
Urging officials to improve their moral character and closely supervising their actions, the Ming Dynasty attached great importance to the character of officials

The full text is 1619 words, and the reading time is about 3 minutes, and the deeds of many emperors of the Ming Dynasty can be described as intriguing. For example, zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor who was born into poverty and worked as a beggar and a monk, single-handedly abolished the system of prime ministers and created the "rule of Hongwu"; for example, the Yongle Emperor Zhu Di, who launched the Battle of Jingnan to seize power, personally conquered Mongolia five times, and suppressed the Mongol forces;

For example, in the last years of the Ming Dynasty, the Wanli Emperor who did not go to the dynasty for more than thirty years because of the dispute over the origin of the country, but the Ming Dynasty still operated in an orderly manner. These are the most legendary emperors of the Ming Dynasty, and behind their achievements are many talented officials.

Urging officials to improve their moral character and closely supervising their actions, the Ming Dynasty attached great importance to the character of officials

After Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, he attached great importance to the power in his hands, and in order to realize his long-planned ideas and establish a dynasty of Guotai Andmin'an, he had to suppress the power of the prime minister, and even sought the opportunity to abolish the prime minister in order to make a drastic reform of his own.

So Zhu Yuanzhang established the Jinyi Guard, searched for evidence of the prime minister's mistakes, and used this to abolish the prime minister system. Although Zhu Di seized the throne, he was ostracized by officials and could only appoint trusted eunuchs around him to assist him and expand his imperial power.

Behind the orderly operation of the korean situation during the Wanli period, it is indispensable for Zhang Juzheng to assist and promote reform, which will create a situation of "Wanli Zhongxing".

Urging officials to improve their moral character and closely supervising their actions, the Ming Dynasty attached great importance to the character of officials

It can be seen that in addition to the development of the Ming Dynasty, in addition to the rule of the emperor, it is also indispensable to the assistance of many capable subjects. The social environment in the early Ming Dynasty was not so optimistic, but was suppressed by the Mongols, impacted by nomadic civilization, and the official atmosphere was in a slump.

After the unremitting efforts of Zhu Yuanzhang and other emperors to rectify the rule of officials, the official atmosphere of the Ming Dynasty gradually stepped onto the right track, and under the supervision of a strict supervision system, it became a dazzling presence of the Ming Dynasty.

1. Restore the indoctrination of liturgy

1. Establish a school

During the Yuan Dynasty, Mongol rulers abolished Confucianism, restricted the spread of Confucian culture, and ruled the world with martial arts. This is because the nomads themselves live in harsh environments and are accustomed to living without a place to live,

The bad habits of the nomadic people were also brought into the Central Plains, so that the Central Plains collapsed, and people's minds were imprisoned and became puppets of the rulers.

After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang intended to restore traditional Chinese civilization and restore the indoctrination of ritual music, and decided to start from the cultural aspect and set up schools in many places to improve people's education level, spread traditional culture, and avoid cultural faults.

Zhu Yuanzhang was born in poverty and did not receive a good education since childhood, in order to make up for his shortcomings, Zhu Yuanzhang hoped that the people could read and write, learn more knowledge, take the imperial examination, and become useful people to society.

Urging officials to improve their moral character and closely supervising their actions, the Ming Dynasty attached great importance to the character of officials

2. Rectify the administration of officials

Zhu Yuanzhang lived in the shadow of corrupt officials since childhood, was often oppressed, and his life was very difficult. Therefore, after Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, the first thing he had to deal with was these corrupt officials, as well as the rotten official atmosphere.

Zhu Yuanzhang suppressed the officials' fenglu and promoted frugality, and used this to cultivate the official's style of honesty and honesty. According to records, the Jiupin officials in the early Ming Dynasty were only enough to support the family.

Compared with the great embarrassment of previous dynasties, it can be seen that Zhu Yuanzhang's determination to rectify the rule of officials. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the official atmosphere was indeed clean and honest, and corrupt officials had nowhere to hide, and it also depended on a strict supervision system and strict governance methods.

Urging officials to improve their moral character and closely supervising their actions, the Ming Dynasty attached great importance to the character of officials

Second, officials are required to attach importance to moral conduct

1. Strict supervision

After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, there were evaluation criteria for officials of different ranks, and the punishment of incompetent people should be increased, and those who performed well would also be rewarded to encourage officials to be honest and honest.

The Jinyi Guards established by Zhu Yuanzhang lost their usefulness after collecting evidence of the prime minister's crimes, and were reused again until the time of rectifying the administration of officials.

At that time, JinyiWei was responsible for supervising the words and deeds of officials, but anyone who deviated from the standards was severely punished, which also created a stable environment for officials in the early Ming Dynasty.

Urging officials to improve their moral character and closely supervising their actions, the Ming Dynasty attached great importance to the character of officials

2. Improve the conduct of officials

Zhu Yuanzhang not only asked officials to remain clean, but also to do his best to help the people live a better life. Because Zhu Yuanzhang was born a commoner, what he thought and thought was naturally for the sake of the people.

The existence of officials is to make the people live happily, solve the difficulties encountered by the people in a timely manner, and give play to the value of their parents and officials, cultivate their own morality, and not be tempted by financial power, so as to promote the operation of the imperial court, improve administrative efficiency, and purify the atmosphere of the official field.

The Ming Dynasty was in the Xiaoice period of the Ming and Qing dynasties, natural disasters were frequent, and the long-term disasters would lead to a slowdown in the development of many places, and the lives of the people were not optimistic.

The existence of officials is to help the people break free from difficulties, get relief in disasters, make compensation in times of poverty, let everyone live with peace of mind, improve the level of national productivity, and promote the operation of the dynasty.

Urging officials to improve their moral character and closely supervising their actions, the Ming Dynasty attached great importance to the character of officials

The Ming Dynasty was at the end of feudal society, the autocratic system was constantly strengthening, and the emperor's restrictions and requirements for officials were also increasing. In the era of imperial power, officials needed to be conscientious and honest in performing official duties in order to help the emperor maintain the effective operation of the imperial court.

Local officials, regardless of their official position, must fulfill their responsibilities and provide timely assistance to the people when they encounter difficulties, so as to form a positive and healthy atmosphere in the official field. Ming officials were supervised in many ways and did not dare to do whatever they wanted, which promoted the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty to a certain extent.

Reference: "Myo history"