
Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

author:A slimmer with a soul

There are only 30 days left in 2022 and only 61 days left before the Spring Festival...

you... Was weight loss successful?

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

The next New Year's Day, Christmas, reunion, Spring Festival, are you ready to blind the eyes of that group of people?

It's clear that your weight is out of control this winter of 2021...

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

It's okay, let me show you the way.~

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

It is rumored that eating seven points full, thin to no friends, seven points full is the most suitable for you to control calories.

However, it is not that everything is fine with seven points of fullness, after all, seven points of saturation after eating snacks are not the same seven points full...

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

Ran Goose... In this life, I have only experienced bracing and hunger, how much is seven points full?! Come and give you a squeeze, seven points full, what a feeling!

One point full: I feel that I have only eaten two bites, and I can still hear my stomach calling, and I usually don't like to eat it.

Two points full: Obviously feel that you want to eat, and you think everything is delicious.

Three points full: Although the stomach is no longer screaming, there is still a feeling of fasting that is lost.

Four points full: not hungry, but there is still a lot of room in the stomach to eat ~ ~

Five points full: you can still eat, and start to slowly pick your favorite food to eat.

Six points full: A little full, never touch your own less favorite food.

Seven points full: basically full, eating is the icing on the cake, like to eat food does not look so tempting.

Eight points full: the stomach has been filled, and then eat the stomach will bulge out ~ ~

Nine points full: feel a little bloated stomach, want to unbutton the pants...

Very full: too braced, stomach swelling is so uncomfortable...

In short, when you feel seven points full, don't forget to put down your chopsticks

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

As a health girl, Wei Mi thin likes to soak his feet, and then sleep after soaking his feet in the winter

Soaking feet before going to bed can improve blood circulation and promote metabolism

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

Although soaking feet does not help with weight loss, the anti-edema effect is leveraged!

If your legs are suddenly fat and thin, especially if you love to eat heavy taste, sleep is not good or you can obviously feel that your legs are thicker before and after the physiological period, and your small face is puffy, it is most suitable for soaking feet to slim your legs

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

Lazy cancer patients themselves have a little trick to avoid eating supper snacks themselves, that is, brush their teeth after dinner.

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

Because after brushing your teeth and then seeing snacks, think about having to brush again after eating, how troublesome, so I simply do not eat snacks ~

And the fresh breath after brushing your teeth will make you consciously reduce your desire to eat again.

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

Have you noticed that Chinese have a habit of taking dinner too seriously, eating too late, eating too much and too greasy, and eating out often?

There is a saying in nutrition academia that 1/4 of dinner is to sustain life, and 3/4 is to maintain the livelihood of doctors.

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

Not eating dinner well not only makes you fat, but in the long run is to send money to the doctor.

So how do you eat dinner? For those who want to control their weight, vegetables or low-calorie fruits are a good choice for dinner.

Fruits and vegetables contain a variety of nutrients and dietary fiber can help you prevent colds, such as vitamin C.

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end


Every day when I came home from work, my mother always told me to drink more soup: soup is a good thing, keep warm and supplement calcium, and give me a bowl to drink.

emmm... Are you sure it's calcium supplementation and not fating?

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

People always think that drinking soup is to supplement nutrition, in fact, the nutrients you want like protein, calcium, iron, not in the soup but in the meat bone, because they are very difficult to dissolve in water.

For example, calcium, the calcium in the bones is calcium hydroxyphosphate (Ca10 (PO4) 6 (OH)2), calcium citrate, calcium carbonate, 1kg of pig bones may also boil out more than 30 mg, not as much as a mouthful of milk.

It's a pity that you have survived for so long, they are still in the flesh and bones, and they are not abandoned.

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

Talk nonsense! You look at the pig's trotter soup, bone soup, what is the milky soup that is not nutrition? It's your. That's right, the thicker the broth, the whiter the color, the more fat there is.

Of course, the soup is not a little nutritious, there are some free amino acids, short peptides, soluble some vitamin B family.

But whether it is vitamin A, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, iron, zinc is really very little. The only thing added is sodium, which is the ingredient in salt, which is the last thing we want.

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

If you really like to drink soup, it is recommended to choose a vegetarian soup with vegetables as the main ingredient and a relatively short boiling time.

For example, tomato egg soup, tofu mushroom soup, hibiscus fresh vegetable soup, less fat, lower calories.


Some people say that in addition to relying on heating and keeping warm in winter, I heard that you have to rely on wine?

Come to a hot and spicy drop shabu-shabu, and then put on two or two white wines, it is simply not too cool~

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

But then again, can drinking really protect against the cold?

Indeed, the old and young masters have had this experience, after drinking alcohol, the body will be hot, eager to take off the coat, wear a vest is too much!

What's going on? To put it bluntly, it's all the power of alcohol. Alcohol, which passes through the digestive tract into the bloodstream, directly stimulates the capillaries on the surface of your body.

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

How can capillaries withstand this temptation? Immediately swelled up, the swollen blood vessels became thicker, and more blood was needed to fill the vacancy.

In this way, the blood in the liver and other places quickly flows to these blood vessels, and the heat inside the body is distributed to the outside of the body with the blood, and then your skin will have a hot feeling.

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

At the same time, alcohol will paralyze your central nervous system, and your ability to perceive the outside world will decrease, so you will not feel how cold it is.

So, the blood vessels can not constrict in time, the blood is still constantly pumping heat to the outside, and when it reacts, your body has lost a lot of heat, this time, you will be colder!

It's not over yet! There is not much wine, and there will be fat when there is wine

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

Drinking alcohol will greatly increase energy intake and make it easier for people to gain weight.

1 gram of alcohol produces 7 kcal of energy, which is much higher than carbohydrates and proteins. The higher the alcohol concentration, the greater the energy intake.

Winter weight loss, 5 little tricks, say goodbye to a fat to the end

And, who drinks without a table of wine dishes? Drink and eat too much:


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