
Another National Day of Commemoration, but Japan has still not apologized for the crime, and the problem of Japanese textbooks has begun and ended

Another National Day of Commemoration, but Japan has still not apologized for the crime, and the problem of Japanese textbooks has begun and ended

Saburo Ienaga

December 13 is National Day of Commemoration, which commemorates the compatriots killed in the Nanjing Massacre. Although many pieces of evidence show the authenticity of the Nanjing Massacre, Japan has never apologized for the Nanjing Massacre, and with the revival of the Japanese right-wing today, Japanese historiography and textbooks have brazenly and openly denied the Massacre. As early as the 1960s, a very small number of conscientious historians in Japan began to fight against Japan's right-wing and right-wing historiography, and its representative was Ieaga Saburo. Ieyaga wrote a more objective history book, but was suppressed by the Japanese government. Today, we will talk about the history of the struggle between historians of conscience and the right wing in Japan, and thus also sort out how the textbook problem in Japan and the right-wing forces have developed step by step to today.

Another National Day of Commemoration, but Japan has still not apologized for the crime, and the problem of Japanese textbooks has begun and ended

Nanjing Massacre Memorial

The beginning of post-war reforms and the democratization of textbooks

Before 1945, one of the important reasons why Japanese devils were particularly crazy, could carry out massacres in Asia, could take live people into biochemical experiments, and could do so many inhuman things, was that there was a problem with Japanese textbooks.

In 1890, Japan promulgated the important program of militarist education, the "Educational Edict", which mainly instilled in the Japanese people the ideas of militarism, obedience to superiors, and willingness to be a militaristic war machine. Therefore, after Japan's defeat in the war, the Allied General Command (hereinafter referred to as the "Allied General") that occupied Japan believed that Japanese education was an important reason for Japan's aggressiveness, so under the instructions of the Allied Forces, Japanese education began to be reformed. In 1947, Japan enacted the Basic Law on Education, which focused on cultivating japanese national democratic ideas.

Another National Day of Commemoration, but Japan has still not apologized for the crime, and the problem of Japanese textbooks has begun and ended

Allied Forces Command in Japan

Before the war, Japan's education system was top-down, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology unified textbooks and educational content, and local educational institutions could only act according to the rules. Therefore, in 1948, Japan changed the education system to bottom-up, and the national municipalities, towns, and villages set up education committees, which were elected members responsible for local education management and textbook provision; Japan also stipulated the implementation of a textbook approval mechanism, that is, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of the Central Japan No longer provides textbooks, but is only responsible for the examination and approval of textbooks in various places; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology cannot interfere with academic freedom. Therefore, in terms of education alone, the revival of the right wing in Japan today is from the bottom up, the lower levels write a large number of right-wing textbooks, the upper levels indulge and adopt them, and the upper levels suppress the release of fair and objective textbooks, which eventually causes today's endless textbook problems.

Ii. Jia Yong and his textbook

Before 1955, due to the development of Japanese democratic forces, Japanese textbooks often reflected on war crimes. But in September 1955, Japan's largest conservative force, the Democratic Party of Japan, published a book to the public entitled "The Worrying Textbook Problem," which can be seen as a precursor to the reversal of Crimes in Japan. The book says that the Japanese textbooks currently being distributed have many problems, such as "too much glorification of communism", "too much propaganda of Marxism-Leninism", "political books that incite the workers' movement". In order to standardize the preparation of textbooks, the Democratic Party proposed the establishment of the Textbook Act, the adoption of pre-war measures, and the top-down management of textbook writing by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, And Culture. These reactionary measures have been criticized by many conscientious historians. Although the Japanese parliament rejected the Textbook Act, Japan also began to revise the concept of education, began to emphasize "patriotism" and began to be vague and vague about the nature of war.

Another National Day of Commemoration, but Japan has still not apologized for the crime, and the problem of Japanese textbooks has begun and ended

The Democratic Party is the predecessor of today's Liberal Democratic Party

Saburo Ieaga, a professor of history at Tokyo University of Education, was the main opponent of the Textbook Act during the 1955 turmoil, and his anti-rightist and anti-militarist behavior was hated by japan's Ministry of Education. Therefore, in 1962, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology reviewed the high school textbook "New Japanese History" written by Nagasaburo as "unqualified" and was not allowed to be published. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sports, Science and Technology lists many ridiculous excuses, such as the photo of Ikunaga bombing Hiroshima with the atomic bomb, and the photograph of the Japanese government driving students to drop out of school to go to the battlefield and work in factories, which Ieyong used to reflect the suffering caused to the Japanese people by Japanese militarism before the war. However, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sports, Science and Technology classified the Hiroshima photo as terrorism, saying that it would leave a psychological shadow on the students; the student's photo, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, believes that it shows that "the Japanese people's contribution to the country is a positive image." Therefore, JiaYong had to change the book according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

3. First litigation

In response to the 1962 approval of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and in 1965, Ieyong began to sue the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology with the Tokyo District Court, which he considered to be unconstitutional and infringing on academic freedom. On July 16, 1974, the Tokyo District Court ruled on Ieya's first lawsuit, and the judge's surname was Takatsu, so it was called Takatsu's judgment. In this judgment, the court demanded that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology publish the examination and approval standards, which directly dealt a blow to the right-wing forces in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sports, Science and Technology, because there were no objective standards for the review of textbooks in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sports, Science and Technology, and although the textbook review team had teachers and scholars to participate, the final qualitative power was in the hands of the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Culture, Sports, Sports, Culture Take Jiayong's original 1962 book, the four members of the education and science group reviewed, the voting stage is three votes to think "qualified", one vote "reserved", but the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Culture, Sports, Sports, Science and Technology bureaucracy immediately added new requirements, the result in the final review stage, Jiayong's book became "unqualified".

Another National Day of Commemoration, but Japan has still not apologized for the crime, and the problem of Japanese textbooks has begun and ended

District Court of Japan

Although Ikunaga had a lot of objective evidence, and Ikunaga's lawyers also seized the loopholes in the above-mentioned ministry, culture, sports, science and technology, Takatsu still sentenced the ministry of education to be "constitutional" and fully affirmed the province's interference in the right to education and the preparation of textbooks, but the court also held that there was an "improper review" in the ministry of education, so it had to compensate Ieyong for 40,000 yen. At this point, Jiayong's first textbook lawsuit ended.

4. Second litigation

The so-called second and first proceedings here are interspersed. In 1967, Jia Yong believed that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology forced himself to change the book against his academic conscience, so he restored his first edition. In March of that year, Ieyong was warned by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology that the book would not pass if he restored the contents. To this end, in June 1967, JiaYong filed an additional lawsuit with the court, asking the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sports, Science and Technology to cancel the characterization of the first edition of the book as "unqualified".

Another National Day of Commemoration, but Japan has still not apologized for the crime, and the problem of Japanese textbooks has begun and ended

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Japan

On July 17, 1970, the Tokyo District Court began to rule on Ieaga's second lawsuit, because the judge's surname was Sugimoto, so it was called Sugimoto's judgment, this time the judgment held that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology violated the law, Ieaga won the lawsuit, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sports, Culture, Sports, Culture, Sports, Education The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology objected to the results of Sugimoto's judgment, appealed to the High Court, and argued that Ieaga's lawsuit "has no litigation significance" and requested that Ieaga be prohibited from proceeding again, which was rejected by the High Court, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sports, Culture In April 1982, the Supreme Court ruled that "litigation significance still exists", so the claim of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology was not accepted, and the case was remanded to the High Court for retrial. On June 27, 1989, the High Court rendered a final judgment, and the High Court ruled that the Ieaga lawsuit was unreasonable on the pretext that the Japanese censorship system had been changed, which actually meant that the Ieyong lawsuit had failed.

5. Third litigation

Before the 1980s, Japan's right wing was still curbed to a certain extent, and Ieyaga Saburo's history books included Japan's invasion of China, the Nanjing Massacre, the human experiments conducted by Unit 731, the Japanese army raping Chinese women and "comfort women", the Trinity Movement, Japan's capture of the Chinese and North Korean people as hard labor, and Japan's invasion of Indochina. However, in June 1982, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology published a new opinion on the examination and approval of textbooks: diluting the history of Japan's aggression in World War II, changing "aggression" to the neutral word "in and out"; the Nanjing Massacre was unorganized by the Japanese army (meaning that this was the behavior of individual Japanese soldiers, not the behavior of Japanese soldiers); the 731 issue was still controversial, there was no professional work, and it could not be written into textbooks for the time being; on the issue of the Japanese army raping Chinese women, rape was a common disease of the armies of all countries in the world, and the Japanese army could not be blamed alone The Korean Trinity Movement characterized it as an insurrection; Japan's capture of Koreans for hard labor was changed to Japanese paid employment without mentioning Chinese hard labor; and Japan's invasion of Indochina was changed to an invited garrison. Therefore, the contents of Jiayong's textbooks became "illegal", and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ordered them to be rectified and deleted.

Another National Day of Commemoration, but Japan has still not apologized for the crime, and the problem of Japanese textbooks has begun and ended

Nanjing Massacre

On January 19, 1984, Ieaga filed a third lawsuit. Although Ieyong provided a lot of evidence, especially about the Nanjing Massacre, the Japanese District Court ruled that the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "did not violate the law" and dismissed Ieyong's lawsuit. Unsatisfied, Kayaga appealed to the Tokyo High Court. The Tokyo High Court held that the revision of the Nanjing Massacre by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology was "detrimental to the integrity of the textbook and is unconstitutional", but the opinion of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on the 731 issue was appropriate. In this judgment, it seems that the Japanese court opposed the Ministry of Education's rewriting of the Nanjing Massacre, but in fact, it did not! The Japanese court was extremely cunning and stole the concept, which in essence did not agree with the Nanjing Massacre, believing that the deletion and revision of the Nanjing Massacre only affected the integrity of the textbook, so it was unconstitutional, and the act of rewriting the Nanjing Massacre by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sports, Science and Technology was not unconstitutional! In this regard, Ieyasaburo filed a lawsuit with the Supreme Court. On August 29, 1997, the Supreme Court of Japan rendered a final judgment: it was inappropriate for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to delete 731, the Nanjing Massacre, etc., and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Culture, Sports, Sports, Culture, Sports, Education

Another National Day of Commemoration, but Japan has still not apologized for the crime, and the problem of Japanese textbooks has begun and ended

731 Ruins

Wen Shijun said

Although Ikunaga's lawsuit seems to have ended in victory, in the face of increasingly serious right-wing tendencies, Ieyashi and a very small number of conscientious Japanese historians cannot reverse the right-wing transformation of Japanese education. Today, it is national memorial day, and Japan still has not apologized for its past crimes, but has wantonly rewritten the history of aggression and denied war crimes.


Bu Ping, "Ieaga Saburo and the Japanese Textbook Lawsuit", Social Science Front, No. 05, 1995.

Gao Xingzu: "The Ins and Outs of the Textbook Litigation of Jia Yong Saburo", Nanjing Social Sciences, No. 06, 1999.

(Author: Haoran Wenshi Purple Orange)

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