
"Ice and Snow Olympics, Beautiful China" Exhibition of Calligraphy and Painting Works of Primary and Secondary School Students in Langfang City was held

"Ice and Snow Olympics, Beautiful China" Exhibition of Calligraphy and Painting Works of Primary and Secondary School Students in Langfang City was held

On December 13th, with the theme of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, the "Ice and Snow Olympics, Beautiful China" Exhibition of Calligraphy and Painting Works of Primary and Secondary School Students in Langfang City and the 7th Animation Talent Contest of Langfang City were held in the Municipal Gymnasium. At the event site, the Winter Olympic sports projects, the Olympic five rings, the ice pier and other Winter Olympic elements jumped on the paper, attracting many citizens to stop and appreciate.

The event was hosted by the Municipal Federation of Industrial Economics, the Municipal Education Bureau and the Municipal Sports Bureau, hosted by the Municipal Animation Association, and co-organized by the Municipal Tsinghua Alumni Association. The activity aims to guide primary and secondary school students to communicate with calligraphy and painting, drive the participation of the whole people, and share the Winter Olympic event. A total of 275 units participated, and more than 80,000 works were received. Reporter Zhang Taiyuan photo report

Source: Langfang Metropolis Daily

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