
Chef teaches you chicken steak, better than what you bought outside, just make it yourself, just rest assured, go and try it

author:Uncle's Notes

Today I would like to share with you a very delicious chicken breast, fragrant chicken steak. This fragrant chicken steak is very simple to make, and after making it, it is fragrant, crispy and crispy, and the chicken is also very flavorful. This fragrant chicken steak made at home not only tastes no worse than the chicken steak sold outside, but is also clean and hygienic, and it is very reassuring to eat.

Chef teaches you chicken steak, better than what you bought outside, just make it yourself, just rest assured, go and try it

【Chicken Cutlet】

【Ingredients】Chicken breast, fried chicken ingredients, soy sauce, eggs, cumin, flour

【Preparation steps】

1, first prepare two pieces of chicken breast, an appropriate amount of fried chicken ingredients, a little soy sauce, two eggs, a moderate amount of cumin powder, an appropriate amount of cooking oil. The fried chicken we prepare is crispy fried chicken, if you like to eat spicy, you can also prepare it into spicy fried chicken sauce. If you like to eat other flavors of chicken steak, such as black pepper flavor, tomato flavor, then prepare a little black pepper or tomato sauce. After all of the ingredients and seasonings used to make the fried chicken steak are ready for it, we start to prepare and cook.

Chef teaches you chicken steak, better than what you bought outside, just make it yourself, just rest assured, go and try it

2, put the chicken breast we prepared in water to thaw it, do not let the chicken breast completely become soft, press it, if there is still a little hard block inside, then it can be, because it is not easy to cut if it is completely soft. After the chicken breast is thawed and softened, we wash it, then put it on the board and use a knife to cut a piece of chicken breast in half. After the tablet is opened, put it aside.

Chef teaches you chicken steak, better than what you bought outside, just make it yourself, just rest assured, go and try it

3: Use the back of the kitchen knife to smash the chicken breast, and gently and carefully smash it a few times. Just smash the muscle tissue of the chicken breast loosely, don't smash the chicken breast. After the chicken breast is smashed, we put it in clean water to wash it again, and after cleaning, control the moisture and put it in a large basin. Two pieces of chicken breast meat is almost 400 grams, and the ratio of chicken breast to fried chicken sauce is 8:1. That is to say, 400 grams of chicken breast meat we need to add 50 grams of fried chicken feed. After pouring the fried chicken ingredients in, let's add a little more soy sauce, two or three drops, not too much.

Chef teaches you chicken steak, better than what you bought outside, just make it yourself, just rest assured, go and try it

4, after putting it all in, we give it a mixture of grasping, grabbing the surface of the chicken breast evenly wrapped in a layer of fried chicken feed, and then put it aside for 15 minutes. When the time came, we beat two eggs into the basin and continued to mix with our hands to let the egg mixture and chicken breast mix thoroughly. After the egg mixture is also scratched and mixed, we add flour to it and add flour in small quantities and times. Then continue to mix it well, until the batter can hang on the chicken breast.

Chef teaches you chicken steak, better than what you bought outside, just make it yourself, just rest assured, go and try it

5: Prepare the right amount of dry flour in a small dish, then we grab the end of the chicken breast, let the chicken breast evenly dip a layer of dry flour, and then put it in a hot oil pan and fry it. In the process of frying, it should be constantly turned over, and when it is fried until the surface is golden and crispy, it can be out of the pan. After it comes out of the pan, we sprinkle it with the right amount of cumin powder. A very delicious chicken cutlet is made.


1, in the fried chicken steak if the flour will not be fried, wrapped in breadcrumbs are also OK, but when wrapping breadcrumbs must be pressed hard to make the breadcrumbs stick firmly on the chicken breast, if not tight, it is easy to loosen when frying.

3, when frying, the heat should not be too large, medium and low heat slow frying can be.

Chef teaches you chicken steak, better than what you bought outside, just make it yourself, just rest assured, go and try it

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