
At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, if there was no such person to make trouble, the Ming Dynasty might continue to survive

Judging from the situation at the end of the Ming Dynasty, it is not a question of who can save the world at that time, but the problem that if there is no one, there will be a problem of saving the world under tomorrow. It can even be said that without this person's troublemaking, the Ming Dynasty would not only not perish, but it is likely that there will be a new turnaround. This person is not bad in itself, and if he was born 60 years earlier, it may push the Ming Dynasty to another ZTE peak. Unfortunately, fate made him appear at the time when he should not have appeared, and Jean not only failed to play a role, but also became the last dose of tiger and wolf medicine to destroy the Ming Dynasty. This person was Chongzhen, the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, if there was no such person to make trouble, the Ming Dynasty might continue to survive

First of all, it should be pointed out that in the last years of the Ming Dynasty, although the activities of the Later Jin leader Nurhaci in Liaodong were rampant, there was still a long way to go before the Ming Dynasty's national capital was shaken. What really contributed to the demise of the Ming Dynasty was the serious economic crisis. Before the Chongzhen Emperor, this crisis took the form of nothing more than the corruption of officials and the attrition of foreign enemies. Although the famous "Three Great Marches of Wanli" is shocking, it is only a local war, and the consumption of the economy is limited after all. Official corruption has been the norm for more than a hundred years, and society has its own ways of relieving itself. The most obvious manifestation is that Wei Zhongxian tossed for several years, and although corruption prevailed in the imperial court, the country's economy could still function and military salaries could still be maintained.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, if there was no such person to make trouble, the Ming Dynasty might continue to survive

However, this situation changed drastically after entering the Chongzhen Dynasty. The Chongzhen Dynasty lasted for seventeen years, and natural disasters also caused seventeen years. The forms are also diverse: the drought that began in Shaanxi led to a plague of locusts sweeping the country; then the world entered the Xiaoice River period, and the Ming Dynasty suffered cold currents and snow disasters; the snow disaster was over, the plague came again, and then the Grand Canal swept the whole country from the capital all the way south; and even in the last year of Chongzhen, the Kaifeng area dug up the Yellow River waterway in order to resist the plundering of Houjin, resulting in serious floods. It can be said that Chongzhen has caught up with all the natural disasters that can be said, which also makes this emperor the most unlucky emperor in history.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, if there was no such person to make trouble, the Ming Dynasty might continue to survive

If Chongzhen, like his brother Emperor Tianqi, was an emperor with little ambition, then the Ming Dynasty could take advantage of natural disasters to recuperate and not easily solve external problems. If this were the case, there would be no infamous "three salaries (Liao," "Liao," and "training," and the people's lives would be somewhat sustainable, and there would be no large-scale civil uprising. The limited distribution of military salaries on average would not lead to a large-scale mutiny by Zhang Xianzhong and others, and the Ming Dynasty could still be maintained.

As for the external environment, in fact, it can be assured that the Liaodong region occupied by Houjin is even colder than the Central Plains. Snow disasters and plagues affected them more than in the Central Plains. In Houjin, which was hit by the snow disaster, food production was almost lost, livestock production was almost halved, and the economy fell into a serious crisis. So they organized a raid, which was actually not easy. If the Ming Dynasty used Yuan Chonghuan's strategy, the main defense, supplemented by certain conditions, it is indeed a pragmatic strategy. Even later, in the face of internal and external troubles, the Chongzhen Emperor himself entrusted the chancellor Chen Xinjia to preside over the peace, but under the interference of some enthusiastic officials, this matter could not be done. In fact, as long as the situation in Liaodong is stabilized and the loss of the whole country is reduced, the economy can be slowly revitalized in a relatively stable state. As long as the Ming Dynasty itself is not chaotic, Hou Jin will also shake the tree with grasshoppers at the head.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, if there was no such person to make trouble, the Ming Dynasty might continue to survive

But the problem was that the Chongzhen Emperor was an ambitious emperor. Even when the country was already in a natural disaster crisis, he was still eager to use a relatively tough method to fight for martial arts. Therefore, when he used Yuan Chonghuan as the Liaodong Jingluo, he would ask how long it would take to restore Liao, and unconditionally replenish all the grain and salary that was already small to Yuan Chonghuan; after Yuan Chonghuan was killed, he still did not forget to restore Liao, cruelly squeezed his own people, did not save the disaster, and did not appease the poor people, but blindly killed, and finally caused a fire everywhere; and the domestic situation was already chaotic to such an extent, he also took out a large amount of grain and paid, let Hong Chengzu launch the Songjin War, and the result was a complete defeat. Not only can the external troubles not be solved, but even the peasant uprisings at home cannot continue to be suppressed. Even in the end, Li Zicheng hit the city of Beijing, because the imperial court did not pay grain, and all the soldiers guarding the city basically watched from the sidelines and watched the Ming Dynasty perish.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, if there was no such person to make trouble, the Ming Dynasty might continue to survive

From the above simple explanation, we can see that the Ming Dynasty was completely killed by the Chongzhen Emperor himself. The Ming Dynasty, who has experienced the Jiajing Great Ceremony, the Wanli Slack Government and the Three Great Marches, as well as the cruel party struggle of the Apocalypse Dynasty, is already a very weak patient, and what is most needed at this time is rest. If there is no Chongzhen, who can be called the medicine of the tiger and wolf, and a more pragmatic emperor, such as Song Zhenzong and Renzong, the Ming Dynasty is likely to survive for a while, or even consume the gold after death and revive. Unfortunately, in the end, it was Chongzhen who wanted to work hard to govern. As long as he is on the stage, he will continue to take the Ming Dynasty on this road of no return. No matter how many famous generals he had, he could not save the Ming Dynasty in the end!

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, if there was no such person to make trouble, the Ming Dynasty might continue to survive

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