
Wanrun Shares (002643.SZ): Liu Jipeng applied to resign as an independent director


Wanrun Shares (002643.SZ) announced that the board of directors of the company received a written resignation report submitted by Liu Jipeng, an independent director of the company, on November 23, 2021. Liu Jipeng applied for resignation as an independent director of the fifth board of directors of the company and the relevant positions of the special committee set up under the board of directors for personal reasons. After his resignation, Liu Jipeng will not hold any position in the company.

It is reported that in view of the fact that Liu Jipeng's resignation will result in the number of independent directors of the company being less than one-third of the total number of board members, according to relevant regulations, Liu Jipeng's resignation application will take effect after the company's shareholders' meeting elects new independent directors. During this period, Liu Jipeng will continue to perform the duties of independent director and member of the special committee of the board of directors.

This article originated from Zhitong Finance Network

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