
Guangzhou's rise is amazing! These sectors will also continue to rise

author:Uncle Eagle talks about the property market gz
Guangzhou's rise is amazing! These sectors will also continue to rise

Please weChat search [Uncle Eagle talks about the property market] public account to pay attention to, the whole process of guiding the purchase of | The following is selected from fan Q&A

Question: Hello teacher! In May 2018, I bought a small three-bedroom apartment on the second floor of the Central Longgang Yi'an Metropolis, with a total price of about 4.5 million, but after buying it, the house price has been sideways or even a little falling. At present, the annual income of the family is about 800,000, and he works and lives in Futian. From an investment point of view, should we try to save money to replace it in the west or should we stay still?

Answer: Yi'an Metropolis this disk, there have been three groups of people to ask, there is a need for investment, so I talk about my personal views, not all of them are asked about you this question. First of all, this disk is no problem, sitting on the most core area of Longgang, the best cultural environment, the most convenient transportation. In the future, many subways intersect, next to the commercial steps, although the school will not add points, but will not reduce points, dayun for the Longgang system within the crowd to buy a place, the source of students is certainly no problem. Second, there is such a chicken soup, some people around you seem to be walking in front of you, and some people are walking behind, but in fact, each of us has our own TIME ZONE, we all grow up in our own time zone, is it a bit like our house price? The voice of one city center that cannot be bought is still in the ears, and today its house prices have risen, and they have risen to no less. When the ancient city rose, China Resources City was still a little brother, and now it has quietly followed. When Shenzhen Bay broke out, Baozhong's performance was still unsatisfactory, and now it has taken the opportunity to rise. It is said that when you can only buy the west, the 5 million in Shangtang has unconsciously become 6 million, so in fact, what we need to identify is the product pit, some apartment types that do not have the underlying logic support and some old disk areas. In fact, in a five-year cycle, most of the houses, the price difference is not so large, so the second sentence of chicken soup is coming, adults, buy and leave, no regrets. The premise of this regretless premise is to buy a pair of shoes that suit us, and the more comfortable a pair of shoes we wear, the farther we can go, and the same is true for the house. You are wrong in buying a house that is not suitable for you, Futian works, the annual salary is nearly one million, how to see should not come to Longgang to buy a house. Elongate the cycle, the key is that some people are not suitable for waiting in a long cycle, such as you who have strong cash flow, such as young people with sufficient income stamina, in less than two years, there is a need and ability to replace a big house and a good house, while some people are suitable for buying a good product, three rooms and new subway mouth long hold, because he wants to endure loneliness, because the premise of each replacement fission has a stronger cash flow support, and many people do not. The last price to buy in 2018, a bit expensive, but also the second floor. A nearby property that one of our customers bought at the same time has now risen by 100W+. How not to buy a house above the market price, which requires us to have a good sense of housing, a high degree of familiarity with the current market and a good judgment of value. As for whether to sell or increase the position, we need to further combine your financial situation and welcome to talk to us after the epidemic.

Question: A set of Baiyun Keziling's 35 bungalows to change the house (unpaid land price), is on sale, is expected to sell 700,000, after the sale of the vacant quota, 57-year-old Guangzhou households have no house and no loan, ask whether the next set can do a relay loan 30% down payment? Budget 300-350 million, expected to hold more than five years, pure investment, the current general direction in the Knowledge City Phoenix Lake area, ask if there is a better regional recommendation? Thanks uncle eagle for answering! [Fist Holding]

Answer: Yes, but the difficulty is still there, I suggest you buy before finding a loan intermediary to check the qualifications first, looking for Chen Shichang can also be, in fact, I am not very recommended that you go to the Knowledge City, 5 years, it is estimated that there will be a wave of market, or look back at the Science City will be much better, the Price of the Knowledge City today, in fact, not cheap

Question: Hello Uncle Eagle! Huabiao Plaza, what do you think, for the degree, self-occupation, take into account the investment attributes, can the follow-up up to win the market? How much do you suggest for the price?

Answer: The houses in the urban area are not afraid of losing the big city, and the people who lose the big city are those far suburbs. If you want to show me the specific apartment type, you have to show me. If it is a large apartment, it is not recommended that you take such a large price to buy in Huabiao, if the small apartment type, then buy a 3-bedroom, as long as it is not a heaven and earth building, the unit price is about 6.2 can enter.

Question: Hello Uncle Eagle, intermediary sales say so Baiyun District. I feel that this amount is exaggerated, what do you think? "The 14th Five-Year Plan of Baiyun District was released, and the total investment of key projects in Baiyun District reached 1,673.6 billion yuan, which is 4.5 times that of Tianhe District, 2.3 times that of Nansha, and even surpasses the two new first-tier cities of Guanzhou and Foshan, and the potential for regional development cannot be underestimated."

Answer: The total amount of investment is large, does not mean that the investment value of Baiyun real estate must be large, because the money invested will not necessarily have a direct stimulus to the house price, such as it takes the money to the airport, in fact, the airport not only burns money, but also the property market is not obvious The biggest stimulus to the real estate has always been to pull a large number of excellent private enterprises into, and then introduce a large number of high-net-worth people, referring to Pazhou is a very typical example, why the whole Haizhu as a whole has risen well this year. It is because Pazhou will have a large number of office workers coming in this year or two. Nansha those investment amount is also large, but the property market investment prospects are worrying, because there is no recruitment of a number of solid enterprises to come in, there is no group of high-net-worth people to come in, of course, the stimulation of Baiyun is still there, but not as exaggerated as everyone imagines, and this progress will be relatively slow, Baiyun is more suitable for just need budget, and later will be a piece of developers in the war there, incidentally just need to stimulate the budget

Question: Please ask the teacher, after working in Guangzhou for almost five years, I found that the unit paid the social security of Guangdong Province at the same level, is this not in line with the requirements of five years of continuous social security payment for the purchase of a house in Guangzhou? Panic

Answer: Specific units can send me a private message to help you evaluate! Normal is OK, like the Provincial People's Hospital, provincial women and children these units are Guangdong Province social security, as long as the unit in Guangzhou, transfer time to provide a unit business license and other related work certificates, proof that this unit is in Guangzhou can be!

Question: Please ask Uncle Eagle, the unit price and total price of the West Bank of the Exhibition and Ya county garden are similar, so what are the comparisons between the two plates?

Answer: 1, Ya County Garden Garden Community is larger, live up to some of the truth, the west bank of the exhibition is a very small community, there are 3 row buildings, the community is lower 2, the west bank of the exhibition is next to Xingang East Road and Modisha Street, a little noisy, Ya County Garden In addition to the southeast side of a few buildings received the impact of the South Ring Expressway, relatively quiet 3, the future increment point of view, the west bank of the exhibition because it is close to the e-commerce headquarters in pazhou West District, the increment I think has been cashed in the seven seven eighty-eight, and there are unknown increments around the Ya County Garden, land development increments, The increase of the commercial buildings around Poly Tianyue, the increase of the Chebei South River Crossing Tunnel to open up the financial city 4, supporting point of view, the two communities are actually similar

Question: Uncle Eagle, please ask for a selection question. The same unit price, a Jinbi Century Garden three-bedroom two-bathroom and Zhongding three-bedroom and one-bathroom, the price is almost 4.4 million, Zhongding faces the northeast, the middle and high-rise, Jinbi is the 4th floor. Northbound, mainly with self-occupation plus investment, I want to ask uncle eagle which is better?

Answer: The total price is almost 4.4 million, Jinbi Century is 99 square meters, Zhongding is 89-91 square meters, from the unit price point of view, Zhongding is still higher, from this point of view, pure price point of view, Zhongding is on the high side, but Jinbi is north to the 4th floor, it seems that it is not easy to choose these two communities can be chosen, will not be wrong

Question: Hello Mr. Wei. Half a year ago, it was prepared to advance the full amount, but the sale was finally cancelled. Due to the cancellation of the sale, the advance mortgage is not started. The advance mortgage company signed a service agreement before, paid a deposit of 10,000, and now the other party said that even if the sale is canceled, the deposit cannot be refunded, eating my 10,000. In the mortgage industry of gz, how does it work? Or did you meet a liar? How to solve it?

Answer: I think you may be confusing some concepts. Buying a house with full payment is to do business loans, not mortgages, but to sign a contract and collect a deposit for this service. Advances are generally not made until they start, and they will not receive a deposit. These are two things you need to figure out, and then look at how the contract is signed, and what the specific terms are. In short, everything is in accordance with the contract.

Question: Uncle Eagle, today I looked at Agile and looked at Agile for ten years, Xiaoya 76 square 14th floor southeast to 335 (2012), one foot mountain residence 5th floor northeast to 92 square 326 (2010), Yacui Ting 87 square 7 floor southeast to 345 (2006). I think it is better to look at the location for ten years, and the age of the building near the subway is also new, but if you look at the apartment type, you feel that the mountain is bigger

Answer: Xiaoya location, quality in the Agile group is more durable, but also reflected in the price, is more expensive; if you consider the leverage, you can go to a foot of mountain residence 3-bedroom unit, so it will be much better Generally I am recommended that you pad feet on a 3-bedroom within the scope of your ability

Question: Ask Uncle Eagle: Holding Tianhe Park Huagang Qinyuan Spring a set of loanless small three-bedroom, now live in Panyu Chimelong Longcui Big Three Rooms (including loans), big children Tianfu Road study, small children enrolled in school two years later, now because of hard pick-up, want to sell two to buy two, change hands into a set of one-bedroom with degree rooms in TianheBei with degrees ➕ in the East or a set of nearby sub-new buildings for self-occupation, please ask Uncle Eagle, is it unreasonable to toss it? Recently, the house price in Huagang has improved slightly, Longcui has not been transmitted from the city, but it is rumored that the primary school is ready to be built, the nearby road transformation, the Evergrande Stadium is also under construction, is it changing hands now, or to be improved after two years, small children are also enrolled in Tianfu Road and then changed, which is also a problem. Ask the great god to flop...

Answer: The current change can be, Longcui this project in addition to the new, the follow-up of the increase may have problems, to change to the city as soon as possible to sell Longcui, and then change to Tianhebei or near Tianhe Park, or even directly sell Longcui, directly in the West Gate of Tianhe Park to buy a large three-bedroom or four-bedroom finish

Many people leave me a message in the comment area to ask questions, sorry because of limited energy, can not reply one by one

Please weChat search [Uncle Eagle talks about the property market] public account to pay attention to, the whole process of guiding the purchase of | The above content is selected from the fan Q&A