
Xi'an Baling "bump face" Sanxingdui? What is the relationship between the two·

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Sanxingdui's steering wheel was "touched by porcelain"!?

This is the "net red steering wheel" of Sanxingdui

Xi'an Baling "bump face" Sanxingdui? What is the relationship between the two·

This is the "steering wheel" that has just been unearthed recently.

Xi'an Baling "bump face" Sanxingdui? What is the relationship between the two·

Whether it's from the gears or the components

All give people a feeling of "bumping face" Sanxingdui

Where do these "steering wheels" come from?

Is there some kind of connection with Sanxingdui?

On December 14, the "Archaeology China" major project important progress work meeting reported the important archaeological achievements of the Jiangcun Tomb in Shaanxi Province, after many archaeological discoveries, combined with the literature, the archaeologists believed that the Jiangcun Tomb should be the tomb of the Han Emperor.

The reporter learned that the online conference on the progress of the major project of "Archaeology China" focused on important archaeological discoveries in the Han and Tang Dynasties. Among them, the tomb of Emperor Wen of Han, the third emperor of the Han Dynasty, is undoubtedly the most concerned project. Until the identity of the owner of the tomb was confirmed, the tomb in Bailuyuan, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, was called the "Jiangcun Tomb". Through meticulous excavation and careful analysis, the archaeologists judged that the "Jiangcun Tomb" was the tomb of Emperor Wen of Han. The other two projects are the ruins of Zhengpingfang in Luoyang City, Sui and Tang Dynasties, and the latest research results from the tombs of the Tuguhun royal family in the Tang Dynasty found in Wuwei, Gansu.

Xi'an Baling "bump face" Sanxingdui? What is the relationship between the two·

△ "Jiangcun Tomb" is located relative to Xi'an City

Archaeological excavations have unearthed more than 1,000 pieces of various types of ceramic figurines, and more than 3,000 pieces of gold, silver, copper, iron and pottery cultural relics, with fruitful results. Among them, including the "steering wheel" of this "face-bumping" - copper gears, copper components.

As soon as the results came out,

Many sharp-eyed netizens have discussed,

This is not proof,

Shaanxi Baling and Sanxingdui are inextricably linked?

What do these gears do?

Let's take a look back

Speculation about the "steering wheel" of Sanxingdui

In 1986, there were 6 bronze sun wheels excavated at Sanxingdui, the largest of which was 85 centimeters in diameter. They are cast by the casting method, with a large round bag like a wheel hub in the center, 5 equal thorns on the four sides, and a circle on the outermost part connecting the 5 rays of light.

What is the bronze sun wheel for?

Some scholars believe that this is a shield ornament, the effect of which is to make the shield look more beautiful, is a kind of magic instrument during the dance ceremony. But its central gap is huge, obviously not defensive. And this sun wheel is very heavy, and it is not conducive to an adult man to easily lift. The museum staff also found that there was no handle on the back of the wheel.

Some people think it is a wheel fragment. However, in archaeological excavations, no bodywork has been excavated. In the age of horse-drawn carriages, it didn't seem common sense to make wheels out of heavy bronze.

Xi'an Baling "bump face" Sanxingdui? What is the relationship between the two·

There is also a theory that this is the sun shaped by the ancients. The bronze sacred tree embodies the myth of the ten days in ancient times, and the bird perched on the sacred tree is the meaning of the sun. The golden leaf of the golden sand sun god bird also shows the worship and praise of the ancient Shu people for the sun god bird and the sun god. These 6 "sun wheels" may also be symbols of light.

The copper gears and copper components excavated from Baling this time,

Detailed uses have not yet been announced,

But looking back at the long river of history,

The cultural exchanges between Sichuan and Shaanxi are endless.

Li Bai once said that "Shu Dao is difficult", and the Shu Dao in it is a general term for the road between Guanzhong and the Sichuan Basin.

There are four main roads through the Qinling Mountains, from west to east, they are ChenCang Road, Chu Chuan Road, Luo Luo Road, and Meridian Road. The part that crosses Bashan is divided into four routes, from west to east: Yinping Road, Jinniu Road, Rice Cang Road, and Yangba Road. Their arrangement and combination constitute the main passage through Sichuan and Shaanxi in ancient times.

Xi'an Baling "bump face" Sanxingdui? What is the relationship between the two·

The earliest of the four roads of Qinling is the Chu Chuan Dao, which was used as early as before the Zhou Dynasty, and when the King of Wu was cutting the Silk, the King of Shu sent troops to help, and it was here. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, there was a Praise State in the Baoshui River Valley, and the Praises of the Beacon Fire Drama Princes were dedicated to the King of You through the Chu Chu Dao.

As the economic and cultural exchanges between Guanzhong and Sichuan became closer and closer, the original old road could not meet the needs of transportation, so it could only be further repaired and expanded.

Before the Yuan Dynasty, there was no obvious difference in the status of the four provinces, and they were often set up as post roads at the same time. In the Ming Dynasty, the biggest change in Shu Dao was to change the boardwalk to a gang road.

Among the four bashan roads, the most famous Golden Bull Road is closely related to Chengdu.

Xi'an Baling "bump face" Sanxingdui? What is the relationship between the two·

Regarding the Golden Bull Road, the Chronicle of the Land of The Land is as follows: Former Qin wanted to replace Shu, and the road had no reason to enter, but carved five heads of stone cattle, placed gold in the back, and falsely said that this cow could gold, in order to dispatch Shu, Shu Hou was greedy for money, and believed in it, so that the five Dings led the cattle together, and the valley of the wall mountains and valleys reached Chengdu. The Huayang Guozhi is more detailed: "During the reign of the Enlightened Emperor, Shu had five Ding Lishi who could move mountains and lift ten thousand jun. In the life of King Xian of Zhou, the king of Shu had the land of praise for Han, because of the encounter with King Hui of Qin in the hunting valley, king Hui was made of five stone cattle, and the later days of the dynasty were said: 'Cattle become gold' Shu people are happy, so that they invite cattle, Hui Wang Xuzhi. It is to send five dings to welcome the stone cattle, neither gold nor gold, anger! The above-mentioned historical records clearly tell future generations that the Qin state in Shaanxi at that time wanted to annex the Shu state, and used a small scheme to spread rumors that the stone cattle could get gold, and after the five Ding Lux dragged back, they were useless as fake stone cattle, and the king of Shu abandoned the outskirts of Chengdu in anger - that is, the place of the Jinniu Dam in the west gate of Chengdu today.

In May 1960, Chengdu divided the surrounding sima, Wangjiang and other districts into an administrative district, because the district party committee and the district government were located on the Jinniu Dam next to the tea shop, so the word Jinniu was used as the name of the district, and jinniu district was derived from it.

Do you think there is a relationship between the two?


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Some of the information in this article is synthesized from: Jinguan News, Earth Knowledge Bureau, Fang Zhi Chengdu

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Editor: Yan Shiqi

Xi'an Baling "bump face" Sanxingdui? What is the relationship between the two·

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