
Zhuge Liang's last plan before his death, Sima Yi could not crack it in his lifetime

Three Kingdoms period: is an era of talent, in this chaotic world, there have been a lot of heroes Haojie, but also the emergence of a very intelligent and capable people, the so-called chaotic period of heroes, the princes of all sides have risen, like Cao Cao, Liu Bei, etc. Heroes, in order to compete for the world to recruit troops and horses, win people's hearts, the talents under the hands are also slowly increasing, but Liu Bei is not so lucky, has been bumping the four sides of the talent is also less pitiful, has not been a good strategist, Finally got a Xu Shu and was deceived by Cao Cao, Liu Bei, who was thirsty for talent, ran three times after learning about Zhuge Liang, and finally touched Zhuge Liang in his sincerity and followed him out of the mountain.

Zhuge Liang's last plan before his death, Sima Yi could not crack it in his lifetime

Since the descent of the mountain in 207 AD, Zhuge Liang has successively planned, burned Bowangpo, the Battle of Baihe Water, both battles defeated Cao Jun, causing Cao Jun to suffer heavy losses, but also let him, a person who had just come out of the mountain without prestige, under the neutrality of the army, the prestige made the whole army admire, the two defeats of Cao Cao army also made Cao Cao angry, Cao Cao personally led the army to the south, decided to destroy Liu Bei to take the opportunity to destroy Eastern Wu, Cao Cao's momentum frightened Liu Biao's son to surrender directly, so that Cao Cao's strength was much stronger, and the defeated Liu Bei clique had to flee to Jiangxia. Zhuge Liang united with Eastern Wu to jointly fight against Cao Cao, in the Battle of Chibi, defeated the invincible Cao Cao in one battle, and took advantage of Cao Cao's northern opportunity to help Liu Bei take Jingzhou and other places, so that Liu Bei also had his own territory, Zhuge Liang's Longzhong countermeasures also achieved a step, and later occupied Yizhou and other places, so that Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan became the most powerful force, and Zhuge Liang planned a strategic blueprint for Liu Bei, basically all of which became a reality. However, the sky did not follow people's wishes, Guan Yu carelessly lost Jingzhou, was defeated by Cao Cao and Sun Quan, unwilling to surrender and killed by Lü Meng's men, Shu Han not only lost a general but also lost territory, but also refused to let Shu Han when preparing to avenge Guan Yu, Zhang Fei was killed by his subordinates because of drinking alcohol, and Liu Bei was also killed by his men due to strategic mistakes when attacking Eastern Wu, Liu Bei himself soon died of illness in the White Emperor City, these two battles almost consumed most of Shu Han's national strength, causing Shu Han to suffer heavy losses, and there was no chance of unifying the world.

Zhuge Liang's last plan before his death, Sima Yi could not crack it in his lifetime

After Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang externally contacted Eastern Wu, the Internal Ping Rebellion, and after pacifying Nanzhong, with a certain amount of military strength and national strength, began the Northern Expedition to Cao Wei, although many victories, almost successfully, they all withdrew for various reasons, missing the opportunity. In 234, Zhuge Liang's last Northern Expedition, his rival Sima Yi. Because he had suffered Zhuge Liang's losses before, this time he fought against Zhuge Liang again, Sima Yi refused to fight, and Zhuge Liang prepared for a long-term battle in Wuzhangyuan Tuntian, but at this time Zhuge Liang fell ill due to years of fatigue, so he arranged the aftermath and soon left.

Zhuge Liang's last plan before his death, Sima Yi could not crack it in his lifetime

However, before Zhuge Liang's death, it had long been calculated that after his death, Shu Han was absolutely not safe, on the one hand, Jiang Wei was difficult to support after all! In addition, Liu Chan, the lord of the Shu Dynasty, was born thick, coveted pleasure for a long time, and did not want to make progress, in order to get peace after death, so when Zhuge Liang was about to die, he confessed that after his death, he made the following arrangements: make a large niche, put my body in it, wear a dress, do not use any sacrifice gold and silver in the coffin, choose ten of the four strong, carry my coffin from Chengdu to the south with a new rope, and the place where the rope is broken is where I am buried!

Zhuge Liang's last plan before his death, Sima Yi could not crack it in his lifetime

For Zhuge Liang's request, Liu Chan did not dare not obey, so according to Zhuge Liang's instructions, let the four strong men carry Zhuge Liang's coffin all the way south, but God knows where these four strong men went, after a few days the rope was not broken, so these people cut the rope, buried Zhuge Liang's coffin everywhere, and returned to Chengdu to return to Liu Chan, Liu Chan asked about the burial, and after learning the truth, he was furious and secretly killed the four people, so that zhuge Liang's real tomb no one knew where it was. Of course, as his opponent, Sima Yi certainly would not easily let Zhuge Liang go, and had to find his tomb, but Sima Yi spent his whole life and did not find Zhuge Liang's tomb, not only that, when Sima Yan became emperor, Sima Shi still did not find Zhuge Liang's tomb! Zhuge Liang also stumped three generations of the Sima clan in this way. Where Zhuge Liang's tomb is located has not been found for 2,000 years.

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