
Home-cooked chicken cutlets

author:Wind Dance 4

Today I bought two pieces of chicken breast and prepared to fry some chicken steaks to eat. Prepare the ingredients for the chicken steak, salt, pepper noodles, thirteen spices, pepper, starch, two eggs (beat in a bowl), breadcrumbs. First cut the chicken breast into thick and even slices, like to eat thick can be cut thick points, cut well with salt, pepper noodles, thirteen spices, pepper salt restrictions for twenty minutes. After marinating, take a piece of chicken breast and wrap it with a layer of starch, then dip it with egg liquid, and finally wrap it evenly with breadcrumbs, heat the oil by 70%, add the chicken steak, and fry it until both sides are golden brown. The fried chicken steaks are crispy and tender, very tasty! If you like to eat sweet and sour, you can dip it with tomato sauce or sprinkle it with cumin powder or chili noodles.

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