
This Christmas, "Little Devil Is Home" relies on you to design traps to prevent thieves

author:Long pick up 90collect
This Christmas, "Little Devil Is Home" relies on you to design traps to prevent thieves

Released in late 1990, "The Little Devil Is Home" became a must-see Christmas movie for millennials with its light-hearted and humorous plot: eight-year-old Kevin McAllister was accidentally left at home by his family who went out to celebrate Christmas, and he became the head of the family, and the whole family was at his disposal, doing what adults were not allowed to do on weekdays, which also gave the two thieves an opportunity to break into the home where only Kevin the little ghost stayed.

But he did not panic, designing various mechanisms in his home to resist: the grilled doorknobs, the painted corridors, and the poster girls disguised as real people, which triggered a series of exciting and funny scenes, and this home has become the playground of countless people's childhood dreams.

This Christmas, "Little Devil Is Home" relies on you to design traps to prevent thieves

◎ Fans should be very familiar with this home

If you've fantasized about playing pranks like Kevin, you can now make your dreams come true, and recently celebrated the movie's new sequel, "Home Alone: Sweet Home," on Disney+, where mcCullister's home, the original filming location, will open on Christmas Eve at Airbnb for a limited time, for just $25 to stay in, and the proceeds will be donated to Larabida Children's Hospital in Chicago.

In the play, Bath McAllister, who plays the brother who always bullies Kevin, will become the Airbnb host and personally entertain the travelers, and he said in The Airbnb announcement: "You should remember that I didn't like outsiders to come to the house before, but now that I'm older, I'm very welcome to invite you over this holiday season, I'll be ready for everything, just be careful, my pet tarantula is also at home, don't let it slip away this time."

This Christmas, "Little Devil Is Home" relies on you to design traps to prevent thieves

◎The house exudes a strong Christmas atmosphere

The room is fully restored to the classic scene of "The Devil Is Home", as well as festive lighting and carefully trimmed Christmas trees, you can find Kevin's sneaky adult nightgown in the bedroom, you can also spray exciting aftershave water, scream in the mirror, and enjoy a candlelit dinner, including Chicago pizza and Kraft cheese macaroni and other classic 90s delicacies.

This Christmas, "Little Devil Is Home" relies on you to design traps to prevent thieves

◎ This time, there will be no more thieves breaking into the home and causing trouble

Just be careful of the traps kevin sets in the play, such as the paint bucket he uses to clean up the thieves, you can also design the mechanism to tease others, feel how he chased away the thieves in the first place, and even greet the real tarantula up close and dream back to that Christmas Eve in 1990.

This Christmas, "Little Devil Is Home" relies on you to design traps to prevent thieves

◎ The house also retains the trap that Kevin set to ward off thieves

After the party, you can also calm down and watch the movie sequel "Ghost In The House: Sweet Home", and leave with a set of LEGO building blocks of "Little Devil Is Home" to commemorate this special memory journey.

EDIT: Gargling

More wonderful attention to the WeChat public account "Jiushi 90collect".

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This Christmas, "Little Devil Is Home" relies on you to design traps to prevent thieves

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This Christmas, "Little Devil Is Home" relies on you to design traps to prevent thieves

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This Christmas, "Little Devil Is Home" relies on you to design traps to prevent thieves

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