
Daily practice | Middle School Cultural Literacy 14 (True Questions + Analysis)

author:Little plum loves to share

1, tofu is native to China, with it as the raw material of the dish, the method is diverse. "Wensi Tofu" is made by cutting soft and fragile tofu into hair thicknesses, and is known for its knife work. Among the following dishes, the one who specializes in making "Pactera Tofu" is ().

A. Lu cuisine

B. Su cuisine

C. Cantonese cuisine

D. Emblem dish

2. The invention of the telescope has promoted the development of modern astronomy. In 1609, Galileo personally built and improved the telescope and used it to patrol the sky, his nationality was ().


United Kingdom

C. Italy


3. After the end of World War II, the main war criminals were tried in Asia and Europe. The history of Asian trials is called the "Tokyo Trial", and the European trial is called ()

"London Trials"

"Berlin Trials"

C. "Nuremberg Trials"

"Potsdam Trial"

4. During the Warring States period, the annexation wars between the princes intensified, resulting in a variety of diplomatic and military strategies. Among the following characters, the one who advocates the "long-distance close attack" strategy is ().

A. Sun Bin

B. Su Qin

C. Yi Zhang

D. Fan Ju

5. The twenty-four solar terms in the lunar calendar reflect changes in climate and phenology and are used to guide agricultural affairs. Of the following solar terms, the longest day is ()

A. Vernal equinox

B. Summer Solstice

C. Autumnal equinox

D. Winter solstice

6. In 1972, archaeologists found a female corpse when excavating a Han tomb, which not only has not decayed for thousands of years, but also the shape of various parts and internal organs is quite complete, and the fine structure of each tissue is well preserved, which is rare in the world, and the name of the tomb is ().

A. Mancheng Han Tomb

B. Lion Rock Han Tomb

C. Tomb of the King of Nanyue in the Western Han Dynasty

D. Mawangdui Han Tomb

7. In order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War, Russia launched a new version of the movie "Here the Dawn Is Quiet" based on the novel of the same name in 2015, and the author of the novel is ().

A. Sholokhov

B. Vasiliev

C. Fadeyev

D. Pasternak

8. The portrait sculpture in the picture below is from the group sculpture "Hell's Gate", which was originally written by the French sculptor Auguste. Rodin painted for the gates of the Musée décor des Arts de Paris. The sculpture was later enlarged and copied threefold to become a stand-alone work, with the common name of the work being ().

Daily practice | Middle School Cultural Literacy 14 (True Questions + Analysis)

(Image from the Internet)

A. Poet

B. Goalkeeper

C. Lookout

D. Thinkers

9. For the explanation of the following figure, among the following options, the incorrect one is ().

Daily practice | Middle School Cultural Literacy 14 (True Questions + Analysis)

A. Within a certain range of test paper length, changing the amount of questions can significantly change the reliability of the test result

B. When the length of the test paper reaches a certain level, increasing the number of questions will not significantly change the reliability of the test result

C. When the number of questions in the examination paper is less than 80, the amount of questions is positively correlated with the reliability, and the smaller the number of questions, the lower the reliability of the test

D. When the length of the test paper reaches a certain extremely high level, the reliability of the test result will also reach an extreme value1

【Reference Answer】

1, B Wensi tofu originated in Huai'an, Jiangsu, Yangzhou, is a traditional specialty of Jiangsu Province, belongs to the Su cuisine - Huaiyang cuisine.

2. C Galileo Galileo was an Italian astronomer and the founder of modern experimental science.

3. C The European trials are known as the "Nuremberg Trials".

4. D Fan Ju advocated the strategy of "long-distance and close-range attack".

5, B The summer solstice has the longest day. The winter solstice day is the shortest, and the day and night of the spring equinox and autumn equinox are equal in length.

6. D Mancheng Han Tomb (1968), Lion Mountain Han Tomb (1984); Western Han Dynasty Nanyue King Tomb (1983).

7. B The author of "Here the Dawn Is Quiet" is Vasiliev.

8. D The Thinker was later enlarged and copied threefold to become an independent work.

9, D When the length of the test paper reaches a very high level, the reliability of the test result is only infinitely close to 1, and the extreme value is not reached 1.