
Xiang Jun, the head of Qin Huai's Eight Yans, could be upside down for love, but eventually lost to Mendi

Qin Huai Bayan was one of the eight magical women who lived in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. These eight women, who are worried about the country and the people, who are concerned about their homeland, and who have extremely high moral sentiments and noble feelings, have gained a place with their skills in the feudal era when male power is highly concentrated, and have become a strong and colorful stroke in ancient history.

Li Xiangjun was one of the Eight Yans of Qin Huai, living in the turbulent years of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

She is a strange woman worthy of praise for a thousand years, she is like a jade before encountering love, even if she is forced to do so, she is resolutely disobedient after encountering love, and she is fully committed to her husband, maintaining absolute loyalty to her husband, preferring to be a concubine.

Xiang Jun, the head of Qin Huai's Eight Yans, could be upside down for love, but eventually lost to Mendi

First, Qin Huai Bayan

Speaking of Qin Huai Bayan, they all have noble sentiments, and they are deeply trapped in the red dust out of helplessness, but they have a high degree of awareness of themselves and have adhered to their faith all their lives.

Qin Huai Bayan were Liu Ruyi, Chen Yuanyuan, Gu Hengbo, Dong Xiaowan, Bian Yujing, Li Xiangjun, Kou Baimen and Ma Xianglan, all of whom were talented women living on the banks of the Qinhuai River.

Living in the turbulent era of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, those with lofty ambitions could only slightly disperse their minds to the land of fireworks on the other side of the Qinhuai River to chat for comfort. On the banks of the Qinhuai River, the land of fireworks and the examination hall are divided into two places, the north bank is the Jiangnan Gongyuan where the world's talents are gathered, and the south bank is full of Goulan tile societies that seek fun and have fun.

Xiang Jun, the head of Qin Huai's Eight Yans, could be upside down for love, but eventually lost to Mendi

Second, the story of Li Xiangjun

Although Li Xiangjun could not rank among the top few of Qin Huai Bayan, her story was also passed down for hundreds of generations, which was stifling.

Although Li Xiangjun was born in the land of wind and dust, she did not belong to the people of Qinglou. When Li Xiangjun was born, his family was still very beautiful.

Li Xiangjun was not originally surnamed Li, but surnamed Wu, five years after she was born, because her father was troubled by the party struggle and was forced to go to prison, the family was destroyed, and later her adoptive mother Li Zhenli protected her and escaped, and Li Xiangjun followed her around.

Later, she also changed her original surname Wu to Li, and since then changed her name to Li Xiangjun.

Xiang Jun, the head of Qin Huai's Eight Yans, could be upside down for love, but eventually lost to Mendi

Although her adoptive mother did not have the grace of childbearing to Li Xiangjun, she was very fond of this sensible and well-behaved daughter and planned to devote a lot of effort to Li Xiangjun until she was cultivated into a big girl.

While her adoptive mother Li Zhenli devoted herself to running a business to support herself and Li Xiangjun, she spent a lot of thought and energy to cultivate Li Xiangjun, teaching her to write, play the piano, paint, and also teach her to sing and dance. Li Xiangjun's years of hard work have finally brought a good result.

Xiang Jun, the head of Qin Huai's Eight Yans, could be upside down for love, but eventually lost to Mendi

After Li Xiangjun and Zhen, her adoptive mother arranged for her to work in Meixianglou, and the burden of life was transferred to Li Xiangjun.

Li Xiangjun's appearance is good, coupled with his skills, he will soon become famous. Her singing voice is very special, and whenever she sings a ballad, it can attract a burst of cheers and applause.

Third, Li Xiangjun first met love

Regarding Li Xiangjun's love, whenever it is talked about, it is touching. Li Xiangjun and her husband met in Meixianglou, and her husband's name was Hou Fangyu, li Xiangjun's first love.

In that era when the marriage matters were all in the hands of their parents and elders, Li Xiangjun and Hou Fangyu could be regarded as "free love".

Xiang Jun, the head of Qin Huai's Eight Yans, could be upside down for love, but eventually lost to Mendi

It's just that Li Xiangjun is not Hou Fangyu's first love, and Hou Fangyu's hometown in Henan still has a gentle wife.

Hou Fangyu was able to meet and fall in love with Li Xiangjun, or because he came to the capital to take the imperial examination, and heard that Li Xiangjun, a strange woman who moved Jinling, came to listen to the play, which led to the achievement of this golden and jade good relationship.

Because the two have similar interests, they can't help but talk more when they meet, and their feelings will come out when they come and go. Although it was not explicitly said, in fact, the two had already met for the first time

Love at first sight

Later, the whole wine was just a pretext of wanting to see each other.

Xiang Jun, the head of Qin Huai's Eight Yans, could be upside down for love, but eventually lost to Mendi

Hou Fangyu's admiration for Li Xiangjun has reached the extreme, and after expressing his heart to Li Xiangjun, Li Xiangjun is extremely grateful in his heart, not to mention that he has been with Hou Fangyu for so long and is also very admiring of him.

The two made a lifelong agreement, Hou Fangyu borrowed money to buy out Li Xiangjun's deed of origin, redeemed Li Xiangjun, and the two married under the witness of their friends.

Although Li Xiangjun and Hou Fangyu were married after several twists and turns, they lived a happy and beautiful life, but the redemption fee at the beginning was obtained from bad channels.

Although Li Xiangjun was trapped in the Red Chamber before this and listened to all kinds of misdemeanors in society, she could clearly distinguish between right and wrong in her heart.

Xiang Jun, the head of Qin Huai's Eight Yans, could be upside down for love, but eventually lost to Mendi

The person who borrowed the money was named Ruan Dacheng, a notorious big bastard who did many evil deeds, and Li Xiangjun also rejected him in his heart. Hearing that her husband's ransom fee was obtained from him, Li Xiangjun was frightened that he could not sleep at night.

Li Xiangjun persuaded Hou Fangyu to use the money he had earned in the Qinglou for many years to return it to Ruan Dacheng to avoid Ruan Dacheng pulling him on the back in the future.

Fourth, the blood-spattered poetry fan was forced into the palace

Ruan Dacheng did not succeed, and after his ascension, he was bent on revenge on these two small mouths. He looked for a man who framed Hou Fangyu, who was hunted down by the government, and in desperation, he separated from Li Xiangjun and went to his hometown to join his friends.

Since then, Li Xiangjun has also given up his job and waited for Hou Fangyu's return behind closed doors.

Xiang Jun, the head of Qin Huai's Eight Yans, could be upside down for love, but eventually lost to Mendi

Ruan Dacheng used his power and position to force Li Xiangjun to marry Tian Yang, the favorite minister of the dynasty, as a concubine, Li Xiangjun of course did not comply, under the persecution of Ruan Dacheng and Tian Yang, Li Xiangjun crashed into the pillar, and his head broke and bleed.

Hou Fangyu's fan that was given to Li Xiangjun as a promise letter was also dripping with a lot of blood.

Later, the fan was painted with a peach blossom, which became a peach blossom fan.

Although Li Xiangjun escaped this fate, Ruan Dacheng did not stop there, and he persuaded the emperor to summon Li Xiangjun to the palace, so that even after Hou Fangyu returned, the couple could not be reunited.

Li Xiangjun was very frightened when she heard the news, and when the Holy Will came, she could only enter the palace helplessly.

Xiang Jun, the head of Qin Huai's Eight Yans, could be upside down for love, but eventually lost to Mendi

By the time the wind had passed, when Hou Fangyu returned home, it was already empty. Grief-stricken, they miss Li Xiangjun every day, but the towering city wall cut off the lovesickness, and the two can only silently pin their love in their hearts. Later, the Qing army entered the pass, and Li Xiangjun escaped from the chaos, and the two were able to get together.

Fifth, after a short period of happiness, death

After Hou Fangyu and Li Xiangjun got together, Hou Fangyu took her back to her hometown in Henan, but Hou Fangyu's family had been accompanied by a wife for many years, Li Xiangjun was willing to be a concubine for love, changed his name to Wu surname, and had a good birthday after a few years.

Later, Hou Fangyu's parents inadvertently learned that Li Xiangjun was a red dust woman and drove her out of the house, Hou Fangyu's repeated mediations were ineffective, and finally Li Xiangjun was depressed.

Xiang Jun, the head of Qin Huai's Eight Yans, could be upside down for love, but eventually lost to Mendi

5. Summary

Although Li Xiangjun cannot rank in the top few in Qin Huai Bayan, her absolute loyalty to love, her adherence to noble sentiments, and her state of mind of never failing to live up to her love and righteousness have far exceeded ordinary people, and it is worth passing on for generations.

Li Xiangjun's short and fateful life, writing to the best of his ability to be sad and happy.

In that era of discrimination, Li Xiangjun still maintained his authenticity, adhered to noble sentiments, and adhered to absolute loyalty to love.

Xiang Jun, the head of Qin Huai's Eight Yans, could be upside down for love, but eventually lost to Mendi

Although Li Xiangjun's ending is not beautiful, her spirit of adhering to her original intention and not being afraid of the world deserves our praise.

Li Xiangjun preferred to die when there was no love, and after meeting love, she was willing to put down her body to be a concubine, and her absolute loyalty to love would be praised on the banks of the Qinhuai River and endured for a long time.

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