
Li Lianglei has taken off her wedding ring in February! Party with Ariel Lin Zhang Junning, with a rosy face and a big show of figure

author:Catch the horse star smell

On December 15, Wang Lihong announced his divorce from Li Lianglei, and the outside world was in an uproar, passers-by and friends lamented pity, but the two parties seemed particularly calm.

Li Lianglei has taken off her wedding ring in February! Party with Ariel Lin Zhang Junning, with a rosy face and a big show of figure

In fact, when the two have not yet officially announced their divorce, there have been signs of "emotional change". At the beginning of marriage, Li Lianglei, who still liked to show affection, the social platform has not mentioned Wang Lihong for two years, and Wang Lihong attended the event, and his wife Li Lianglei also "disappeared".

Li Lianglei has taken off her wedding ring in February! Party with Ariel Lin Zhang Junning, with a rosy face and a big show of figure

When exactly the two decided to divorce, it may take longer than we think. Back in February this year, Li Lianglei attended a girlfriend party, when she had already taken off her wedding ring. Also attending the party that day were Ariel Lin, Zhang Junning and others, and everyone posed various strange shapes to the camera, looking very good.

Li Lianglei has taken off her wedding ring in February! Party with Ariel Lin Zhang Junning, with a rosy face and a big show of figure

Li Lianglei, who attended the party, wore a short denim jacket with a bra above, revealing a slender waist, a proud figure, and a rosy face. Having taken off her wedding ring, she can't see any sense of sadness about "lost love" at all, and it seems that Li Lianglei at this time has already walked out of the haze of marriage change.

According to Hong Kong media reports, in fact, the two had plans to divorce as early as 17 years, but it just so happened that Li Lianglei was pregnant with her third child and shelved her divorce appeal for the sake of the child.

Li Lianglei has taken off her wedding ring in February! Party with Ariel Lin Zhang Junning, with a rosy face and a big show of figure

In August 2018, Li Lianglei gave birth to a son smoothly, which is also Wang Lihong's first son. On the same day, Wang Lihong posted a warm and framed photo of the family, and the couple were very close to each other, intimate with each other, and could not see any signs of emotional change at all.

Li Lianglei has taken off her wedding ring in February! Party with Ariel Lin Zhang Junning, with a rosy face and a big show of figure

It is a pity that they finally failed to reach an emotional consensus after April 2019, that is to say, the birth of the third child was only half a year, Li Lianglei did not send photos about Wang Lihong, this clever time point, all revealed a message, their divorce is not impulsive, but in many times in the division and merger of the rational decision made.

Li Lianglei has taken off her wedding ring in February! Party with Ariel Lin Zhang Junning, with a rosy face and a big show of figure

Now Wang Lihong can calmly tell everyone the news of the divorce, it can be seen that he himself has also put down, no matter what the reason came to this step, the two peacefully broke up, each is okay, it is enough, I hope that all the viewers also respect the choice of the two, there is no need to have too much speculation.

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