
The child was playing in the dragon chair, and the emperor asked him how he felt. The child replied wittily to inherit the throne

We all know that in ancient Chinese feudal society, the emperor not only had supreme power, but also enjoyed the highest treatment. Even the emperor's chair is different from the general chair, known as the dragon chair, so many people want to sit on the dragon chair to become the emperor, but it is not easy to sit in this position, if others sit on it, they will definitely think that they are going to rebel and be executed.

The child was playing in the dragon chair, and the emperor asked him how he felt. The child replied wittily to inherit the throne

The story we are going to tell today takes place in the Song Dynasty, one day, a little boy ran to the dragon chair to play. The emperor was there at the time, so he asked the little boy how he felt? Hearing this, the child answered only four words, but in the end he inherited the throne.

In fact, this child is not an ordinary person, his name is Zhao Heng. He was the son of Emperor Taizong of Song, Zhao Guangyi, and later Emperor Zhenzong of Song. Zhao Guangyi and his brother Zhao Kuangyin do things, so Zhao Kuangyin regards him as his own heavy subject. After the establishment of the Song Dynasty, he was highly valued by the emperor and was appointed as the governor of Jingcheng.

Since Zhao Heng was his son, he often played in the palace. Zhao Kuangyin also liked him. We all know that Taizu was born as a general who was good at leading soldiers and fighting. In Zhao Heng's eyes, he was an idol and admired him very much. As a result, he often played war games with his children in his spare time.

The child was playing in the dragon chair, and the emperor asked him how he felt. The child replied wittily to inherit the throne

One day, while Zhao Heng was playing, he ran to the dragon chair. At that time, Taizu and his father happened to come here. His father was afraid to see it all behind the scenes. He was afraid that the emperor would become suspicious, thinking that he and his son were thinking about the throne, so he hurried to intercede with Taizu.

Unexpectedly, Taizu did not get angry after hearing it, because Zhao Heng was still a child in his eyes. He wasn't worried much, and he didn't blame him. So he jokingly asked him, "Is the emperor good?" How do you feel? Zhao Heng replied wittily: Resign yourself to fate. That is, we should do our best to deal with human affairs, and if we can succeed, we should listen to the laws of nature. Taizu laughed after hearing this.

The child was playing in the dragon chair, and the emperor asked him how he felt. The child replied wittily to inherit the throne

After Taizu's death, his younger brother Zhao Guangyi succeeded to the throne. He had three sons under his knees, and Zhao Heng was the third. Unfortunately, his two older brothers died at a very young age, so Zhao Heng became the only one to inherit the throne. After his father's death, he ascended the throne, later Emperor Zhenzong of Song. It has to be said that this is a legendary life, and perhaps it is the inadvertent act of childhood that determines the fate of his life. How do you see this?

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