
The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

author:Pink elephants

As night fell, in a rented house in Jinan, Li Yong (not his real name) stared blankly at the screen of his mobile phone. On the screen is a message sent by his wife Zhang Li (pseudonym) to her ex-boyfriend: "I know I shouldn't disturb your life anymore, but I'm really sorry ......" This message is like a sharp knife, stabbing Li Yong's heart fiercely. Just seven months ago, they were a newlywed couple, but now, their marriage is shaky. What was it that caused this marriage to collapse so quickly, and what role did the 380,000 bride price play in it?

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

Let's go back to April 2022, where the story begins.

Li Yong is an architectural designer from Heze, Shandong Province, based in Jinan. Through a relative's introduction, he met Zhang Li, who also worked in Jinan. After the first blind date, Li Yong had a good impression of Zhang Li, but when he heard that the other party had no good impression of him, he stopped contacting him. Who knew that half a year later, Zhang Li took the initiative to come to the door and expressed her willingness to make further contact.

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

The two started dating and soon fell in love. However, just when this relationship was just budding, an unexpected news broke Li Yong's dream. Zhang Li's parents proposed that if they wanted to get engaged, Li Yong needed to come up with a bride price of 200,000 yuan to return the bride price of Zhang Li's ex-boyfriend.

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

This request made Li Yong hesitate. 200,000 yuan is not a small amount, let alone a bride price to repay her ex-boyfriend. However, in the face of the love that had just sprouted, Li Yong chose to compromise. He took 200,000 yuan from home and handed it over to Zhang Li's parents.

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

On October 31, 2022, Zhang Li told Li Yong that the money had been returned to her ex-boyfriend. However, just a few days later, her ex-boyfriend Wang Kui suddenly appeared and wanted to get back together with Zhang Li. This sudden change made Li Yong's heart full of uneasiness. In order to stabilize the relationship, Zhang Li moved into Li Yong's house, and the two began to live together.

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

On November 13, Li Yong and Zhang Li got engaged. Li Yong gave another 200,000 yuan as a dowry, and Zhang Li's family returned 20,000 yuan. On January 1, 2023, the two registered their marriage and agreed to hold the wedding on May 5.

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

On the surface, it's a perfect love story: acquaintance, love, marriage, everything goes according to plan. However, life after marriage is not so rosy.

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

Just a month after marriage, Zhang Li suddenly filed for divorce. Her reason was that her best friend disliked Li Yong and Chubby. This reason made Li Yong both sad and confused. Since then, the word divorce has been like a dark cloud that has always hung over their marriage.

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

What made Li Yong's heart hurt even more was that he accidentally found a "small essay" written by Zhang Li. In the article, Zhang Li said frankly: "I don't fancy my husband, he is short and fat. He doesn't have a good temper, and I don't want to accommodate him. He really loves me when there is no conflict, and I try my best to meet everything I want within my basic ability, and he won't let me do housework, but I just feel that I don't love him. "

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

This text is like a hammer, completely shattering Li Yong's illusions about this marriage. He began to realize that, perhaps, from the beginning, the marriage was built on a false foundation.

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

As time went on, the contradictions escalated. Zhang Li frequently filed for divorce, and the two quarreled more and more. In one dispute, Zhang Li even claimed that the bride price was a voluntary gift before marriage, and that the court would favor her with 30 to 70 percent. These words made Li Yong feel angry and desperate.

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

The turning point came in January 2024. Li Yong found out from Zhang Li's phone that she had been keeping in touch with her ex-boyfriend Wang Kui (pseudonym). In a message, Zhang Li expressed deep apologies and regret to Wang Kui. This discovery completely crushed Li Yong.

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

After many difficult negotiations, Li Yong and Zhang Li finally reached a divorce agreement. Zhang Li returned the bride price of 180,000 yuan. For Li Yong, this is not only a loss of money, but also a huge emotional trauma.

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

This case provokes people to think deeply about modern marriage. Can a high bride price really be exchanged for a happy marriage? How should there be a trade-off between love and money? Is flash marriage really right for every couple?

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

Some people believe that Zhang Li's behavior is a disguised fraud. She took advantage of Li Yong's feelings to get a high bride price, but she never really loved him. But it is also pointed out that marriage is a matter for two people, and all the responsibility cannot be shifted to the woman. Should Li Yong also be more cautious when deciding to get married?

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

This case also reflects some of the problems in the current society. The practice of high bride prices still exists, placing a heavy financial burden on many young people. At the same time, some people see marriage as a transaction and ignore the importance of affection.

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

Experts suggest that young people should fully understand each other and build a deep emotional foundation before entering marriage. At the same time, we should also look at the issue of bride price rationally and not regard it as the only criterion for measuring love.

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

For people who are already in a similar predicament, experts recommend seeking professional legal and psychological counseling. Although the pain caused by a failed marriage is unavoidable, by dealing with it in the right way, you can minimize the damage and get out of the haze as soon as possible.

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

The lesson of this story is that marriage is not child's play, and love cannot be measured by money. Before entering the palace of marriage, we need to know more, think more, and prepare more. Only a marriage based on mutual understanding and respect can stand the test of time.

The man's 380,000 bride price flash marriage, of which 200,000 was returned by the woman to her ex-boyfriend, and the woman will divorce soon!

Readers, what do you think of this case? Do you think a high bride price is necessary? How can similar marital tragedies be avoided? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section and share your views and experiences. Let's explore how to find your own happiness in this complex world.