
Ayutthaya: Knotted gourds increase income and get rich

Ayutthaya: Knotted gourds increase income and get rich

Langfang's intangible cultural heritage "Knotted Gourd" has been passed down for hundreds of years by the Cui clan of Daliuhe Village, Dacheng County. Nowadays, the fifth generation of Cui's knot gourd production skills inheritors Cui Haidong and Cui Hairui brothers will inherit, innovate and extend their skills, take into account the artistic and commercial value of the "knotted gourd" skills, upgrade the industrial chain of excellent planting, deep processing, strong brand, wide sales and abundant collections through online e-commerce platforms and offline exchange exhibitions, take the road of getting rich and increasing income from original brand sales, and write "gourd freehand life" freely.

It is understood that in recent years, Dacheng County has continuously optimized the agricultural structure, with a craft gourd planting area of more than 3,000 mu, more than 30 kinds of knotted gourds, hot gourds, carved gourds, etc., driving more than 1,600 people to find employment nearby, and the cultural industry continues to empower rural revitalization.

The picture shows Cui Haidong selling knotted gourd handicrafts live on the e-commerce platform. Reporter Yang Yaqi Correspondents Liu Liang and Zhang Yidian took photos to report

Source: Langfang Daily

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