
How hurtful a bad temper can be

author:Wise Buchanan 1

There was a boy who had a bad temper, so his father gave him a bag of nails and told him to nail a nail on the fence in the backyard whenever he lost his temper.

On the first day, the boy nailed 37 nails. Slowly the number of nails per day decreases. He found it easier to control his temper than to nail those nails.

Finally one day the boy would never lose his patience and lose his temper again, and he told his father about it, and his father told him that now he would pull out a nail whenever he could control his temper.

Day after day passed, and finally the boy told his father that he had finally pulled out all the nails.

The father took his hand and came to the backyard and said, "You're doing a good job, my good boy." But look at the holes in those fences, and those fences will never be restored to the way they were. Words you say when you are angry will leave scars like these nails. If you stab someone with a knife, no matter how many times you say sorry, that wound will always be there. The pain of words is as unbearable as the real pain.

When people are unhappy, they like to lose their temper with the closest people around them, because you know that they will tolerate you, but often when they lose their temper, the words they say will always hurt people like nails, maybe you are unintentional, but the wound is like a hole in the fence that has caused serious damage, don't squander the love given to you by your relatives, because it is a kind of harm to them.