
Chasing dreams and pure hearts, triumphant songs and glory! ——Guangxi Pingguoha Chong A Group 14th Round Preview

author:Same way south

2021 China League Two (Chong A) Round 14: Guangxi PingguoHaqi vs Qingdao Manatee

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Video: Guangxi Pingguo Haga 1-1 Qingdao Manatee (Perceptual Horizon)

On November 22, the 14th round of the Chinese Second Division Chong A Group, Tangshan Nanhu City Football Square No. 3, the final battle of the Chong Jia Group, Guangxi Pingguo Ha Chu against Qingdao Manatee, Qingdao Manatee has successfully rushed the First Division, Guangxi Army must fully defeat the opponent, in order to have the opportunity to fight for the last direct promotion place in the Chong A Group. In the first leg of the meeting, Chen Jiaqi helped Qingdao Manatee to open the record, and Wang Ziming helped Guangxi Pingguoha to equalize, and the two sides fought 1-1.

Chasing dreams and pure hearts, triumphant songs and glory! ——Guangxi Pingguoha Chong A Group 14th Round Preview

Competition poster

Qingdao Manatee and Hebei Kung Fu, the top two in the last round, talked again, and Manatee youngster Wu Xingyu opened the record in 25 minutes, and Hebei Kung Fu was reversed by Sui Donglu and Wang Song with two consecutive goals to reverse the score, 2-1! Hebei Kung Fu double killed Qingdao Manatee, the relationship between victory and defeat is dominant, the current Qingdao Manatee accumulated 29 points to occupy the top position in the Chong A group, Followed by Hebei Kung Fu with 26 points, guangxi Pingguo Haqi 25 points ranked third. In the final round of Guangxi Pingguoha against Qingdao Manatee and Hebei Kung Fu against Shanghai Jiading Huilong, the two matches will determine the title of this year's Chinese Second League champion and the direct promotion of the Chinese First Division.

Chasing dreams and pure hearts, triumphant songs and glory! ——Guangxi Pingguoha Chong A Group 14th Round Preview

Pre-game training

Qingdao Manatee is coached by the Chinese Super League coach Yin Tiesheng, a number of former internationals and former Chinese Super League players pressed the formation, used to play 442 formation, chong A group currently conceded only 11 goals in 13 rounds is the best defensive team, the team does not pursue too high possession rate, solid defense and efficient counterattack is the team's winning magic weapon, a number of players in the top of the top scorer list assist list. Team lineup: Front, former international No. 21 Jiang Ning 4 goals and 4 assists, former international No. 7 Xiao Zhi 4 goals, the last round of both did not start, Jiang Ning did not even enter the big list, high school striker No. 17 Chen Jiaqi (8 goals and 2 assists) is the current team's offensive fulcrum, the first leg broke through the Guangxi gate; in the midfield, U21 youngster No. 55 Wu Xingyu (7 goals and 1 assist) scored in the last round, right winger No. 29 Xu Jiajun (6 goals and 1 assist) has a strong breakthrough ability, U21 player No. 41 Xie Wen can get 5 goals and 1 assist, Also need to be paid attention to are No. 15 Cui Hao (2 goals and 1 assist), No. 12 Cao Sheng (4 assists), No. 8 Liu Chencheng, etc.; in the backline, the defensive no. 32 Zhang Fengyu (3 goals), No. 23 Sun Xu (5 goals and 1 assist), No. 4 Xue Yanan, No. 16 Chen Long will continue to start, No. 6 Liu Yangyang, No. 33 Goofy is also not to be underestimated, and Sha Yibo, the No. 5 defensive veteran who scored 4 goals, started in the last round; in terms of goalkeepers, Zhu Quan, who started in the last round, and Former Chinese Super League goalkeeper Mu Pengfei are likely to start.

Chasing dreams and pure hearts, triumphant songs and glory! ——Guangxi Pingguoha Chong A Group 14th Round Preview

Guangxi PingguoHaqi defeated Shanghai Jiading Huilong 3-1 in the last round, Prince Mingguo Song Yang Jiutian Jiangong, Guangxi team blossomed more points to occupy the initiative, and also took the initiative to rotate players in the second half to accumulate physical fitness. At present, Guangxi Pingguoha has 7 wins, 4 draws, 2 losses, scored 27 goals, conceded 12 goals and accumulated 25 points in advance, and has locked the top three places in the Chong A group in advance, sitting on three and two, Guangxi Pingguo Ha Chu has created the best result in Guangxi football in 26 years, this round against qingdao manatees who have locked the quota of Chong Jia, Guangxi Team must strive to win with all its strength to have the opportunity to compete for the last direct promotion place in the Chong Jia group. The Guangxi team lineup is neat in this game, and Coach Yang Lin's dispatch will also be particularly cautious: Jia Xinyao is defensively steady, and the starting goalkeeper has little suspense; central defender Yang Bing and Chen Bo partner to start, face the impact of Chen Jiaqi, Xiao Zhi and Jiang Ning, and control the first drop point to pay attention to the protection of the auxiliary defense; Huang Xin's right defender, Liu Xiaolong's left guard, boldly inserts the opponent's offensive space, cut off the passing route of Cao Sheng and Xu Jiajun, Yang Jiutian is on standby; Cheng Yetong's right winger and Guo Song play left winger, Yang Shukai and Zhao Haichao, who has returned from prohibition, are on standby standby Double back Liang Rifu + Lu Chenghe or Liang Rifu + Chen Zeng, the tandem midfielder will open the space of the two sides, lure the enemy deeper, lured the enemy deeper, lu chenghe had assists in the last round, Chen Zeng shoveled the savior in the first round, Ding Quancheng can be used as a substitute, 4 top backs to ensure the thickness of the Guangxi midfield; the forward combination has a high probability of continuing the layout of the first leg - Geng Taili partner Xi Zhenyun, Wang Ziming, Li Fei substitute, maintain the impact of the second half of the assault. In the list of goalscorers and assists, Guangxi Pingguoha and Qingdao Manatee each have many people at the top, which can be described as equal, Guangxi Pingguoha is the strongest in attack, Qingdao Manatee is the strongest defense, and the contradiction continues throughout the season.

Chasing dreams and pure hearts, triumphant songs and glory! ——Guangxi Pingguoha Chong A Group 14th Round Preview

The tournament has reached the closing stage, both sides will have no reservations, Qingdao Manatee is strong, but the Guangxi Legion has more determination to win, we have come to the highest peak of Guangxi football in 26 years, and further, we can realize the long-cherished wishes of several generations of Guangxi footballers, chasing dreams and pure hearts, and triumphant glory!

Last round review

Chasing dreams and pure hearts, triumphant songs and glory! ——Guangxi Pingguoha Chong A Group 14th Round Preview
Chasing dreams and pure hearts, triumphant songs and glory! ——Guangxi Pingguoha Chong A Group 14th Round Preview
Chasing dreams and pure hearts, triumphant songs and glory! ——Guangxi Pingguoha Chong A Group 14th Round Preview
Chasing dreams and pure hearts, triumphant songs and glory! ——Guangxi Pingguoha Chong A Group 14th Round Preview

(Source: Guangxi Pingguo Ha He Football Club, Perception Horizon, Editor: Yaowu Liquor Studio)

Yaowu Liquor Studio, believing in the power of images, focuses on recording Guangxi football for 15 years!

Chasing dreams and pure hearts, triumphant songs and glory! ——Guangxi Pingguoha Chong A Group 14th Round Preview

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