
The thieves used only eight pieces of red cloth to change the "magic" at night, and the museum lost 600 million cultural relics

China is the oldest country in the world, the only one among the four ancient civilizations that has never stopped, and its civilization history has lasted for five thousand years, whether it is spiritual civilization or material civilization, China is not inferior to other countries. As we all know, in the ancient feudal society period, society was divided into classes, generally only the upper class had the opportunity to receive a good material and cultural education, and most of the wealth of society was in the hands of this part of the people, so this part of the people did not lack rare treasures.

The thieves used only eight pieces of red cloth to change the "magic" at night, and the museum lost 600 million cultural relics

The ancient funerary culture is even more pursued by people, requiring people to go to another world with their favorite people or money and treasures when they were born. Therefore, the ancient tombs that still exist in modern times will be remembered by many people, and many tomb robbers will often "patronize" the ancient tombs and look for treasures from them. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, many ancient tombs have been destroyed. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the scale of destruction of China's underground tombs by tomb robbers is even more serious, according to china's official investigation results show that only in the late period of the founding of the country stolen as many as 200,000 ancient tombs, not to mention those ancient tombs that have not yet been discovered have been stolen, as well as the lost incalculable precious cultural relics in the stolen tombs.

The thieves used only eight pieces of red cloth to change the "magic" at night, and the museum lost 600 million cultural relics

On the madness of tomb robbers, it can be said that it is really digging up other people's "ancestral graves". Even if the thieves "patronize" the ancient tomb, they are so bold to "patronize" the official. In 1992, hundreds of precious cultural relics in the Kaifeng Museum were stolen by thieves, which is arguably the most rampant theft of cultural relics in history.

This theft of cultural relics and the previous theft of the Mona Lisa in the Louvre in France are listed as the two major theft of cultural relics, which is also known as the 918 cultural relics theft case. So what is the 918 case? On September 18, 1992, the staff of the Kaifeng Museum on the banks of Baogong Lake in Kaifeng, Henan Province, opened the door of the museum as always, but the staff was frightened by the scene in front of them. The museum's exhibition hall was in a mess, eight of the display cases were pried, and it was not surprising that dozens of precious cultural relics inside disappeared.

The thieves used only eight pieces of red cloth to change the "magic" at night, and the museum lost 600 million cultural relics

After this scene was discovered, the staff immediately called the police, the police received the report and learned that it was the 69 palace relics in the museum that were stolen, and attached great importance to this case, after all, the museum's security facilities are not weak, and it can be carried out in such an environment that theft can be carried out, which shows that its thieves are terrible.

When the police inspected the scene, they found a glass knife and 8 pieces of red cloth, and all the people present could not imagine that the thieves could evade the security facilities and commit theft with these two things alone. The police found that the lock on the museum's gate was intact, only a window next to it was opened, and there were 2 different shoe prints on the windowsill.

The thieves used only eight pieces of red cloth to change the "magic" at night, and the museum lost 600 million cultural relics

These clues indicate that the thieves are two people, and they are very familiar with the layout of the exhibition hall, because the target of the two is the exhibition hall of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and no other place has ever stepped on it. After many tests by the police, the principle was discovered, and it turned out that the thieves used 8 pieces of red cloth to steal 69 precious cultural relics such as blue and white tangled lotus plates, yellow glazed porcelain plates, and echo three-legged furnaces. The use of 8 pieces of red cloth to cover the infrared alarm, so that the infrared alarm system fails, so as to cross the window into the room to steal these dozens of precious cultural relics, it can really be said that the night to change the "magic", the museum will lose 600 million cultural relics, but this "magic" play big.

The thieves used only eight pieces of red cloth to change the "magic" at night, and the museum lost 600 million cultural relics

After months of investigation by the police, it was found that two of the suspects had entered the museum three times in early September and stayed in the exhibition hall of the Ming and Qing Palaces for a long time, and the police targeted these two people. The four wanted to smuggle the stolen cultural relics out of Guangzhou, so the police netted them all. In the end, 69 stolen cultural relics were recovered, and the four people were also dealt with by the police according to law. The sky net is restored, neglect is not leaked, and compliance with discipline and law is the concept that every citizen must establish.

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