
Cultural Observation | wrote "Fairy Tale King" for 36 years with his own strength Why did Zheng Yuanjie announce the suspension of publication?

Cover news reporter Zhang Jie

2021 is about to go, but many people do not expect that there is a classic childhood memory with the departure: "Fairy Tale King" magazine.

Cultural Observation | wrote "Fairy Tale King" for 36 years with his own strength Why did Zheng Yuanjie announce the suspension of publication?

On the evening of December 15, a message about the suspension of "Fairy Tale King" in January 2022 circulated in the circle of friends. The cover reporter dialed the phone of Zheng Yuanjie, the only writer of the monthly magazine "Fairy Tale King" and the famous fairy tale writer. He confirmed that the news was true. Why? "In recent years, the fairy tale king, Pipilu and other trademarks have been preemptively registered, and I have spent a lot of energy to defend my rights, but the progress has been slow, the effect is not good, and there is no dawn in sight." I hope that through the suspension of the publication of "Fairy Tale King", everyone will wake up the importance of protecting intellectual property rights in the field of trademarks. If it doesn't work, then I may have to stop publishing all my books in the future. ”

Cultural Observation | wrote "Fairy Tale King" for 36 years with his own strength Why did Zheng Yuanjie announce the suspension of publication?

In the past 36 years, it has published 495 issues, with a total print run of more than 200 million copies

All created by Zheng Yuanjie

Founded in 1985, "Fairy Tale King" has published 495 issues so far, with a total print run of more than 200 million copies, all created by Zheng Yuanjie, and his characters such as Pipilu, Rusisi, Shuk and Beta are well known to the Chinese. It can be said that "Fairy Tale King" has accompanied many readers, especially the adult years of readers after 70 and 80s. The news of the sudden suspension of publication has also made many people express their reluctance. Zheng Yuanjie said: "I myself am also very sad, very helpless, very lost, but there is no way, desperate to take the next strategy of a strong man with a broken wrist." I've been thinking about this decision for over a year. If there were any other way, I wouldn't have stopped the Fairy Tale King. ”

If the rights protection is successful, "Fairy Tale King" can be revived

But for now, the future looks promising. Zheng Yuanjie said that the time, energy and economic cost of trademark protection are very high. "The 7197328 Pipilu trademark, the 8229932 fairy tale king trademark, and the 5423972 Shuk trademark have been fighting for rights protection, and the time of these three trademarks has added up to 32 years. In addition, 672 infringing trademarks are pending protection. According to the five cases that can be protected at the same time at the same time, and the average time for the successful protection of rights in one case is 8 years, it takes a long time for all rights protection to be successful. I'm 66 years old and I hope not to wait until after I'm 100. Otherwise my work wouldn't be able to see the light of day. Zheng Yuanjie also mentioned that if all 672 infringing trademarks can be successfully defended, "Fairy Tale King" can also be revived, "but as far as the current efficiency and progress of rights protection are concerned, the road is long and the time is long." ”

Get up at 4:30 a.m. every day to write

The monthly magazine "Fairy Tale King" has been uninterrupted for 36 years

Now it's time to interrupt trademark enforcement

On his own Weibo, Zheng Yuanjie also recently sent a letter from Zheng Yuanjie to three trademarks. The letter specifically mentions three malicious registrations of the trademarks of Pipilu, the Fairy Tale King, and Shuk. Among them, Pipilu was maliciously registered by Zou Mouhong in 2010 and was used by a food company to sell Pipilu brand pork skin meat.

Cultural Observation | wrote "Fairy Tale King" for 36 years with his own strength Why did Zheng Yuanjie announce the suspension of publication?

Zheng Yuanjie also mentioned that she is 66 years old and has limited energy, and can only devote all her energy to defending her rights by stopping writing the monthly magazine "Fairy Tale King". Until all rights protection is successful, I will no longer mention pen creation. "I alone have been writing Fairy Tale King magazine for 36 years, publishing 495 issues, with a total print run of more than 200 million copies. It should be noted that Fairy Tale King magazine has been semi-monthly for several years. If the 495 issue is calculated according to 12 issues per year, it is equivalent to me writing the monthly magazine "Fairy Tale King" for 41 years. "Fairy Tale King" magazine grew up with five generations of Chinese readers after 70, 80, 90, 00 and 10. Millions of readers met me through the monthly fairy tale king, they wrote to me, and they became friends with me. For 36 years, I got up at 4:30 a.m. every day to write the monthly magazine "Fairy Tale King", without a single day interruption. In the past, I thought nothing would stop me from writing the monthly fairy tale king, but I was wrong. Your three trademarks prevented me from writing the monthly Fairy Tale King, and you did. ”

Cultural Observation | wrote "Fairy Tale King" for 36 years with his own strength Why did Zheng Yuanjie announce the suspension of publication?

Zheng Yuanjie (Courtesy of me)

For the sake of rights protection

5 million words of new work stored in the computer and not published

In order to fight against trademark infringement, Zheng Yuanjie told the cover news reporter that before deciding to use the suspension of "Fairy Tale King" to attract everyone's attention, he also used another trick two years ago, "I am still writing new works, but I do not publish them." When the trademark infringement has stopped and all the infringed cases have been successfully defended, it will be published. At present, there are 5 million words in the computer. The reason for this is that as soon as my work is published, I can quickly find that the names and titles of the people in the article are registered, and the infringement situation is more serious. For writers, works are like their own children. I don't want these 'kids' to be in danger outside. ”

Why is the trademark infringement so indignant that it is necessary to fight against it by suspending publication, Zheng Yuanjie told reporters in detail, "In recent years, I have been deeply troubled by trademark infringement. For example, what enterprise registers a Pipilu or something, I see it, I go to defend my rights. I still have to pay money, toss and turn many times, not necessarily successful, very troublesome. Now that the trial is held, I am arguing with the opposing lawyer on the spot. I can memorize many articles of the Trademark Law. There was also a time to defend rights, and the other party maliciously registered Pipilu. I went to them and they said they wanted me to give them 500,000 before they could remove them. Zheng Yuanjie said that in recent years, the rights protection of writers in the piracy of works has been relatively smooth, and if a book is pirated, it is easy to find out, "but in the field of intellectual property protection in the field of trademarks, it seems to be more difficult." It seems to have become a forgotten corner. I hope that this area will attract special attention from the relevant departments. I also hope that I can do something to promote the intellectual property protection of trademark rights. ”

The witty remarks on Weibo were originally written in the book

Because the rights protection stopped publishing new works "panic"

The backlog of new works written is not published, "Fairy Tale King" is suspended, Zheng Yuanjie frankly said, "Economic returns are definitely declining." But I don't regret my decision. I hope that in exchange for some positive responses, we can promote people's awareness of the greater emphasis on intellectual property. So it can also make me really feel worthwhile, self-sacrifice is not in vain. ”

A writer communicates with the reader mainly through his work. Now that I have written my work but have not published it, and the magazine has stopped publishing, won't you panic? Many people will also notice that Zheng Yuanjie interacts with readers frequently on Weibo, often with wonderful sentences, witty and humorous, and has also been on the hot search. At the mention of this, Zheng Yuanjie smiled, "This question has come to the point." Indeed, that's why I talk to readers on Weibo all day. You see that I will say some wonderful sentences on Weibo, but in fact, those are all things that I want to write in the book. This period of time is to use Weibo as a channel for me to communicate with readers, after all, I also need an outlet for expression and communication with readers. ”

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