
How frightening is "tics"? Please read my experience

author:Chief PediatricIan Zheng Hua
How frightening is "tics"? Please read my experience

A heavy snow, a winter, and I broke out in a cold sweat.

Last season, my son's tics suddenly broke out, and the local doctor said: "I haven't seen such tics yet, I'm afraid it's epilepsy, right?" "And I couldn't hold on any longer, I broke down...

01 Before the outbreak

Things have to start from two years ago, in the winter of 2019, back to my hometown to celebrate my son's fourth birthday, when the epidemic suddenly broke out, we could not return, just during this time, my son's face appeared a small expression, "blinking eyes, opening his mouth."

When I first found out, I thought he was being weird, but I didn't pay attention to it, I just thought these expressions were weird. But after a few days, the facial movements became heavier.

Opening my mouth, shrugging my nose, and blinking my eyes frequently, I asked, "Do you feel uncomfortable with your eyes?" "Is it where the itch is?" My son told me, "Well, it's a little itchy." He has a sensitive physique since childhood, so he thinks that his face is uncomfortable, and he does not continue to ask questions, and he is not aware of the existence of tics.

After another half a month, one night, he and his grandmother were playing with toys in the house, just to see his twitching performance, I stopped, quietly observed for a while, just to see that his whole facial movements are uninterrupted, especially the mouth, calculated by seconds, during which time he will also shrug his nose and blink, the mother saw me, pointed to him, I nodded, I know, the child should be sick.

02 Confirmed tics

Because the epidemic can't go out, they started a frantic search, what does it mean for a child to blink his eyes? What happens when you open your mouth? Why do you move your nose? Baidu, Sogou, Weibo, Zhihu, Douyin, Kuaishou, all used, some said to see the ear, nose and throat, some said that the season caused skin sensitivity, and some said that eating badly, saying everything, made me dizzy.

Later, I flipped through to an old Chinese medicine doctor in Nanjing, who explained these movements in detail and called them "pediatric tics". I contacted the old Chinese medicine doctor and he asked a few questions, how old is the child? Boys and girls? When did the symptoms start? What are the symptoms? When I finished my story, he was diagnosed with tics and said that the child was still young, and the sooner the better the treatment. Since then, I have embarked on the path of resistance twitching.

03 Beijing medical treatment

Finally, the domestic epidemic eased, after returning from his hometown, he went straight to Beijing Children's Hospital, before that, he inquired about the situation of some doctors, so he directly registered the chief physician (psychiatry).

Unexpectedly, I mistakenly hung up the deputy chief physician, if you want to re-register, you have to wait for several days, the first is difficult to find, and you can't take care of so much, first look at it and then say it.

While queuing outside, I found that other patients had the same symptoms, most of them were children, all around 7 or 8 years old, and there were really not many people as big as us.

After waiting for more than an hour, we met with the doctor and explained the situation, and the doctor also simply asked a few questions, because he was really inexperienced, he only asked what is this disease? How long does it take to get cured? How is it treated?

The doctor told me that this is a neurological disease, children's tics, your child is too small, Western medicine can not be on the temporary, open a Cola Stabilization breathable patch, paste to the back, each paste for a week, and explain what part to paste, and then two months later follow-up, follow-up to take the blood test list, as for when it can be good, there is no clear tell me. The whole consultation lasted no more than ten minutes, and I was also dazed, and I could only take the medicine and go home.

04 Causes of illness

According to the doctor's instructions, put this small disc on the son, he will be very itchy and uncomfortable in the early stage, so he has been observing whether it has fallen, and this thing is not cheap, and I am afraid that the position of the sticker is not right, it does not work, so I am very careful.

Just pasted like this for two months, but the son's symptoms are still not alleviated, and went to Beijing for re-examination, the blood test results are no problem, the doctor asked one more question this time, is your family environment harmonious? I was a little confused, how can there be such a problem? Doctors say that the throbbing children are more sensitive psychologically, if the family environment is not good, it will stimulate them, will affect the trend of the disease, so the disease can not rely on drugs alone, but also rely on parents.

I was indeed blindfolded, because I had never considered it at all.

First of all, my family environment is still quite harmonious, I and my lover rarely quarrel, the biggest problem should be that I rarely look at children, before the age of three children have been living with the elderly in their hometown, and when they return to me, they have not taken good care of them, and sometimes they think that the old is not obedient, it is a stinky scolding, I have not had a good chat with the child, I have played, thinking of this, I slapped myself fiercely, it turned out to be my fault.

05 Change the attitude of the self-remembered hi-son

Since then, I have begun to adjust myself, and sometimes I think, thanks to the child, it was he who gave me a lesson and reminded me that there is a saying that "the feelings of a father and a son are very different, the father loves the son himself, and the son loves the memory of the father.". Then I hope this memory is beautiful.

06 Illness Map Outbreak

Although I have tried to change my ways, the worst thing happened, on Christmas Eve 2020, the child's symptoms suddenly exploded.

In fact, there are signs before the outbreak, my lover told me before, the child in the kindergarten noon old do not sleep, each time is the teacher coaxed to a little more to fall asleep, very difficult, and later found that there is a "small jump" action, such as walking, must jump a little, or when standing, also have to jump, that is, leg twitching, that time I often travel, the child is my lover himself, I did not see, just said that the symptoms worsened, I can only put down work, hurry home.

The next morning, I saw that the child was not in a good mood, so I did not let him go to school and observed him for a day, but on this day, I still have a hard time letting go.

I accompanied him to play on his favorite bike, at first it was very good, riding very fast, and after a while, he shouted "Daddy, I'm so tired", and then he started a small jump on the bike, a completely uncontrollable kind, I let him down, he began to jump, step by step, so I picked him up and asked, "Where is it uncomfortable?" He told me I was "tired," but we had just been riding for a few minutes, how did it come to this? I watched the child not stop, kept pedaling his legs, each time he pedaled his legs was the strength of his whole body, and after a while, he was sweating profusely, and I quickly threw down the bicycle and carried him home.

After returning home, he still kept pedaling his legs, I just put him on the couch, I curled up on the ground, this is self-protection, so that the strength of the legs will not be so big, he can also rest for a while, but the twitching still can't stop, I have no good way, I can only hurry to ask the doctor.

In the afternoon, I hung up the local doctor's number, because the child was in this situation, I could not take him there, I recorded some videos, the doctor was surprised and said: "I have not seen such a tics, I am afraid of epilepsy, right?" "Hearing this, I couldn't hold on any longer, I broke down...

07 Go back to your hometown for medical treatment

After careful inquiry by the doctor, it is recommended that we first do a video EEG, exclude epilepsy, but the child's tics have not stopped, and the child must do it in the house by himself, the time is more than an hour, uninterrupted, can not sleep, can not have parents, can only be accompanied by a doctor, I carefully explained the situation, the doctor said that this is the minimum standard, generally more than two hours, otherwise it is useless. I realized that this could not be done for the time being.

I went home to discuss with my lover, decided to go back to my hometown, there is more network, good to do things, to Beijing we have no number, it is too late, we simply cleaned up, drove back to catch up, generally take 5 hours to get home, the child but in the mother's arms smoked all the way, I also shed tears all the way, and kept asking myself where there was a mistake? What's wrong? Why do children get this disease? Regretting that he had changed too late, countless self-blame whipped himself.

Maybe there is no strength, when I get home, the child is asleep, I and my lover are also relieved, afraid that the old man suddenly sees this situation and is frightened, just this time can give them a cushion, if there is any other way I do not want the old man to follow the fear, but now I can not care so much, full of only the child's illness, we discussed it, tomorrow to the provincial children's hospital, relatives help hang up the number of experts.

08 Western medicine treatment

After waiting in the hospital for a long time, the child struggled to do a two-hour video EEG, but the child's tics never stopped, and each twitch had to use all his strength, but the results of the EEG took time, and we had to continue to wait.

The result finally came out, the child was tired and fell asleep, I told the doctor about the encounter of these two days, the doctor saw the results, excluded epilepsy, let us not worry too much, this is tics, but it is more serious, and his twitching action is too hurtful to the body, must first use Western medicine to control, the action is suppressed, and then opened the "thiobide".

The doctor said that the side effects of this drug are relatively small, it belongs to the mental depression class of drugs, but it does not treat the disease, it can only be controlled, it must be taken for a long time, it cannot be stopped randomly, and so the action disappears, and it is necessary to slowly reduce the drug.

09 The action is small

When I got home, according to the doctor's instructions, I gave the child "thiamine" twice a day, one tablet at a time.

The doctor said before that there will be some adverse reactions when you first take it, if it takes a long time, I will give you another dose. There are indeed symptoms, it may also be that I did not operate well, the child took it before eating, fell asleep after eating, about an hour later, suddenly woke up, got up and vomited on the ground, and made a fuss for a while, and slept normally. The next day, the appetite was still not very good, it was exhausting all the time, and it was very smelly. After about three days, the drug reaction disappeared.

We began to observe the action, but also too anxious, eager to eat immediately can disappear, every day frightened, almost half a month of waiting, the action is finally small, the kicking action slowly disappeared, the child can also run up, I also released a lot of pressure, the whole family also saw hope. Although the big move disappeared, what followed was the beginning of another nightmare.

10 Motion Shift

Sompeling, humming, sound-type movements will destroy your mind, from opening your eyes in the morning to going to bed at night, humming is non-stop, the frequency is calculated in seconds. This habit is good, after all, the child is not too guilty, and the bad thing is to have a stomach. Just like suddenly holding your breath, your stomach will become deflated, and then repeat this action, each time the speed is very fast, exert all your strength, fortunately, this action is less than humming, especially before going to sleep, so it is not easy to fall asleep every time.

During this period, there are many movement transfers, there are waiting for the face and sometimes limbs, but the big action of kicking the leg is gone, only the problem of cramping stomach is left, I continue to inquire, not as simple as imagined, the cause of the disease is very complicated, and I am confused again.

11 In one of the roads

I overheard that a relative in Beijing is an old Chinese medicine doctor, and after consultation, a letter from there said, "You can adjust it, it is a little late, try it." ”

We met, explained the specific situation, the old Chinese medicine looked at the child's tongue, the pulse, opened a week of Chinese medicine, said first adjust a look, just like this, every week with the old Chinese medicine contact, each time there will be a new formula, eat about three months, the symptoms are also repeated, good and bad when the stomach is bad, because it is the relationship between Chinese medicine, the effect will be slower, I am not too anxious, but also relieved a lot, accompany the child through this most difficult days is the most important, after all, this is a protracted war.

12 Words to the TwitchIng Parent

I didn't expect to write so much at once, the experience during this period was too much, too bitter, too torturous, I really didn't want to remember. It has been almost a year since the outbreak, and I have accumulated a lot of experience in such a long time.

Tics is still a problem overcome by the medical community, because the cause of the disease is very complex, through this time, I actively cooperate, continuous query, analysis and summary methods, the child's condition has been controlled, can go to school normally, play, and ordinary children are basically the same, leaving only some small twitching behavior, I am also very content and proud, but also continue to change their own way of education, and strive to be a qualified father.

The pain of this year is hidden, every family encounters this kind of thing, they are eager not to see people, before writing, I also struggled, after all, it is not a good thing. But sometimes I see some parents' helplessness, and I especially want to tell them some of my experiences and methods, even if it is to chat, talk to each other, and ease each other's emotions, because I understand that feeling, and people who don't experience it will never experience it.

Finally, I would like to say, "If you are also on this road, let me guide you, support each other, and make progress together." ”

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