
To go to the podium is to go to war

author:China Youth Network

"Test data sent!" "The power control system received Instruction No. 1!" Recently, in the training greenhouse of a certain regiment of the Rocket Force, Chen Huanfu, director of the teaching and research office, was directing the recruits in front of the post to conduct a full-process practical operation exercise. No one could have imagined that this instructor, who was calm and unhurried on the podium, had suffered from congenital stuttering.

In 2010, Chen Huanfu became a trainee teacher in the regiment because of his excellent theoretical achievements, but not long after, Zhang Ziyan, then director of the teaching and research department, was troubled by the problem of Chen Huanfu's incoherent and unsmooth speech: "How did this get into class?" ”

Serious stuttering has become a hindrance to the teaching work, but Chen Huanfu, who has a strong nature, has not been overthrown, in order to teach the "Rectifier Circuit" class well, he wrote down the teaching content and memorized the lecture script until 1 o'clock at night. Two weeks later, he memorized the 12,000-word speech, and even marked out the places that needed to pay attention to pronunciation and intonation, and after such "devil training", his teaching performance impressed many instructors, so Chen Huanfu officially took the podium.

As a faculty member, being able to teach fluently and vividly is only the first step. In a class, a student raised a professional question, Chen Huanfu suddenly stuck in the shell, although the temporary response said that after the class to communicate, but inevitably red face on the spot, which also let him more deeply understand the "one quarter of an hour on the stage, ten years offstage" Principle.

After the class, Chen Huanfu took the initiative to ask the old teachers for teaching methods, and then compiled the teaching plan. He also often went to the students' dormitories to investigate, understand their learning needs, and at night he held the teaching materials to study carefully, designed the teaching content, and asked about the "technical master" if the equipment parameters were not understood, and the equipment warehouse could always see his busy figure. He also went deep into the front-line research and demonstration for many times, and led the team to explore new training methods such as "professional principle learning throughout the whole process" and "progressive practical training". Gradually, Chen Huanfu felt the sincere respect of the cadets for him, and the officers and men praised him as "the most capable and capable education pioneer in the whole regiment", and he won the first place in the first teaching competition...

In early 2012, the annual pre-promotion mid-level non-commissioned officer training was underway, and the "special circumstances" of one trainee caught his attention. This trainee's name is Wang Jinbao, is a skilled driving skills of the big car driver, Wang Jinbao deeply loves the profession of soldiers, but because he only has the level of beginner Chinese, the learning foundation is relatively poor, he is very worried that he will not be able to successfully graduate and have to retire.

Knowing Wang Jinbao's situation, Chen Huanfu seemed to see himself who was suffering from stuttering, and he also learned that among the more than 100 trainees who participated in the training, there were still a few soldiers with poor learning foundation like Wang Jinbao. Therefore, when he chatted with everyone between classes, he told his growth story in detail, many students were deeply encouraged after listening to it, and overtime learning after class became a common practice in the training class, and Wang Jinbao often learned to go back to the dormitory at 11:30 p.m. At the same time, every evening self-study, Chen Huanfu will take time to "open a small stove" for students with poor learning foundation and take the initiative to answer questions for them. After the completion of the assessment, Wang Jinbao's 9 courses had excellent results in 4 courses, and there was no "hanging subject", and other students also successfully passed the assessment.

In this way, "do not give up a latecomer" has become the motto of Chen Huanfu's teaching career. In the past 10 years, he has directly taught more than 1600 students, and has never given up on a single student with poor grades. In the follow-up training class, Chen Huanfu also explored the "one-on-one" learning and support group, teachers and backbones to help and other effective measures, which greatly reduced the proportion of "poor students". Today, Wang Jinbao, a former "poor student", has obtained a university diploma through self-examination, successfully promoted to the third-level sergeant major, and grown into an excellent coach.

To be a good teacher, it is not enough to have book knowledge. Not long after Chen Huanfu served as a lecturer, he was recommended by the unit to follow the red and blue confrontation exercise tasks. In order to effectively combine theoretical study with operational practice, he conscientiously followed the post during the day and played the flashlight at night to learn professional principles, run circuit diagrams, and analyze test faults. Every time he went to the front line of the exercise to investigate, he always had to carry a notebook with him, write down the new methods he learned, and take it out to ponder when he had time.

Returning from the front line of exercises, Chen Huanfu was busy cultivating new recruits before the post, and in the face of zero-based recruits, he taught the operation method and equipment principle by hand, and led the team to explore new training methods such as the "integration of discipline and education" training mode, which effectively shortened the "run-in period" between new soldiers and equipment.

In order to closely follow the needs of the troops, the actual and actual combat training of new recruits, and shorten the cycle of cadets becoming talented, he has repeatedly gone deep into the grass-roots frontline of the missile brigade to investigate and demonstrate, accurately identified the shortcomings of training, led the team of instructors to gather wisdom to tackle key problems, and successively organized the compilation of 120 professional theoretical textbooks and 132 high-quality courseware teaching plans. At the same time, new training methods such as "first operation experience and then deepen theoretical learning" were explored, and the quality and effectiveness of training were improved year by year. Because of his outstanding achievements in teaching work, Chen Huanfu was successively named "Excellent Instructor" and "Most Beautiful Military Family" of the former Second Artillery Corps, and was awarded the second class merit of the individual, and was elected as a deputy to participate in the first party congress of the Rocket Force.

In the 11 years since his entry, Chen Huanfu has been aiming at the "spire" of professional training, and has grown from a national defense student to a senior lecturer in the Rocket Force. He said: "Standing on the three-foot podium and the training ground to teach the tao and solve the puzzles, seeing the expressions of the trainees listening attentively, and being able to contribute to the improvement of the combat effectiveness of the troops is the happiest thing for me." ”

He Zhe, Du Shi, Jiang Chongjing Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily

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