
A woman, the best spiritual looks: 6 words

author:Uncle Zhihe
A woman, the best spiritual looks: 6 words

I've seen a sentence like this:

"The beauty of a person's facial features is like a flower blooming into the sun, direct and intense; The spiritual beauty is like a dark fragrance floating, restrained and rich. ”

To be honest, everyone often has two kinds of looks in this life, one is the external physical appearance, and the other is the inner spiritual appearance.

This is especially true of women, the state under the two faces is completely different.

If the beauty of her facial features is like a flower blooming in the middle of summer, it can give people a pleasing beauty; Then her spiritual beauty can be temperamental, refreshing.

The external appearance has long been predestined, but the spiritual appearance can continue to change with the passage of time.

Because behind the spiritual appearance is a woman's experience and past, but also engraved with her own mentality and habits, so that she can become a unique existence, even if her age climbs, she can still walk with the wind and light in her eyes.

In my opinion, a woman's best spiritual appearance can be summed up in 6 words: self-confidence,

A woman, the best spiritual looks: 6 words

1 Young's confidence in his face

Writer George Bernard Shaw said:

"People with self-confidence can turn small into great, mediocre into magical."

Shaohua is fleeting and her face is easy to age, but the thing that can make a woman continue to have charm is often the self-confidence on her face.

Because you can be accompanied by self-confidence, you can show the best side of your body, live the best version of yourself on the road of life, and let yourself shine wherever you go.

Also because of self-confidence together, they will never easily look down on themselves, let alone feel that they are worthless or inferior, but confidently and generously raise their heads and walk out of their own bright road.

Every woman may have more or less certain flaws, but it is precisely because of self-confidence that she will not easily deny herself, but can really recognize her shortcomings and make up for her shortcomings, and it is easier for her to make great progress, from ordinary to excellent, from mediocre to magical.

The self-confidence on Yang's face does not come out of thin air, but is the result of self-improvement and enterprising, so that good habits nourish one's heart and make oneself shine.

No matter when, you should let yourself live more and more confidently, make yourself the most beautiful scenery in the world, and live more and more charming.

A woman, the best spiritual looks: 6 words

2 A smile on your lips

The poet Lu You wrote in "Book Dream":

"Laughing at it, how difficult it is to float."

Nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory, and the smile on the lips represents a strong mentality in the heart, and will not be full of sadness because of the predicament, but accept it calmly and move forward bravely.

Smile is the best business card of self, which can make people see their honor and disgrace without being surprised, and can also feel the indifference and calmness under the tranquility, so that people will not easily communicate with a guarded heart, but have more trust.

A woman who always likes to smile has already made herself a person who understands and will not be easily irritable and angry at any time, but will treat it calmly, and let herself solve difficult problems.

In this world, smiling is not only an attitude, but also a force that reaches people's hearts, which can make people feel warm and bring each other closer.

Carnegie said:

"Smiling is a small price, but it creates a lot of value."

Those women who are accustomed to having a smile on their face are mostly in a beautiful and happy state in their hearts, and this mental state nourishes their appearance, and will make them look charming and young.

Maybe time can make a woman grow old slowly, but it can keep her most beautiful side, and it can also keep her best mental state, and go further and further on her life path.

A woman, the best spiritual looks: 6 words

3 Kindness along the way

Saying goes:

"Mutual affection is born from the heart, and a good heart is beautiful."

The truth behind it is also easy to understand, good thoughts are seeds, good deeds are flowers, and good retribution is fruits.

A woman has always been kind-hearted, gentle and amiable to others, expressing her views in the spring breeze and drizzle, even if she does not have the appearance of a country and a city, she will have a pleasing appearance.

On the contrary, if a woman is cunning and mean-spirited, even if she is beautiful at first, with the increase of time, she will become an abominable person and keep people away.

The Tao Te Ching says:

"Heaven has no relatives, and he is always with good people."

This sentence is to say that heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are treated equally, and there is no difference between intimacy and alienation, but only for kind people, they are particularly favored.

In real life, those kind women will eventually be treated kindly, so that they can bloom in ordinary days, find their own happiness, and shine even if their lives are simple.

A kind woman, with kindness and good thoughts, knows how to cultivate her own growth from both inside and outside, and cultivates her body and heart, so that she can be generous, not sad or happy.

The best appearance of a woman is this, even though time has changed, but the kindness in her heart has not changed, she can still warm others with the most sincere side, and also warm herself, becoming the best way to heal herself at the moment.

I have always felt that a woman's greatest capital in this life has always been her appearance when she was young, but the more sober her mentality has been, so that she has never forgotten and has the best spiritual appearance in her life.

This is the power of confidence, smile and kindness, so that you can live the most desired life and be amazing, even if you bloom alone.

May you be able to have the best spiritual appearance, have strength and sunshine along the way, let yourself live elegantly and calmly, live up to the time, and chase the light!


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