
The Northern Burmese De'ang Army broke the cease-fire agreement, the Burmese Army was lying on the ground with its head on its head, and the Kokang Alliance became a key pawn

author:Chinese in northern Myanmar

Old man, there's been another big incident in Myanmar lately!

Just a few days ago, the De'ang National Liberation Army directly tore up the ceasefire agreement and announced the resumption of Operation 1027. The Ta'ang Army and the Burmese People's Defence Forces (PDF) joined forces to launch a fierce counterattack against Min Aung Hlaing's forces.

Do you know that from June 25th to 26th, they have attacked Jiaomei Town, Mogok Town, Naoqiu Town, and Xibu Town around Lashio, conquered a number of Burmese army strongholds, and seized a large amount of armed equipment, as well as a drone jamming vehicle, which is a treasure.

The Northern Burmese De'ang Army broke the cease-fire agreement, the Burmese Army was lying on the ground with its head on its head, and the Kokang Alliance became a key pawn

Some time ago, the Burmese army was quite tough, bought a large amount of good equipment, including thousands of attack drones, also learned other people's drone tactics, and also conducted military exchanges with Russia, so that they can learn something from Russia.

I really didn't expect that this exchange of fire was too overwhelming, and it collapsed at the first touch, and after only two days of fighting, a large number of Burmese troops were already lying on the ground with their heads in their hands, what is this for?

The Northern Burmese De'ang Army broke the cease-fire agreement, the Burmese Army was lying on the ground with its head on its head, and the Kokang Alliance became a key pawn

Do you still need to think about it, of course it is surrendered, and if you can't fight, you can save your life, this Burmese army is really weak, it seems that it has only become the lips, and the combat effectiveness has not actually changed.

To be honest, I'm really happy for De'ang. They finally realized that if there was to be a way out, they had to be on the right path. If we don't move forward now, if we don't cooperate with the People's Defence Forces, then there really is no future ahead.

As everyone knows, the strategy of the Burmese army is to divide the country, stabilize the east country and attack the west country, defeat the west country and then fight the east country. If you still expect peace with the Burmese army, it is simply a dream, like fishing for the moon in the water, it is simply impossible.

The Northern Burmese De'ang Army broke the cease-fire agreement, the Burmese Army was lying on the ground with its head on its head, and the Kokang Alliance became a key pawn

Now that the De'ang Army has taken the right step, it will be up to the Kokang Allies to perform their duties. The De'ang Army, the Kokang Army, and the Arakan Army have long formed a three-brother alliance, and last year, the Kokang Alliance launched Operation 1027, and the three-brother alliance helped each other.

Now that the De'ang Army and PDF have joined forces to fight, the Kokang Alliance can't just stand on the sidelines and watch, right? I think that the most urgent task of the Kokang Alliance right now is to attack Lashio. Only by winning Lashio can there be capital negotiations and the confidence to "lie flat".

Moreover, the Kokang Alliance could also consider cooperating with the People's Defence Forces, so that there would be a bright future. You see how smart the People's Defense Army is, they are Burmese, and they know that it is difficult to defeat the Min Aung Hlaing military group with the strength of their own family, so they go everywhere to win over ethnic local armed forces, such as those in northern Myanmar, and these people's local armed forces are the targets of his wooing.

The Northern Burmese De'ang Army broke the cease-fire agreement, the Burmese Army was lying on the ground with its head on its head, and the Kokang Alliance became a key pawn

Cooperate first and win the common goal, as for any differences in the future, we will talk about it later.

Now is a once-in-a-century opportunity! If you are not careful, this opportunity will slip away like flowing water. Therefore, I advise the Kokang Allied Army, where there is a Burmese army, fight there, and then talk about it after the fight, don't hesitate, don't wait, it's just one word: do!

Speaking of which, the cooperation between the De'ang Army and the People's Protection Army is really a remarkable feat. As everyone knows, ethnic contradictions in Myanmar have a long history, and there are frequent clashes between various ethnic armed groups. However, in the face of a common enemy, the Tatmadaw Army, they chose to put aside their prejudices and fight side by side. This sense of the big picture, this courage and determination, is really admirable.

The Northern Burmese De'ang Army broke the cease-fire agreement, the Burmese Army was lying on the ground with its head on its head, and the Kokang Alliance became a key pawn

On the other hand, the Burmese army, on the other hand, has long carried out violent repression against ethnic minorities, trampled on human rights, and caused countless tragedies. Now, the armed forces of the ethnic minorities and the Burmese People's Defence Forces have joined forces to fight back, which can be said to be self-inflicted and self-inflicted.

If the Burmese army does not repent and continues to adhere to the wrong line, it will only bring about its own destruction.

Finally, I still have to shout out and cheer for the brave men of the De'ang Army and the People's Protection Army. For the sake of the dignity of the nation and the freedom of the people, you did not hesitate to throw away your heads and shed your blood, and this kind of courage and spirit will surely be recorded in the annals of history forever.

The Northern Burmese De'ang Army broke the cease-fire agreement, the Burmese Army was lying on the ground with its head on its head, and the Kokang Alliance became a key pawn

Every step you take now is making history and writing a new chapter.

The Kokang Alliance is very important in this chess game, if I am Min Aung Hlaing, I will first stabilize Peng Deren and give him some benefits, as long as Peng always does not move, he can concentrate on dealing with De'ang army.

The next step depends on how the Allies go, do you think the Allies will take the initiative to participate?

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