damage caused by such a unit was very serious, and some people in the Kuomintang also said that if there were ten troops like the Seventy-fourth Division, the Nationalist army would not be afraid of anything.

Zhang Lingfu stole Su Yu and occupied Lianshui, and at the same time Su Yu was superior in Fighting Hu Lian's war god skills in Subei

A year later, Meng Lianggu, Su Yu finally seized the opportunity, Zhang Lingfu's seventy-four was completely destroyed, and in these several battles, Su Yu was fought by famous generals of the Huangpu department of the Nationalist Army, who were well-known figures in the War of Resistance, Li Mo'an, Hu Lian, Zhang Lingfu, Xue Yue, and Dai Zhiqi, who committed suicide, so that Su Yu, who had not attended a military school for a day, had a good education for a while, and in the time that followed, they also had to bear all kinds of schemes of the God of War, and the God of War Su Yu deserved it.

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