
If you are not poor in eating, you will not be poor, and you will not be poor in your life

author:Fisherman, farmer, read and see life

In today's society, there is a popular saying: "If you can't eat poorly, you won't be poor, and you won't be poor for a lifetime." ”

But in our opinion, this is not only a contest of money, but also a contest of wisdom.

The wisdom in your head determines the freedom in your pocket, and this freedom is the source of happiness in your life and the smile on your face.

In this competitive society, every family has its own difficulties, just like every book has unique chapters.

Different families need different ways to manage their finances, and the key is to identify the type of family they have, and then tailor a suitable financial plan.

In this way, wealth will naturally flow into your life like a trickle.

If you are not poor in eating, you will not be poor, and you will not be poor in your life

01. Newlywed white-collar workers, moving towards a new life, seeking to get rid of the shackles of "snail dwelling".

Distinctive characteristics: Although the income is still medium, but the potential is considerable, or trapped in the "snail house", or become a "house slave", is facing marriage, childcare, career promotion and other major life choices.

Involved in the stock market, but cautious in investing, more inclined to speculation. The way to manage money lies in concentrating resources and long-term layout.

The fund is fixed investment, simple and effective, expertly operated, and moves with the market, suitable for young people who are busy with work, love and family.

This will not only help to change the habit of splurge and cultivate a smart way to keep savings in the book, but also to maximize the compound interest of capital by taking advantage of early investment and long-term holding.

However, while financial management is important, career planning is even more crucial.

A stable career that suits you can build a solid foundation of wealth.

"Investment is like rain in the sky, and career is like the river on the earth", the two complement each other to create a better future.

If you are not poor in eating, you will not be poor, and you will not be poor in your life

02. When people reach middle age, financial wisdom needs to be skillfully "displayed"

Families have strong characteristics: stable and substantial incomes, but limited growth potential. At this time, children's education, employment and marriage, as well as personal retirement and pension, have become a matter of concern.

Investment occupies a prominent position in family assets, and financial income is increasingly becoming the foundation of life.

If you are not poor in eating, you will not be poor, and you will not be poor in your life

The way to manage money is that middle-aged family debts are gradually lightening and cash flow is relatively abundant, but to achieve stable finance, it is still necessary to make good use of financial leverage and grasp the opportunity of asset appreciation.

Investment assets should be diversified, risk diversification, debt and equity combination, bank wealth management, gold collection and so on can be tried.

At the same time, it is also necessary to increase revenue and reduce expenditure in parallel to ensure financial stability.

In the professional and professional fields, find side hustles that can increase your income, and make the most of your leisure time and skills.

In your daily life, you can accurately grasp the opportunities to save money and plan more refined financial planning.

For middle age, the way to manage money is to plan family spending reasonably and allocate family assets reasonably.

For investment, prudence should be given priority and defensive investments should be made to avoid risks;

At the same time, it can also moderately attack high-yield projects to resist the potential risks brought by high inflation.

If you are not poor in eating, you will not be poor, and you will not be poor in your life

03. Self-employed people, carefully deal with "worries"

Most of these families are in the embryonic stage of entrepreneurship, their income fluctuates greatly, and they even need to continue to invest but have not seen a return yet.

They devote their time, energy and main assets to their own business, so their understanding and interest in the securities market and financial products are relatively limited.

They are convinced that "wealth comes from hard work, not frugality", and have not yet formed a solid concept of "wealth for wealth".

However, pension and medical security are always the most important concerns for these families.

Financial Secrets: Excellent professional ability and market insight make these brave people dare to enter the business world and open up their own world.

Therefore, self-employed people need to fully tap and use their unique talents and experience as the most solid support.

Industry data reveals that starting an industry is the pinnacle of investment and financial management, and its rate of return is unparalleled.

With limited resources, it is undoubtedly wise to focus on the industry itself.

When the capital and energy are abundant, we will choose the opportunity to set foot in other investment areas.

At the same time, building a solid insurance barrier for businesses and individuals is a long-term solution, although it increases costs.

For such households, the key is the resilience of businesses in the face of market volatility and economic crises.

Only enterprises with core competitiveness (such as innovation, intellectual property rights, and core technologies) can rise in adversity.

Therefore, high-quality projects, excellent management, and smooth channels are the cornerstones of survival and prosperity for independent entrepreneurs.

If you are not poor in eating, you will not be poor, and you will not be poor in your life

04. High-income families, solve the "confusion of wealth"

In recent years, these families have accumulated wealth at an alarming rate, with most of their assets locked up in real estate, while the remaining funds sit idle in banks, failing to reach their full potential.

In view of their strict requirements for quality of life and children's education, daily expenses are also expensive.

Therefore, how to make efficient use of these idle funds and how to maintain the current standard of living after retirement has become the focus of their common attention.

How to manage your finances: For wealthy high-income families, insurance should be a top priority.

Insurance costs are not only a key part of a family's financial planning, but also a solid barrier to protect the security of wealth.

Abandon the traditional savings model, gradually turn funds to bank wealth management, money market funds and equity funds, and select high-yield index funds with the help of expert guidance in market fluctuations to achieve wealth appreciation.

To ensure a worry-free retirement, a consistent regular investment strategy is a wise choice.

Although the stock market fluctuates, we firmly believe in China's economic prospects, and future gains and guarantees can be expected.

In particular, high-income families are reminded that although they do not need to worry about where their funds go at present, if they do not plan in the future, they may have the worry that "sweetness" will turn into "real annoyance".

Therefore, it is crucial to build a long-term financial security plan early, which may be "long-term" for a lifetime.

By balancing wealth distribution and rational planning, we can not only solve the current problem of idle funds, but also provide a solid guarantee for the future, and truly realize "long-term worries and near-term worries".

If you are not poor in eating, you will not be poor, and you will not be poor in your life

05. After the elderly couple retires, they leisurely "manage" their family life

In the face of a sharp decline in household income, the burden of living has increased accordingly, and the shrinking cash flow has led to more condensation of household assets in real estate (in cities, many elderly families own at least one former home of their own).

While daily expenses have decreased, medical expenses and annual travel expenses have gradually increased.

Financial management tips: In the face of the increasingly heavy medical and economic burden of elderly families, even with the protection of basic medical insurance, the out-of-pocket part is still increasing year by year.

To this end, it is particularly important to optimize the layout of family assets.

Revitalizing valuable old properties, such as renting out properties in the city centre and then relocating to more remote areas, can significantly alleviate pension expenses by obtaining the difference in rent.

However, life in old age is not only about money planning, but also a regular schedule, a healthy diet, a happy mood and a variety of retirement activities form the cornerstone of a high-quality life in old age.

In this context, the actual significance and value of the accumulation of household assets have been relatively weakened compared with these elements.

Older people are advised to think deeply: What is the real use of the wealth they have accumulated in their lifetime?

Many people are diligent and thrifty, and they are cautious all their lives, but they give all the wealth they have accumulated hard-earned to their children, but they may inadvertently nourish the dependent "gnawing old people", which hinders the growth of their children.

In addition, many elderly people are still struggling in the muddy stock market with their weak bodies in tow, and eventually they are physically and mentally exhausted, and their meager income is not enough to pay for medical expenses.

Therefore, the elderly should pursue the quality of life and calmness, and health is the key.

If you are not poor in eating, you will not be poor, and you will not be poor in your life

06. Single-person families need "external support" to seek stability in adversity

Family characteristics: Although a single family has a sustainable personal income, taking on all the responsibilities of the family alone (including possible child support and parental support) adds to the financial and emotional pressures, as well as the social pressures to form or reorganize the family.

Financial strategy: In the face of risk, the power of the family, especially the couple, is far greater than that of the individual.

Especially in times of economic turmoil, once the income of single people declines, it will directly affect the quality of life of the whole family.

Therefore, single families should use "external forces" wisely when resisting risks.

Starting a family has become their first choice for a solid economic foundation, and those who have a family, with the support of their partners, have a more stable and orderly life, so that they have more energy to pursue excellence in their careers.

The first thing a single family can do to ensure that their children or parents are more securely protected is to insure themselves.

It is highly recommended that single families choose a suitable insurance plan and set the beneficiary as a member of the family they care for – parents or children.

This is not only a responsibility and care for them, but also a way to provide them with continuous financial support when the unexpected strikes and ensure a worry-free life.

If you are not poor in eating, you will not be poor, and you will not be poor in your life

07. In a large family with three generations, "cash flow" is undoubtedly its core element

Families have distinct characteristics and large populations, and members of all ages carry different life needs: investment in children's education, parents' medical expenses, and young couples' pursuit of improving their quality of life.

Attending a nursery, choosing a school, changing houses, buying a car, medical care, traveling, social activities, etc., are all part of the daily expenses of such families.

The key to financial management is to clarify and prioritize your life goals to ensure that your limited funds can be accurately invested in the most reasonable and urgent needs.

The preparation and accumulation of children's education funds is the first priority, and the early planning of the special investment of the fund is very important.

Immediately afterwards, the parents' pension planning should not be ignored, and supplementing the commercial pension insurance and regular investment funds are both wise choices.

The improvement of the quality of life such as buying a house, changing houses, and buying a car should be gradually considered after these basic needs are met.

For young couples, the concept of "cash flow" is particularly important, and building a pool of funds that includes monthly balances and year-end bonuses will help the family to grow financially.

When the elderly need medical care, we need to allocate funds; When children are in school, they also need to invest in time.

This pool of funds is designed to achieve diversification goals. As your income grows steadily and your savings become more abundant, you may want to consult a financial expert to divide your funds wisely.

Education funds, due to the long investment period, can consider high-risk but high-potential return wealth management products; As for the parental health reserve, it is advisable to choose a low-risk, high-liquidity investment method.

If you are not poor in eating, you will not be poor, and you will not be poor in your life

It is suggested that you learn from the wisdom of Wang Xifeng in "Dream of Red Mansions" in managing the Grand View Garden, and carry out refined management of family finances by person, classification and project.

To ensure a healthy flow of funds, accumulation and aggregation are crucial.

Wealth management is not simply the purchase of financial products, but a well-planned allocation plan that needs to be implemented consistently. Choose the financial products and financial instruments that suit you, so that the compounding effect of time can continue to add value to the limited funds.

The breeze is not dry, the sun is just right, you pass by here like the wind, may you stay warm and comfortable for a moment.

I am (fishing and farming to read and see life), welcome to follow
