
The truth is revealed, Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi are not divorced! is in a state of separation, and the two broke down half a year ago!

author:The affair of the wind and snow

On June 27, according to the paparazzi, the married life of well-known actor Chen Xiao and his young wife Chen Yanxi fell into crisis, and the two are currently in a state of long-term separation. This celebrity couple, who are regarded as a model couple by the outside world, turned out to have suffered a marriage crisis half a year ago, and the two parties once negotiated on the issue of divorce, but finally failed to reach an agreement.

The truth is revealed, Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi are not divorced! is in a state of separation, and the two broke down half a year ago!

It is understood that Chen Xiao was the first to file for divorce at that time, but he and Chen Yanxi could not negotiate the details of the divorce conditions and gave up for the time being. Since then, the two have been separated, and the youngest son has been taken care of by his mother, Chen Yanxi. Some witnesses revealed that some time ago, during the Chen Xiao crew's visit to the class, they originally thought that they would see the couple, but the child was picked up by an assistant, and the two did not appear.

It is a pity that this celebrity couple, who were pinned on by fans after their flash marriage, are now in a difficult situation in their married life. However, judging from the current situation, the two have not officially embarked on the divorce process, and there is a possibility that the relationship can be saved.

However, it is obvious that Chen Xiao does not buy Chen Yanxi's efforts and seems to have made up his mind to end this marriage. According to an insider, Chen Xiao has become depressed and unhappy since he got married, and he can no longer see the handsome guy with bright sunshine and starry eyes.

The truth is revealed, Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi are not divorced! is in a state of separation, and the two broke down half a year ago!

As for the specific reasons for the marriage crisis of this celebrity couple, the outside world has different opinions. Some people speculate that Chen Xiao may have empathized with each other, and the affair cheating led to the breakdown of the marriage. Some people simply said that Chen Xiao intends to rekindle the old love with the old love and popular actress Zhao Liying many years ago. Back then, there were scandals between the two because of their cooperation in TV series, which was considered to be "love because of drama".

Another theory is that Chen Xiao's desire to control Chen Yanxi is too strong to be free, leading to disgust. After marriage, Chen Yanxi paid close attention to her husband's professional life, visited the class frequently, and especially watched her very closely when acting in intimate scenes, which made the actresses she cooperated with feel quite embarrassed. This highly authoritarian behavior may have finally angered Chen Xiao and made him increasingly disgusted with his wife's behavior.

However, there are also many people who still have a glimmer of hope for the marriage of this celebrity couple. After all, the two also have a young son to take care of. For the happy growth of children, I hope they can communicate well and regain the love of the year. Maybe it's just a short period of low times, but by being considerate and tolerant of each other, it's still possible to rekindle the spark of love.

The truth is revealed, Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi are not divorced! is in a state of separation, and the two broke down half a year ago!

At present, all kinds of speculations surrounding Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage change are still not supported by real evidence. So far, the two have not responded or explained any questions from the outside world. However, judging from the current state of separation, this star couple, who were once regarded as a model couple, has indeed fallen into a serious crisis in their married life. We earnestly hope that they can resolve their differences in time, rekindle the flame of love for each other and their children, and avoid ending up parting ways. On the Internet, there are many voices for and against.

Some netizens believe that marriage is a matter of two people, and it is really difficult for outsiders to be right or wrong. Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi must have experienced a lot of ups and downs that only the parties can experience in the middle from knowing and falling in love to finally getting to where they are today. As bystanders, it is difficult for us to fully understand the ins and outs of events, let alone dictate the private lives of others.

"They have been married for many years, they should have their own considerations, and outsiders can't interfere at all. A netizen said, "Whether to divorce or not, the choice of the parties should be respected." "

The truth is revealed, Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi are not divorced! is in a state of separation, and the two broke down half a year ago!

Other netizens bluntly accused Chen Xiao of cheating and being the culprit who led to the breakdown of the marriage. They believe that as public figures, they should be more responsible for their words and deeds, especially when it comes to family ethics and morality.

"As a husband, it's shameless to go out and hook up! Some netizens said angrily, "If the rumors are true, Chen Xiao is a complete scumbag who has failed his wife's infatuation." "

It is worth mentioning that in the divorce debate, many people pointed the finger at Chen Yanxi's "excessive control" behavior. Some netizens believe that her excessive interference and control over her husband's professional life is an important reason for the cracks in her marriage.

The truth is revealed, Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi are not divorced! is in a state of separation, and the two broke down half a year ago!

"Is it hard to be a modern woman? Why do you have to control men to that extent? A netizen who calls himself a "Leo Sagittarius man" said, "How intimate is Chen Xiao's acting? It's just a play. "

At the same time, there are also many people who feel sad about Chen Yanxi's situation. They believe that she has been trying to maintain this marriage, but unfortunately it has fallen short because of the decision of one party.

She worked tirelessly for this marriage, but in the end, she could only work her own, but her husband was indifferent. A netizen sighed, "As a woman, she pays too much but doesn't get anything in return, it's really pitiful." "

The truth is revealed, Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi are not divorced! is in a state of separation, and the two broke down half a year ago!

Some analysts pointed out that the reason why celebrity divorces can always trigger such a fierce public opinion response is largely due to the public's yearning for the "perfect life" they represent. Whenever the bright appearance of an idol is torn apart by the dark side of life, it always makes people feel a sense of disappointment and disillusionment.

"Celebrities are our 'stand-ins', allowing us to experience lives that we can't experience in person. "That's why when there is a rift in their lives, we are so excited and angry, because our 'dreams' are shattered." "

In any case, for Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi, a celebrity couple who were once hailed as model couples, the exposure of the marriage crisis is undoubtedly a huge test. We hope that they can resolve their differences in a peaceful and rational manner, and rekindle the flame of love for each other and their children. At the same time, I also hope that no matter what choice they make, they can gain the understanding and respect of the public, and avoid being criticized and hurt too much.

The truth is revealed, Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi are not divorced! is in a state of separation, and the two broke down half a year ago!

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