
The majestic power that makes the wasteland a granary - a review of the spirit of the Northern Wilderness

author:China Youth Network

【Spiritual Genealogy of Chinese Communists】

The majestic power that turns the wasteland into a granary

——A Review of the Spirit of the Great Northern Wilderness

Reporter Zhang Shiying and Li Hui

In the autumn of 2021, the grain production in beidahuang ushered in the "eighteen consecutive years", and the total grain output is expected to reach more than 46 billion jin, an increase of 3 billion jin over 2020, and will accumulate 1 trillion jin of grain production for the country.

In September 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his inspection and investigation in Heilongjiang, "It is not easy for because of today's Great Wilderness!" "What a great achievement!"

From the inaccessible "mangy wasteland" to the rich and abundant "Chinese rice bowl", behind the constantly refreshing production increase figures of beidahuang is the majestic power of shining spiritual light - the spirit of beidahuang.

For more than 70 years, generations of pioneers have fought against the earth and persevered here, conquered the reckless wasteland with sweat, blood and life, and forged the spirit of "hard struggle, courage to open up, consideration of the overall situation, and selfless dedication".

The majestic power that makes the wasteland a granary - a review of the spirit of the Northern Wilderness

"The First Footprints" (prints) Chao Frieze

1. Hard work

"In the vast snowy fields, the dark clouds are low, and several warriors carry equipment and sticks, marching hard, leaving a string of footprints behind them." At the Beidahuang Museum, a print entitled "The First Footprints" attracts viewers.

March into the wasteland! The history of the northern wilderness began with the first footprints of the pioneers.

In June 1947, a car drove from Harbin in the direction of the second district of Zhuhe County (now Yimianpo Town, Shangzhi City). On the bus, two young people, Communist Party members Li Zaihe and Liu Cen, were appointed as the chief and deputy director of the first farm in songjiang province, and were ordered to open up the wasteland and build the farm.

Before leaving, Feng Zhongyun, chairman of the Songjiang Provincial Government, explained: "The party Central Committee and Chairman Mao called for the establishment of a consolidated revolutionary base area in the northeast and demanded that a number of grain factories be set up in northern Manchuria, mainly to sum up experience, train cadres, and demonstrate peasants, so as to prepare for the realization of agricultural mechanization in the future. ”

On June 13, Li Zairen hung a pine plank with the name of the farm written on it in front of a grass house, and Liu Cen started the "fire plow" and rumbled... The inaccessible ancient wasteland has sprung up the "first plough in the East", and the prelude to the development and construction of the Northern Wilderness has begun.

During the reclamation period, 140,000 demobilized soldiers, 100,000 graduates of colleges and secondary technical colleges, 200,000 young people from the mainland branches and 540,000 urban intellectual youth rushed to the Northern Wilderness.

On April 12, 1958, just after the east was brightened, the square of Mishan Railway Station was crowded with people, and the figure of Yellow Military Uniform was everywhere. On this day, Wang Zhen, then minister of agricultural reclamation, rushed to Mishan to attend the 10,000-person conference held by the Railway Corps Agricultural Reclamation Bureau in the square of Mishan Railway Station. He issued a call at the scene: "Never put down the gun, good man to build the Northern Wilderness!" The next day, tens of thousands of demobilized soldiers carried their luggage, led their wives and children, walked on foot to the wasteland with no roads and no villages, and sang loudly: "A red heart is handed over to the party, and the hero is disarmed and re-entered the battlefield..."

In the Northern Wilderness of that year, the conditions were very harsh, and everywhere it went, there were thorns, swamps, and wild beasts.

"In winter, frostbitten hands and feet are as uncomfortable as a cat bite. In the summer, mosquitoes and blind midges take turns to attack, and they can't sleep when they bite, so they simply walk out of the shack, sing and dance, and go back to sleep when they are tired. Du Junqi, an 87-year-old retired employee of Gongqing Farm, recalled his experience in that year with great emotion.

Without houses, the reclamation team used mud and branches to build horse racks; if there was no well, they used bubble water to filter and cook; and when there was no grain, they relied on livestock feed, chaff, bark, grass roots, melon seedlings, etc. to fill their hunger.

The harshness of natural conditions and the hardships of material conditions did not make the pioneers flinch, and they used their youth, blood and even life to fill in the names of one state farm after another on the blank spots of the map, creating a miracle in the history of human reclamation.

Arduous struggle is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation and an heirloom of the Chinese Communists. It is precisely by relying on arduous struggle that our party has united and led the people of all nationalities throughout the country to break out of a path of socialist reform and development with Chinese characteristics and promoted the Chinese nation to achieve a great leap from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong.

With the change of the times, the arduous struggle is no longer limited to the harsh natural environment and scarce material resources, but does not covet comfort in favorable circumstances, and is determined and strong in adversity. In 2020, in the face of the sudden outbreak of new crown pneumonia, China conscientiously and meticulously implemented epidemic prevention measures, raced against time to resume work and production, coordinated epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development to achieve major results, and took the lead in achieving positive growth among the world's major economies.

A great cause requires generations, dozens of generations, dozens of generations of continuous struggle.

On the new journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, there will inevitably be arduous and heavy tasks, difficulties, obstacles, and even terrifying waves, which particularly requires us to carry forward the spirit of arduous struggle and make more arduous and arduous efforts.

2. Courage to open up

"Chinese grain! Chinese rice bowl! In September 2018, when General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation and Construction Sanjiang Administration Bureau to investigate, he held a bowl of rice in both hands and said meaningfully.

More than half a century has passed, and the Great Wilderness has undergone vicissitudes and great changes, and the results of mechanization, informatization and intelligent development have been gratifying.

From scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong, every step of beidahuang is moving forward in pioneering and innovating. "The reason why Beidahuang was able to transform into Beidacang is because in the pioneering and enterprising entrepreneurial process, they dare to emancipate their minds and be diligent in innovation and exploration, which inspires the people of Beidahuang not only to fight against the earth, but also to challenge themselves." Chen Chen, associate professor of the Political and Legal Teaching and Research Department of the Party School of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, said.

"Let's contract farm land and do it ourselves, what's the matter?" One night in the spring of 1983, Wang Mucun, a farm worker at 858, and his family of five gathered together. Not long ago, he returned to his hometown in Henan for the New Year, and saw that there was a vigorous domestic co-production contract, and the peasants earned money and lived their hearts, which made him want to engage in contracting. The wife objected: "The son has not yet married his daughter-in-law!" Lost the whole thing? "The sons and daughters were very supportive, and it was decided at that time!" Wang Mucun recalled.

That year, Wang Mucun contracted 2,200 acres of land at once. At the end of the year, his family farm made a profit of 27,000 yuan, which was 3 times the profit of the entire production team, and was known as the "first primrose" in Heilongjiang Reclamation District.

In 1984, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee pointed out: "State farms should continue to carry out reforms, implement the responsibility system of co-production contracts, and run family farms well." "Like advancing into the wasteland, the People of the Northern Wilderness began to march towards reform. From 1984 to 1996, more than 200,000 family farms were established in the reclamation area, completing the first leap in agricultural reform on the basis of exploring a diversified management system.

"Adhere to the new type of agricultural unified division combined with two-tier operation system based on family farms and 'large farms coordinating small farms', and promote the formation of a 'four-in-one' modern agricultural management system with Chinese characteristics led by the state-owned economy." After more than 70 years of development, Beidahuang has embarked on a path of agricultural modernization and development with Chinese characteristics. Wang Shoucong, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Beidahuang Agricultural Reclamation Group Co., Ltd., said.

In the new era, in the face of the new mission entrusted by the party and the state, beidahuang has drawn a higher development goal under the premise of consolidating and improving grain production capacity: building large bases, large enterprises, and large industries, and building an aircraft carrier in the field of modern agriculture.

Reform is still a weapon for promoting development. "At present, we have completed the transfer of nearly 30,000 administrative matters, realizing a smooth transition from the General Administration of Agricultural Reclamation to the Agricultural Reclamation Group." Wang Shoucong introduced that in 2020, Beidahuang Group fully completed the reform of the agricultural reclamation system that integrates the transformation of the administrative system, the reform of state-owned enterprises, the reform of the company system, and the reform of public institutions, and realized the rebirth of Nirvana.

In the first three quarters of 2021, the Group achieved a total operating income of 110.21 billion yuan, an increase of 16.1% year-on-year, and a total profit of 1.32 billion yuan, an increase of 123.9% year-on-year. The brand value of "Beidahuang" reached 143.985 billion yuan, becoming the well-deserved first brand of Chinese agriculture.

Hold the rice bowl of the Chinese firmly in your own hands! Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's grain production capacity has steadily increased, and grain output has remained above 1.3 trillion kilograms for seven consecutive years, which has laid a solid foundation for the sustained, healthy and stable development of the economy and created favorable conditions for the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" to start well and make a good start.

The Great Northern Wilderness has long been not only a landmark, but also a spiritual symbol, and its spiritual connotation of daring to open up and dare to try has long been integrated into the spiritual blood of the Chinese Communists, and has become the spiritual guide of the Chinese nation to continuously forge ahead and bravely create good achievements.

The majestic power that makes the wasteland a granary - a review of the spirit of the Northern Wilderness

The autumn harvest operation site of beidahuang agricultural reclamation group. Profile picture

3. Take the overall picture into account

The spirit of beidahuang is born from the national strategy, and the people of beidahuang have always taken it as their responsibility to ensure national food security and the effective supply of important agricultural products, and have obeyed and served the overall situation of the country.

In 1960, the Northern Wilderness suffered an unprecedented flooding, and the farms could no longer provide for themselves. In that year, the ration standard of the employees in the reclamation area was reduced to 7.25 kilograms per person per month, and the family members were 5.5 kilograms, but 180 million kilograms of grain were sold to the state and the export task of 30 million kilograms of soybeans was completed.

Over the years, in order to take into account the overall situation, the people of Beidahuang have not hesitated. In 1991, the Muling River experienced a huge flood peak that had not been encountered in a hundred years. The East And West Causeways of Muxing must sacrifice one side and keep the other side! Outside the East Causeway, there are 2.4 million mu of fertile land in 6 townships and a number of farms, which are related to the safety of 150,000 people. Outside the West Causeway, there are 400,000 mu of fertile land and 20,000 people on the 857 Farm. Under the weigh-up, the General Headquarters of Flood Control gave a painful order: 857 farm workers must quickly evacuate the dam and blow up the dam to divert the flood!

In the process of development and construction of the Northern Wilderness, such stories are numerous. For more than 70 years, in the journey of safeguarding national food security, beidahuang has shouldered heavy responsibilities and fulfilled its mission, and has become the "granary of China" that the country can rely on, mobilize and respond to emergencies.

In 2003, when SARS was raging and Beijing was in a grain emergency, 48 production lines of the Beidahuang Rice Industry were fully launched, supported at the speed of one special train per day, which alleviated the food shortage in the capital in a timely manner. In 2008, after the Wenchuan earthquake, a directive was issued to the Northern Wilderness to quickly ensure the food supply in the disaster area. After 48 hours, 2,460 tons of rice, filled with 41 train cars, were sent from the production line to the disaster area. During the epidemic in 2020, Beidahuang urgently transferred 5,000 tons of rice to ensure the stability of rice prices in Beijing, and successively urgently transferred rice, corn and soybean meal to Hubei.

Nowadays, under the guidance of the rural revitalization strategy, Beidahuang Group actively integrates into the development of the territory, builds a large base with "double control and one service", establishes the Beidahuang Agricultural Service Group, provides more than 10 million mu of socialized services for the locality, and the group's fertilizer supply rate is 94.8%, the seed supply rate is 91.8%, and the grain operation rate is 20.7%, which has initially formed a new path of radiation driving the surrounding areas, the integration of reclamation land, and common prosperity.

Stabilizing the ballast stone of the "three rural areas" is of great importance to economic and social development. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has taken food security as the top priority in governing the country, put forward a new food security concept of "ensuring basic self-sufficiency in grain and absolute security of rations", established a national food security strategy with China as the mainstay, based on china, ensuring production capacity, moderate imports, and scientific and technological support, and always adhered to the road of food security with Chinese characteristics.

Ensuring national food security is an eternal issue, and this string cannot be relaxed at any time. In the face of the repeated covid-19 epidemic, all localities and departments have taken on a firm mission to ensure the stable supply of grain and important agricultural and sideline products, won the initiative to cope with various risks and challenges, and laid the foundation for maintaining sustained economic recovery and overall social stability.

4. Selfless dedication

At the Beidahuang Museum, a 25-meter-long copper wall is engraved with 12,429 names that are buried in the black earth. They come from all over the world, the youngest of whom is less than 20 years old.

Before standing on the wall, people could not help but ask: What force has brought these people together on this black land? What is the force that inspires generations of People of the Great Northern Wilderness to "dedicate their youth for life and dedicate their lives to their children and grandchildren"? When you understand the story behind these names, the answer is self-evident.

"No matter how far the frontier is, it can't stop our determination to go on an expedition!" No matter how cold the frontier is, it can't blow the enthusiasm of our labor! In 1955, Yang Hua, a young man from Beijing, led the country's first youth volunteer reclamation team to the Northern Wilderness. Someone asked him, why go? He replied: "The need of the Party is my will." ”

Hangzhou girl Sun Wenzhen came to the 852 Farm Five Branch in 1969, as the only midwife in a radius of ten miles, no matter how far the road is, she rushed to the first time to be treated, due to overwork three miscarriages. After suffering from cancer, Sun Wenzhen sent back the last party fee from Hangzhou on her deathbed, and the only request was: the ashes were sent back to the Northern Wilderness.

"The first time I saw you, the heat of love poured out of my heart... Ah, Beidahuang, my Beidahuang, I dedicate everything to you..." A song of "The Song of the Beidahuang People" sings the selfless dedication of the Beidahuang people.

Through time and space, the power of the spirit inspires future generations. "As long as the country needs it, we must do a good job." Academician Liu Yongtan, the winner of the highest national science and technology award, led the scientific research team to adhere to the independent research and development of new system radar for 40 years, and built a "Great Wall of Coastal Defense" for the national sea frontier. The country needs to become the mission of more and more scientific researchers.

In June 2021, 118 graduates of the Karamay Campus of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) chose to stay at the grassroots level in Xinjiang. "Go where the motherland needs" has become the choice of more and more young students.

Including the spirit of the Great Northern Wilderness, the series of great spirits formed by our party on the road of struggle in the past century all interpret the spiritual core of selfless dedication. Whether it was the reclaimers of the year or a large number of heroic models such as Huang Danian, Luo Yang, Liao Junbo, etc., they all showed their selfless dedication to the country and the people with their own practical actions.

"The spirit of beidahuang is an immortal epic written by the heroic and tenacious people of beidahuang with their lives and blood, which embodies the original intention and mission of the Chinese communists to 'seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation'. In the future, we must still not forget our original intentions, and let the spirit of not counting gains and losses and having the courage to sacrifice be passed on. Chen Yanyan, dean of the School of Marxism at Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural Reclamation University, said.

In the early winter wilderness, the snow covers the fertile black soil and is accumulating energy for the next year's harvest. The spirit of the Great Northern Wilderness created on the black land will never fade and last forever, and is inspiring the people of the whole country to stride forward and bravely on the road of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily