
A person who is about to turn over a salted fish will have behavior

A person who is about to turn over a salted fish will have behavior


01. Preface

On the road of life, the wind and rain are mixed, and no one will be smooth sailing.

On the way to run, I always inadvertently encounter heavy rain and torrential nights; when I am about to dock, I am overturned by the huge waves and the boat.

In the journey of life, falling into a trough or suffering setbacks is the norm.

When you shout for help, you will find that very few people can actually reach out to help you. Only self-help is the most reliable choice.

A person who wants to "turn over the salted fish" actually has to rely on himself.

There is a sentence in the "Quotations of Grandma" written by Ni Ping: "The mountain will fall, everyone will grow old, you will find out by leaning on it, and in the end you will rely on yourself." ”

Learn to rely on yourself, and life will have a way out. A person is about to turn over the salted fish, there will be changes.

A person who is about to turn over a salted fish will have behavior

02, the social circle becomes smaller, concentrate on the struggle

In the journey of life, what kind of friends you are with, and what kind of life will you live.

Choosing friends often affects your attitude towards life, and affects the direction of your life development. Walk with people with positive energy regularly, then you will also become positive.

If you often eat and drink with your wine and meat friends, then your life will also be stuck in the same place, and it is difficult to leap forward.

A man, when he began to "turn over the salted fish", he learned to choose friends. I learned to break up my circle.

There doesn't have to be too much useless socializing, and friends are fine rather than much.

A person who begins to "turn over the salted fish" will stay away from low-quality social interactions, know how to start grasping time, and focus on doing what interests them.

Learn to spend time on yourself, walk with people who are better than yourself, and constantly push yourself forward.

A person, began to "salted fish turned over", his social circle will continue to become smaller, no longer want to take shortcuts, climb the relationship, but know how to work hard, hard self-discipline.

He would concentrate on the struggle and work his own.

A person who is about to turn over a salted fish will have behavior

03, do things with motivation, not afraid of difficulties and tired

A person, who has begun to "turn over the salted fish", often has begun to understand how to cultivate deeply in his own field.

Qiu Yingying in "Ode to Joy", found a job in a coffee shop, and kept trying coffee, remembering the taste and name of each coffee.

And, in order to improve her performance, she also thought of the idea of selling coffee online, and stayed up late to do it.

From "not understanding" coffee, to proficiency; from holding a resume and not finding a job in the talent market, to a promotion and salary increase; to finally she has her own independent office and can bring new people.

The reason why she "salted fish turned over" is because she is not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of tiredness, and has made a lot of efforts.

People who can really "turn over the salted fish" often look for a goal and will continue to work around the goal. Don't be afraid of hardship, don't be afraid of tiredness, and move forward bravely.

If a person wants to get a better life, in fact, he can only work his own.

Unsuccessful people are not stupid, but unwilling to give. People in the trough, want to turn over, only to continue to fight, there is no other shortcut can go.

If you want to get out of the predicament, instead of waiting for someone else to pull you with a rope, you should climb up and open up a path of your own.

A person who is about to turn over a salted fish will have behavior

04, good mentality, and constantly summarize experience to start

The better a person's mentality, the greater the probability of success.

Johnson said: "Seeing the good side of everything and developing a habit is really a treasure that cannot be changed." ”

If you want to have good luck in life, you must have a good attitude.

There is a "self-fulfilling prophecy" in psychology, which is to say, "What you always say, you will work in that direction to become that kind of person." ”

If, you have a bad mentality and always say that you can't do it, then it is difficult for you to have a moment of success. If you have always been full of confidence and believe that you will be able to walk out of a good road, then there is a high probability of success.

When you are in the road of life, encountered difficulties, want to "salted fish turn over", please adjust your mentality first.

If the mentality is good, it will look at things and see people positively, and it will not be easy to consume itself.

In fact, everyone's talent will not be much different, but those with a good mentality are often more likely to succeed and live the life they want.

When you want to "turn over the salted fish", please adjust your mentality and constantly summarize the experience of failure. Only by constantly improving ourselves in a targeted manner can we constantly break through ourselves.

The mentality is good, and the road ahead will become easier and easier.

A person who is about to turn over a salted fish will have behavior

05. Summary

On the road of life, please constantly adjust your state, and then try your best.

Sanmao said: "The heart is like a thousand and one thousand miles, and there is no boat to cross people, except for self-crossing, others cannot help." ”

On the road of life, when you are in trouble, if you want to turn over, you have to rely on yourself. Break through the predicament, break through yourself on this road, no one can help you.

Only by constantly accumulating more experience, learning more knowledge, and focusing on doing a good job can we have a head start.

Please improve your own strength, don't complain about others, and look down on yourself. Adjust your mentality, actively work hard to struggle, believe that you will be able to succeed, you may "salted fish turn over".

On the road ahead, set a goal, and start confidently, and continue to make progress. Don't be afraid to suffer, always maintain a good attitude, there will always be a day to turn over.

The harder you work and succeed, the closer you get to you.


Author: Xia Mo MO, a cutting-edge emotional tutor, a psychologist, a popular emotional writer with more than 1 billion people on the Internet, a happy woman manager, who has focused on emotions, gender, and mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for more than ten years.

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