
Off the beaten track! The candidates for mayor of Tokyo, Japan, "undressed" on the spot to perform a wonderful performance.

author:Cuiguan Entertainment

There have been many absurd phenomena in the recent mayoral election in Tokyo, Japan, and the strange words and deeds of the candidates are ridiculous. One of the candidates, Airi Uchino, was even more eye-catching, and even expressed his desire to become friends with everyone and follow his personal channel in his speech. Is this kind of election bizarre or trendy? Let's take a look!


The Japanese election phenomenon

Recently, the mayoral election in Tokyo, Japan, is in full swing, but there are some strange phenomena in this election campaign.

As the capital of Japan, the role of the mayor of Tokyo is very important, so it is natural that this election campaign has attracted a lot of attention.

From the current point of view, the strange behaviors and remarks that appeared in the election of the mayor of Tokyo are also somewhat unexpected.

There have been candidates who have proposed to legalize polygamy, and there have been bizarre phenomena such as candidates cosplaying while canvassing for votes.

However, there was something unexpected and new in this election event, and that was the performance of Airi Uchino when she gave her own speech.

Airi Uchino's speech did not talk about policy and work like other candidates.

Instead, I hope to become friends with everyone, and I hope that everyone can follow their personal channels to understand themselves more deeply.

This kind of performance can't help but make people feel a little abnormal, can the mayor of Japan also be an Internet celebrity now?

Off the beaten track! The candidates for mayor of Tokyo, Japan, "undressed" on the spot to perform a wonderful performance.


Not only did Airi Uchino behave strangely in her speech, but the other candidates actually behaved quite strangely.

For example, the ancient-style candidate who had previously proposed to legalize polygamy openly professed his underage campaign aides during his speech.

There is also a male candidate who cosplays as a female idol to attract attention while canvassing for votes.

And the Tokyo mayoral campaign is not just the candidates themselves behaving strangely, but also the election campaign has become ridiculous.

There was a candidate who had striptease directly on the street and supporters while canvassing for his own votes.

The Tokyo mayoral election campaign can be said to be an endless phenomenon, and Airi Uchino's behavior of expressing her desire to be friends with everyone and follow her personal channel in her speech is the epitome of absurdity.

And Airi Uchino herself is not inexperienced, she has held many positions before, and her performance this time is actually fully exposed that she is not suitable for such an important position as the mayor of Tokyo.

Off the beaten track! The candidates for mayor of Tokyo, Japan, "undressed" on the spot to perform a wonderful performance.

Election manifesto

It is not only the absurdity of the Tokyo mayoral election campaign in Japan, but also the election campaign in many places.

Even in the big countries of the East, it is not uncommon to see some very bizarre and ridiculous election actions and speeches, and this situation is actually very detrimental to the overall image of a country.

Campaigning is also a very important process for personalities, as they can be judged by the policies and leadership they have demonstrated on the campaign trail to determine whether they are suitable for a job.

Candidates should pay more attention to this when conducting their own election campaigns, and make their image in the election campaign more formal and professional, rather than attracting attention with some strange words and deeds.

If the candidates use strange words and deeds to attract attention when they are campaigning, what will happen when they do get in?

Off the beaten track! The candidates for mayor of Tokyo, Japan, "undressed" on the spot to perform a wonderful performance.

The election campaign is absurd

Even if there are no candidates in the field who use strange words and deeds to attract attention, there are often many similar behaviors and situations.

There will be a lot of celebrities and Internet celebrities in many fields, and they often use some abnormal means to attract attention.

But after all, the field is still very different from the entertainment industry, and the appearance of similar entertainment industry-style means within the field often leads to negative effects.

I hope that Airi Uchino, who expresses her hope to be friends with everyone and follow her personal channel in her own speech, will not appear in other fields anymore.

And the reason why there is such a behavior is actually largely due to the fact that the whole society is pursuing the "Internet celebrity economy".

Nowadays, there will be "Internet celebrity" check-in points, salesmen, etc. in many places, and while pursuing the "Internet celebrity economy", it is also subtly changing the entire social atmosphere.

However, for a position such as the mayor of Tokyo, such an "influencer" behavior is not suitable, and what is needed in this position is a leader who is truly capable of governance, a sense of service, and recognized by the citizens.

Off the beaten track! The candidates for mayor of Tokyo, Japan, "undressed" on the spot to perform a wonderful performance.


The absurdities of the Tokyo mayoral election are hilarious, but they also reflect some social phenomena. The bizarre words and deeds of the election campaign may only be a short-term eye-catcher, but they have a profound impact on the overall image of a country and the image of its leaders. In the pursuit of the "influencer economy", it is hoped that candidates will be more focused on demonstrating their policy and leadership skills, in order to hope that the people who are truly suitable for important positions will stand out.

In this regard, the editor wants to say: The election is solemn and serious, such a funny just attracts attention, what do you think about this, welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

Note: The article, video, picture material, from the Internet, positive energy works, personal opinions, for reference only.

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