
The man stayed in the mountains and forests at night, and a word helped the white fox become an immortal, but the little ghost came to ask for his life in the middle of the night

author:Chia Tai Bright Universe 0xN

In our beautiful land of China, there is a mysterious treasure called Cuiyun Mountain. That mountain, so high that it reaches into the clouds, the forest is as dense as something, and the clouds and mist are circling around, just like the fairy world in the sky. There is a small village at the bottom of the mountain, called Aoyagi Village, the people in the village are simple and kind, and they live a stable life of working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

One day, a young man came to the village named Li Ergou. This young man is a merchant who travels from north to south, carrying a burden on his shoulders, which is full of mountain specialties and daily knick-knacks, and walks the streets and alleys to earn some hard-earned money. On this day, he came to Qingliu Village at the foot of Cuiyun Mountain, it was getting late, and he wanted to find a place to spend the night in the village, and then continue his journey the next day.

Aunt Zhang in the village, seeing that Li Ergou was very real, warmly invited him to her house for the night. Li Ergou gratefully entered the house with Aunt Zhang, and the two chatted hotly. Li Ergou told Aunt Zhang the story of his journey to the north and south, and Aunt Zhang listened to it with relish.

The man stayed in the mountains and forests at night, and a word helped the white fox become an immortal, but the little ghost came to ask for his life in the middle of the night

Late at night, Li Ergou lay on the bed, tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. He heard strange noises outside, like the wind blowing leaves, and like someone whispering. Curious, he put on his clothes and crept out the door. Under the moonlight, Cuiyun Mountain looks even more mysterious. Li Ergou followed the sound and found that there was a white shadow swaying in front of him. When he got closer, it turned out to be a white fox, standing on a large rock, looking at the moon, and still muttering words in his mouth.

Li Ergou was taken aback, how could this fox still chant scriptures? He was about to sneak away, but he heard the white fox speak: "Where is the shore in the bitter sea of the world?" After practicing for thousands of years, it is difficult to find true immortals. Li Ergou was stunned, this fox can actually speak human words! He plucked up his courage, stepped forward, and asked, "You fox, why are you reciting and practicing here?" The white fox glanced at him, sighed, and said, "I am the white fox in the mountains, and after practicing for thousands of years, I am one step away from becoming an immortal." But at every critical moment, there are always demons in my heart who make trouble, and I lose all my efforts. Today I tried to break through again, but I failed again. ”

When Li Ergou heard this, his heart moved, and he said, "Maybe I can help you." The white fox looked at him suspiciously and asked, "How can you help me?" Li Ergou thought for a while and said, "You have practiced for thousands of years, and it is already difficult to distinguish between humans and foxes." But the key to becoming an immortal is the state of mind. You have to let go of your obsession in order to break through your demons. When the white fox heard this, a glint flashed in his eyes and said, "Thank you for your advice!" With that, it sat down cross-legged and began to close its eyes and practice. Seeing this, Li Ergou also found a place to sit down and stayed aside.

The man stayed in the mountains and forests at night, and a word helped the white fox become an immortal, but the little ghost came to ask for his life in the middle of the night

As time passed, the moon slowly sank to the west, and the east began to turn white. At this moment, the white fox suddenly opened its eyes, and a dazzling light emanated from its body. "I made it!" The white fox shouted happily. It stood up, bowed deeply to Li Ergou, and said, "Thank you for your help!" If you hadn't woken me up with a word, I might still be struggling. Li Ergou shook his hand, grinned and said, "You're welcome, this is all a blessing that you have cultivated yourself." Now that you have ascended to immortality, you can say goodbye to this mountain forest. The white fox nodded slightly, his eyes full of gratitude: "Although I have become an immortal, I will not forget your kindness." If you have any difficulties in the future, just call me, and I will definitely be the first to arrive. As soon as the words fell, it turned into a dazzling white light, and disappeared into the sky with a bang.

Li Ergou looked at the direction in which the white fox disappeared, and his heart was mixed. He never expected that his casual words would help the white fox soar. Just as he was sighing, a cold wind suddenly blew, which made him shiver involuntarily. When I looked up, a dark cloud rose in the sky, and the dark cloud was mixed with a little red light. His heart tightened, and he muttered to himself: "It's broken, it's broken, it's not a good sign!" ”

Next, let's talk about the origin of this dark cloud and red light. It turns out that there is a thousand-year-old ghost hidden in this Cuiyun Mountain, called Heisha. This black evil is not a good bird, specializing in doing some harmful things. As soon as he saw that the white fox Chengxian was gone, he was not happy in his heart, so he wanted to come out and stir up the situation. He gathered a group of imps and planned to attack Aoyagi Village. Although Li Ergou is an ordinary merchant, he has a good heart and a strong sense of justice. Seeing that the black evil is going to do evil, how can he sit idly by? So, he stepped forward and started a thrilling duel with the black shady.

The man stayed in the mountains and forests at night, and a word helped the white fox become an immortal, but the little ghost came to ask for his life in the middle of the night

As for what happens next, let's break it down next time. Li Ergou knew that the black demon was not easy to mess with, but he didn't plan to admit it like that. He gritted his teeth, thinking that he had to find a way to deal with these imps. Suddenly, he remembered what the white fox said before leaving, and he had an idea in his heart. He took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "White Fox Fairy Friend, my Li Ergou is in trouble, please help!" The sound echoed through the valley, startling a flock of birds. Strange to say, the black cloud seemed to be shaken by the sound, and the red light flickered even more violently.

Just when Li Ergou thought that the white fox would not appear, a white light flew from the sky and landed beside him in an instant. It was the white fox who had now turned into a fairy in white clothes, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, surrounded by fairy energy. The white fox fairy looked around, with a serious expression on his face, and said, "How can I stand idly by? She turned to Li Ergou and smiled slightly, "You step back first, and leave these little ghosts to me." Seeing that the White Fox Fairy was so righteous, Li Ergou was very grateful in his heart, and quickly stepped aside.

The white fox fairy waved his sleeves slightly, and a stream of fairy energy spread out, covering those little ghosts. The little ghosts were rushed by the fairy spirit, and immediately cried for their father and mother, and fled in all directions. Seeing that the situation was not good, the black demon poked his head out of the black cloud and roared angrily: "White fox, you dare to harm my good deeds!" With a flash of his figure, he pounced on the white fox fairy. Undeterred, the White Fox Fairy stepped forward and started a fierce battle with the Black Demon. The two of you come and go, and the fight is inseparable. Li Ergou's kid stood next to him and looked at him in shock, knowing in his heart that he couldn't intervene, so he could only be in a hurry. But at that juncture, he had a flash of inspiration and came up with a trick. And he ran to the brook that was near, and when he came back with some water, he threw himself at the black man. This water looks inconspicuous, but it is not ordinary water, it is the spiritual spring water on Cuiyun Mountain, which can purify evil and has great power. Heisha was splashed by this water, and immediately felt a cold air rushing towards his face, and his body stiffened. The white fox fairy saw the opportunity and stabbed the black demon in the chest with a sword. "Ahh He glared at Li Ergou viciously, and shouted unwillingly: "Today's account, Lao Tzu has written it down, and sooner or later it will have to be repaid!" With that, it turned into a cloud of black smoke and drifted into the air. Seeing this, the white fox fairy let out a long sigh of relief, turned his head and smiled at Li Ergou, and said, "If it weren't for you today, I really wouldn't be able to win." Thank you! Li Ergou waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, fairy, let's do what we can." He paused and asked, "What's next for the fairy?" The white fox fairy thought for a while and said, "Although I have become an immortal, there are still many injustices in the world." I plan to walk around, do chivalrous deeds, and eliminate harm in the world. When Li Ergou heard this, he admired it in his heart and said, "The fairy is really magnificent!" If there is a chance, I, Li Ergou, also want to go through the rivers and lakes with the fairy and act chivalrous. The white fox fairy looked at him, a hint of appreciation flashed in his eyes, and said, "Okay! If you are really willing, I will take you as an apprentice and teach you some immortal methods, so that you can also practice chivalry and righteousness in the world. When Li Ergou heard this, he was as happy as if he was something, and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to his teacher. The White Fox Fairy helped him up and taught him some basic immortal techniques. Although Li Ergou has average talent, he studied very seriously and quickly mastered some essentials. Since then, Li Ergou has followed the White Fox Fairy to travel around and act chivalrous. They have traveled all over the country and seen all kinds of things in the world. Li Ergou has also changed from an ordinary merchant to a brave and resourceful knight. Time flies, decades pass in the blink of an eye. Li Ergou is already a gray-haired old man, but he is still in good spirits and still has skills. The white fox fairy is still so young, as if the years have left no trace on her. On this day, they came to a small village. When the people of the village saw them, they greeted them warmly. It turns out that their deeds have been spread everywhere over the years, and people regard them as heroes. Li Ergou and the White Fox Fairy lived in the village, helped the villagers solve some problems, and also taught some aspiring young people immortals. The villagers were so grateful that they would always remember their kindness. Hey, this story of Li Ergou and the White Fox Fairy is really heartwarming. The legend of the two of them in the world is really a basket after a basket. They used their actions to tell us that the little thing between immortals and mortals is not a big deal, as long as there is righteousness in our hearts and we dare to take the lead, we can afford the name of the hero. Their story is like the old wine, the older it gets, the more fragrant it becomes, and the good stories in our world are not the colors they have added.

The man stayed in the mountains and forests at night, and a word helped the white fox become an immortal, but the little ghost came to ask for his life in the middle of the night

The knife of the years cuts quickly, and the days of Li Ergou and the White Fox Fairy in the world are like the scene in the painting, slowly unfolding and quietly putting away. They traveled north and south, leaving behind intoxicating legends everywhere. One day, the two of them slipped into a small town in the south of the Yangtze River, and the scenery was as beautiful as a painting. Although Li Ergou's hair is white, his eyes are bright and star-like, and he is still so curious about the world. As for the white fox fairy, it is still so refreshing and refreshing, like a master outside the world, not a little dust.

As soon as the two of them entered the town, they heard the lively sound of the streets and alleys, like the New Year. It turned out that it was a temple fair in the town, and the stalls were one by one, and the fragrance of snacks went straight to the nose. When Li Ergou saw this posture, he was childlike, and pulled the white fox fairy to drill into the crowd, taste food, watch performances, and be happy.

Just as he was having fun, suddenly a sound of horses' hooves came in a hurry, and a fast horse rushed into the crowd, and immediately the buddy looked anxious, waved a whip in his hand, and shouted: "Get out of the way!" Get out of the way! My young lady is sick, I have to find a doctor quickly! When everyone heard this, they all got out of the way, but the road was narrow and crowded, and the buddy couldn't get out for a while. Li Ergou looked at it and said in his heart, we have to take care of this matter, stepped forward to stop the horse, and said to the buddy: "Don't worry, I'll take you to the doctor." When the buddy saw that someone was helping, he quickly dismounted and thanked him repeatedly. Li Ergou was not verbose, and pulled him to run to the hospital.

The man stayed in the mountains and forests at night, and a word helped the white fox become an immortal, but the little ghost came to ask for his life in the middle of the night

When they arrived at the hospital, as soon as the doctors heard that there was a patient, they immediately got busy. After a period of tossing, the young lady's condition finally stabilized. The buddy was so grateful that his tears were about to fall, and he thanked Li Ergou and the White Fox Fairy repeatedly. It turned out that the young lady was his sister, and her body had been weak since she was a child, and this time she suddenly fell ill, which made him very bad. Thanks to Li Ergou and the White Fox Fairy, this was able to save the day. In order to thank the two of them, the buddy invited them to the house. Li Ergou and the White Fox Fairy were not easy to refuse, so they followed.

Although that house is not rich, it is very elegantly furnished, and it smells of books. The young lady also came out to thank her in person, although her face was not very good, but the heroism in her eyes made people admire it. After staying at someone's house for a few days, Li Ergou and the White Fox Fairy got along well with the family, drinking tea and chatting together, Kan Dashan in the north and south of the world. Li Ergou also taught them some simple health regimens, which benefited them a lot.

After a few days, the two said goodbye to the family and set out on their journey again. Along the way, their stories are like the snow in the northeast, getting thicker and thicker, and the more they are told, the more flavorful they become. Walking through the mountains and rivers, they witnessed the joys and sorrows of the world. They use their actions to interpret what is the true chivalrous spirit - not for fame and fortune, but for the justice and kindness in their hearts. But the years are not forgiving, and Li Ergou's body is not as good as day by day. He began to feel overwhelmed, and sometimes he struggled to even walk down the aisle. The white fox fairy looked at him like this, her heart was broken, she knew that Li Ergou's days were numbered. But she didn't give up, and looked around for the elixir fairy grass, hoping to give Li Ergou another life. But God did not fulfill people's wishes, and the White Fox Fairy tried his best, but he still failed to save Li Ergou.

The man stayed in the mountains and forests at night, and a word helped the white fox become an immortal, but the little ghost came to ask for his life in the middle of the night

On a sunny morning, Li Ergou left quietly. He walked peacefully, as if he had gone to a distant place, and continued his journey. The white fox fairy was grief-stricken, and she couldn't accept this cruel truth. She hugged Li Ergou's body and cried heartbreakingly, tears dripping on his face, as if she had taken away all the sadness and pain in her heart.

But life has to go on, and the white fox fairy knows that she can't be immersed in grief all the time. She cleaned up her mood and buried Li Ergou in a picturesque valley. His name and life deeds are engraved on the tombstone in memory of this heroic knight. Since then, the white fox fairy has continued her journey, but she has always been worried about Li Ergou in her heart. She inherited his chivalrous spirit with her actions and left countless touching stories in the world.

Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. The White Fox Fairy has also become a legend, and her story has been praised by people and has become a hero and role model in their hearts. Li Ergou's name is also remembered, and his deeds inspire people to pursue justice and kindness. This is a story of chivalry, love, and sacrifice, telling us that true heroes must not only have martial arts, but also have faith and dedication. Only in this way can we become an eternal hero in people's hearts.

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