
Zero-oil low-fat empty fried chicken steak, fat-reducing people like

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Zero-oil low-fat empty fried chicken steak, fat-reducing people like

Fat loss wants to control the oil, and do not want to always eat boiled, then make an air fryer, very delicious, although it does not look good.

By the purple jade who loves food

1 piece of chicken breast

Chicken steak paste: :

Medium gluten powder 45 g

Water 50 g

1 egg

Chicken steak fried powder :

Medium gluten powder 125 g

Baking powder 2 g

Baking soda 1 g

Salt 1 g

Water 20 g

Dipping powder :

Medium gluten powder 20 g

Onion ginger cooking wine raw soy sauce pepper powder to taste

Zero-oil low-fat empty fried chicken steak, fat-reducing people like

1: Make two or three slices of chicken breast.

Zero-oil low-fat empty fried chicken steak, fat-reducing people like

2: Add shallots and ginger, cooking wine, oyster sauce, soy sauce, peppercorn powder and peppercorns to marinate.

Zero-oil low-fat empty fried chicken steak, fat-reducing people like

3: When the chicken steak is marinated, make the chicken steak paste, stir the medium gluten flour and water evenly, and then add the eggs to stir evenly into a thin paste.

Zero-oil low-fat empty fried chicken steak, fat-reducing people like

4, homemade chicken steak fried powder, chicken steak fried powder all the ingredients mixed together, rolled into a flocculent can be.

Zero-oil low-fat empty fried chicken steak, fat-reducing people like

5: The chicken steak is marinated and started. Dip the marinated chicken steak in a flour, put it in the chicken steak paste and hang the paste, then roll the fried powder in the chicken steak powder, wrap it evenly and put it into the air frying basket.

Zero-oil low-fat empty fried chicken steak, fat-reducing people like

6. Turn on the temperature 200 and set the timer for 30 minutes.

Zero-oil low-fat empty fried chicken steak, fat-reducing people like

7, visual pot lid, can clearly see the changes in the products in the frying basket, adjust the time at any time. I turned over ten minutes down.

Zero-oil low-fat empty fried chicken steak, fat-reducing people like

8, when the time comes, take it out and cut it open and put it on the plate to eat. Tender and juicy, 0 oil low fat. Great for people who lose fat.

The downside is that the color is not very good-looking, and everything else is OK.

Celery, plums, rabbit meat, etc

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