
The "Big Goose , Yan Yan" calligraphy and painting joint exhibition opened in Xi'an because of the friendship of geese and art walking

author:Get on stage
The "Big Goose , Yan Yan" calligraphy and painting joint exhibition opened in Xi'an because of the friendship of geese and art walking

Opening ceremony

There is the Big Wild Goose Pagoda in the north, the Huiyan Peak in the south, and Xi'an and Hengyang are related to the geese. Hongyan, a calligrapher and painter from the two places, passed on the book, suppressed qiyu, and worked together to dedicate works with bones, morality and temperature to the people. On November 7th, the "Big Goose, Yan Yan" calligraphy and painting joint exhibition jointly organized by Shaanxi Book Academy and Hunan Hengyang Calligraphy and Painting Institute opened in Xi'an, exhibiting more than 120 calligraphy and painting works, including many fine works of calligraphers and painters in Xi'an and Hengyang.

The "Big Goose , Yan Yan" calligraphy and painting joint exhibition opened in Xi'an because of the friendship of geese and art walking

Chen Mengyu, deputy director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Shaanxi Province, delivered a speech and announced the opening of the exhibition

Chen Mengyu, deputy director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Shaanxi Province, who attended the opening ceremony, welcomed the arrival of Hengyang artists and congratulated the exhibition in his speech. He said that Shaanxi Hunan has a profound cultural heritage, and the two provinces have had frequent exchanges in the cultural field for a long time, and he hopes that the calligraphy and painting circles of the two sides can take the opportunity of holding this exhibition to strengthen exchanges, learn from each other, and jointly contribute to the construction of a cultural power.

The "Big Goose , Yan Yan" calligraphy and painting joint exhibition opened in Xi'an because of the friendship of geese and art walking

The exhibition scene was photographed by Qin Yi

The "Big Goose , Yan Yan" calligraphy and painting joint exhibition opened in Xi'an because of the friendship of geese and art walking

Exhibition site

In his speech, Zhang Ruiqi, dean of Shaanxi Academy of Books, reviewed the cooperation and exchanges between the two units over the years - the calligraphers and painters of the two academies jointly held exhibitions, organized pen meetings, learned from each other in art, and forged a deep friendship. He said that holding this exhibition is not only a display of the latest creative achievements of artists of the two institutes in recent years, but also an exchange and collision of calligraphy and painting creation between the two places.

Tang Shilong, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Hengyang Municipal Party Committee, congratulated the exhibition on behalf of the Propaganda Department of the Hengyang Municipal Party Committee. He said that the exhibition aims to inherit China's excellent traditional culture with calligraphy and painting works, practice the core values of socialism, promote the common progress of the literary and artistic undertakings of the two places, and hope that artists in the two places will use their works to save righteousness and great virtue for the times, and contribute to the practice of cultural self-confidence.

The "Big Goose , Yan Yan" calligraphy and painting joint exhibition opened in Xi'an because of the friendship of geese and art walking

The scene of the opening ceremony was photographed by Qin Yi

At the launching ceremony, Liu Xiaowen, deputy director of the Hengyang Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Sports, presented calligraphy and painting works to the Shaanxi Academy of Calligraphy and Painting on behalf of the Hengyang Academy of Calligraphy and Painting. After the opening ceremony, the guests enjoyed the exhibition with the audience.

The name of this exhibition is "Big Wild Goose, Wild Goose", which is named after the landmark landscapes of the Two Places, the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and the Wild Goose Peak. The Tang Dynasty poet Liu Zongyuan Shiyun, "The famous garden of the ancient country has been separated for a long time, and now the Chu tree has a southern branch." On a sunny day, it is good to return to the road, and it is the time when the geese return in front of the peak. "Xi'an and Hengyang have been emotionally linked.

The "Big Goose , Yan Yan" calligraphy and painting joint exhibition opened in Xi'an because of the friendship of geese and art walking
The "Big Goose , Yan Yan" calligraphy and painting joint exhibition opened in Xi'an because of the friendship of geese and art walking

The joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting between Xi'an and Hengyang is not only an exchange and interaction between calligraphers and painters in Shaanxi and Hunan, but also an artistic dialogue between the two ancient cities through the history of thousands of years, with pen and ink, line and color. Through paintings and calligraphy works, the exhibition highlights the thick cultural accumulation of the two places, highlights the unique regional culture of the two places, and shows the unique style of the excellent traditional Chinese culture with the art of calligraphy and painting as the carrier in inheriting the national context, highlighting the value of the times, and enhancing cultural self-confidence.

The "Big Goose , Yan Yan" calligraphy and painting joint exhibition opened in Xi'an because of the friendship of geese and art walking

Xi'an is the ancient capital of the thirteen dynasties that is famous in the world, just like a living history book, showing a magnificent picture of Chinese history and culture and China's excellent traditional culture. Hengyang is a famous cultural city with a rich history, nanyue Hengshan natural scenery is beautiful, Shigu Academy shines with humanistic brilliance, is the birthplace of Huxiang culture.

The "Big Goose , Yan Yan" calligraphy and painting joint exhibition opened in Xi'an because of the friendship of geese and art walking

Works on display

The "Big Goose , Yan Yan" calligraphy and painting joint exhibition opened in Xi'an because of the friendship of geese and art walking

(Some pictures provided by the organizer, Qin Yi/Wen)