
Locked in the rental house toilet, I didn't bring my phone...

Author: Road Angel

Locked in the rental house toilet, I didn't bring my phone...

Last year, the fact that a girl living alone was locked in a rental house for 24 hours caused people to think about living alone. Is it that if the girl shares a room with someone else, the situation will be better? In today's "per capita social fear" of young people, even if they are shared, people are still like islands between people. Today's strange friend Huowa shared an urban legend (tragic experience) of being locked in a toilet.

In 2020, I rented a single room on the Free Platform and started my life of North Drift.

There are 5 rooms in this house, and according to the information on the platform, my "roommates" are two boys and two girls.

But in reality, the roommates are haunted, and the dragon sees the beginning and does not see the end. After moving into the house for a while, the number of times I saw my roommates was also extremely limited.

Locked in the rental house toilet, I didn't bring my phone...

The people in this house are hiding in their own caves. /Unsplash

I remember when I first moved in, I met roommate No. 1. The "Hello, Hello" I was ready to be dissuaded by the 3 points of panic and 7 points of embarrassment on the other person's face, leaving only a barely perceptible nod.

We looked at each other and walked away.

At the same time, an even more eerie atmosphere pervaded the eaves.

Imagine a moonlit night without stars in a vast wasteland, and a head suddenly appears from a mound. Before going out to forage for food, a gopher used to show its head from the cave and look at it to make sure it was safe before quickly exiting the hole.

We live in our own small studio, like a "gopher" in a rental house.

Locked in the rental house toilet, I didn't bring my phone...

Going out is as exciting as playing a gopher. /Figureworm Creative

The only common spaces in this house are the bathroom, the kitchen, and a small place to put the table in the entrance.

When I was out moving, I occasionally heard the other rooms closing the door, but no one showed up. This picture is easy to make up: my roommate opened a small door slit, observed that there was someone outside, so he closed the door and waited for no one outside to move.

As a Chongqing native who is accustomed to enthusiasm, I have also developed the habit of "social fear". Before I go out, I'll approach the door and listen carefully for movement outside the door.

Locked in the rental house toilet, I didn't bring my phone...

Listen to the eight directions, in order not to meet each other. /Figureworm Creative

No need to say hello, it is really good not to interact with each other, the people who rent houses have different backgrounds, and it is not interesting to talk about it. Beijing is very cold, so there is no need to increase the temperature of hypocrisy.

Of course, sometimes this atmosphere of social terrorism that resolutely does not say hello also has some minor troubles.

Once, I opened the refrigerator and found three bottles of hemp horse fresh milk, all of which had been drunk a little, but the date of production was the same day, and it was impossible to tell which bottle was mine. After hesitating, I closed the refrigerator door.

A few days later, I found that the three bottles of milk in the refrigerator were still there, and it seemed that the roommates were having the same problems as me. In the end, the fate of these bottles of milk ended in moldy clumps.

Locked in the rental house toilet, I didn't bring my phone...

The cows were anxious for us. /Unsplash

Another time, I put oil in the pot, put the pot on the gas stove and went back to the room, and as soon as it was cooked, I forgot the time. By the time I smelled the burnt paste, the pot was already on fire. I turned off the gas urgently, but the fire in the pot was still burning. In a hurry, I took a basin of water and poured it directly on the stove (wrong demonstration), and the fire was finally extinguished, and the kitchen was in a mess.

No one noticed the fire, no one helped turn it off. Afterwards, no one made any comment on the matter.

Although there were many troubles, this kind of life of inconsistency was generally quite good, until one time, life touched me.

One weekday afternoon, I took a leave of absence from home and enjoyed a quiet time alone playing games. While playing the game, I hurried into the toilet. After that, as usual, I tried to unscrew the door handle, but I couldn't turn it.

After a wild twist, I found myself locked in the toilet, and the phone was in the room.

Locked in the rental house toilet, I didn't bring my phone...

The toilet door lock was probably stuck because it was too wet and rusty. /Figureworm Creative

After calming down for a few minutes and thinking of various ways to open the door, I gave up. Thinking that there should be at least one or two people in this house—my Korean roommate is at home every day, and there seems to be people in another room—I decided to break the "social terror" rule and shout for help.

"Anybody? Trouble help me open the door and I'm locked in the toilet! ”

"Open the door, help me open the door!"

I felt like a little girl selling matches on Christmas Eve, humble and helpless, and every time I shouted, it was like lighting a match, but it was going to be extinguished.

However, I was angry again: Why was it locked here? How can the quality of this door lock be so poor!

As I tapped on the door, I shouted "Help, help, help" with all my strength. I suddenly thought that Korean housemates may not understand Mandarin, so should I shout "help me", and I feel very pretentious when I think about it, "No need, it's embarrassing."

Locked in the rental house toilet, I didn't bring my phone...

It was the longest period of my life. Without my phone, I was like a neurotic on a hot pot.

About an hour has passed, right? I thought, when will anyone leave work? But I can't wait. Eventually, I decided to try kicking the door with my foot.

Toilet doors are a very common style, a piece of lattice glass embedded in the plastic board, does not look good quality.

One, two, three, just kicked for a few minutes, the door was a little bit rotten, but it was still tightly closed. However, when I twisted the doorknob again, the lock was so good that I probably kicked the door and loosened the lock - I rescued myself.

Locked in the rental house toilet, I didn't bring my phone...

I imagined myself as a hero, triumphant.

However, after opening the toilet door, I was greeted by the usual quiet and cold in the rental house, only the broken toilet door, and I witnessed this lonely door-breaking activity with me.

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