
Zhao Xin took office at the New Changzhou Tianning Procuratorate

author:Nine factions view the world

On the afternoon of 12 November, the Tianning District Procuratorate of Changzhou City held a meeting of cadres and announced the decision of the main leadership to readjust: Zhao Xin was nominated as a candidate for chief procurator of the Tianning District Procuratorate, and Gao Xuming would no longer hold the post of chief procurator of the Tianning District Procuratorate.

At the meeting, Zhao Xin said that resolutely obey the decision of the municipal party committee, in the future work, will always adhere to the correct political direction, stand firm on the people's position, always adhere to the overall situation of the service center, do a good job in legal supervision, always adhere to strict discipline and rules, build a strong team, and contribute to the service guarantee Tianning to build a "three new economic highlands in the Yangtze River Delta and a model of modern urban and rural governance".

【Source: Jiangsu Legal Daily】

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