
Surrounded by heavy Japanese troops, what method did Our Army Luo Ronghuan use to successfully break through

Luo Ronghuan's "enemy advance and we advance" tactic began in 1941 as a pioneering strategic deployment aimed at and cracking the enemy's strategy of sweeping the Yimeng Mountains. Liutian was stationed in Yimeng County, in the hinterland of Yimeng Mountain, with a total of 3,000 soldiers and only 600 to 700 actual combatants. The enemy gathered 50,000 soldiers to encircle and suppress our army in the Yimeng Mountains.

In order to successfully implement the counter-sweeping strategy in the Yimeng area, Commander Luo Ronghuan arranged three battalions of troops to block the enemy and play a role in containing the enemy. However, the results were minimal, but it aroused the enemy's desire to attack. To this end, a military conference was convened urgently.

Surrounded by heavy Japanese troops, what method did Our Army Luo Ronghuan use to successfully break through

Military conferences

In the winter of that year, Luo Ronghuan, Chen Guang, and many other officers huddled in a dilapidated thatched hut in a Niujiagou village, seriously discussing how to break the enemy's strategic intention to sweep up. Commander Luo Ronghuan silently looked up and studied the map, but the other military commanders were already impatient.

One of them said, "Fifty thousand enemy troops, a siege that lasted for nearly sixty days." Now they take the form of a wave attack, so retreat. To go on like this is to wait for death. The enemy is rapidly encircling in small echelons, only two hours away from our nearest enemy unit, and only three hours away! ”

Surrounded by heavy Japanese troops, what method did Our Army Luo Ronghuan use to successfully break through

A different voice sounded, "We can't just focus on retreating, we always have to have a charter." Whether to leave some troops to block or to retreat, even if we retreat, we must know which direction to retreat. At present, the blockade network in the south is the strongest, but there are also Japanese troops in the southeast, south and north. Once the decision is wrong, what awaits us is the total annihilation of the army. ”

At this time, everyone's eyes once again fell on Luo Ronghuan's body, and as the supreme commander at this time, he had the right to decide everything. Everyone also knew that his life depended on what he was going to say next.

Surrounded by heavy Japanese troops, what method did Our Army Luo Ronghuan use to successfully break through

Listening to the sound in the room quiet, his fingers also stopped on the map, and those who knew him well knew that at this point he had already made up his mind. "These three thousand people are the seeds of the Yimengshan Revolution, and they must not be lost, and we must retreat in full force, and we must ensure that not a single soldier or soldier will be injured."

Luo Ronghuan's loud and vocal speech shocked everyone, all of them were battlefield-hardened people, and the best choice at this time should be to sacrifice a small part of the team, divert the attention of the enemy army, and then buy time for the large troops to withdraw.

Surrounded by heavy Japanese troops, what method did Our Army Luo Ronghuan use to successfully break through

Luo Ronghuan seemed to see the confusion of the crowd and said, "The Japanese army in the east is already stationed and under strict control, and it is difficult for us to have a chance to break through." In the west, near the Tsuura Line, those military protection measures are an iron barrier, while the northern part is also guarded by Japanese troops, and if we attack strongly, we will be attacked on our stomachs and backs. ”

Then there is only one option left, to the south! Everyone looked at each other, it was the most heavily guarded place, and the three blockade lines were difficult to tear apart with this little force. Luo Ronghuan saw the doubts of the crowd, smiled slightly, and then said, "There are clouds in the art of war, and soldiers are expensive, not expensive." Moreover, our current military strength is at an absolute disadvantage, and we must not fight hard.

Surrounded by heavy Japanese troops, what method did Our Army Luo Ronghuan use to successfully break through

The enemy knows our weakness, and must think that I dare not rush to attack and attack head-on. So going south is our only way to live. The crowd was suspicious of the plan itself, but out of trust in Luo Ronghuan, they agreed to the battle plan.

Second, break through the defensive line

The crowd moved separately, and the only requirement of this combat mission was "quiet", so after the troops were assembled, they marched quickly and quietly. The hooves of the horses were all wrapped in cloth, and all the members were forbidden to make noises, no yawning, no coughing, and violated the military law.

Surrounded by heavy Japanese troops, what method did Our Army Luo Ronghuan use to successfully break through

On their way to the first blockade line, they saw the enemy's massive cavalry and modern equipment. Everyone was awe-struck in their hearts, and they didn't dare to make a sound. Not long after, we reached the enemy's first blockade line, Zhang Zhuang.

Scouts were sent out to talk about the enemy, and everyone held their breath waiting for the results of the investigation. For a while, the scouts had not returned, and the officers, including Luo Ronghuan, were already sweating on their foreheads. This is the autumn of life and death.

Surrounded by heavy Japanese troops, what method did Our Army Luo Ronghuan use to successfully break through

Finally, the scout returned, and the result was basically the same as Luo Ronghuan's prediction. The enemy never expected that more than 3,000 people would dare to break through head-on, and there were no troops at all on the first blockade line. Everyone looked at Luo Ronghuan one after another, showing admiration.

The crowd continued on their way to the second blockade line. Here it is obvious that there are several Japanese troops standing guard, and a few soldiers rush up to cleanly solve the Sentry Japanese soldiers and then release signal flares to the Japanese troops, so that the Japanese army thinks that it is their own troops that pass through the defense zone, and then these three thousand people pass through the second line of defense without being stopped.

Surrounded by heavy Japanese troops, what method did Our Army Luo Ronghuan use to successfully break through

When the people arrived at the third line of defense, they found that there was nothing here, and after verification, they learned that the enemy had prepared in a hurry, and the third line of defense had not yet been formed, and the hearts of the people were suddenly relaxed. People are particularly susceptible to fatigue after relaxing, and some people recommend taking a break in place and then starting again.

Luo Ronghuan said in a serious tone, "At this time, if you rest, it is easy to get tired, once the march is too slow and the enemy behind us finds that we have broken through the blockade line, we will inevitably come to chase, no matter how fast we are, we can't be faster than vehicles, then we will be in danger." Tell the soldiers that after stepping up their efforts, they can completely get rid of the enemy's pursuit when they reach the area of Wanggou. The crowd nodded yes.

Surrounded by heavy Japanese troops, what method did Our Army Luo Ronghuan use to successfully break through

Third, break through the bridge

It didn't take long for me to reach my destination, but I found a river blocking the way, and there was only a narrow bridge on the river that allowed only one person to cross at a time. Luo Ronghuan's mind spun quickly, saying, "Go measure the depth of the water, and if the water is not deep, ride across the river."

After measuring the river water only to the chest position, the soldiers crossed the river on horseback, and the old and weak and the women passed over the bridge. After crossing the river, the crowd suggested that the narrow bridge should be torn down to prevent the enemy from pursuing. Luo Ronghuan resolutely disagreed, and said, "If the bridge is not demolished, the enemy will definitely choose to walk on the bridge, which will greatly slow down their pursuit speed." ”

Surrounded by heavy Japanese troops, what method did Our Army Luo Ronghuan use to successfully break through

Once again, the crowd was impressed by Luo Ronghuan's wisdom. By the time the troops reached the safe zone, the sun had risen, and the soldiers who had traveled more than a hundred miles throughout the night had fallen asleep.

The distant roar of shelling did not affect their deep sleep, for everything there was nothing but the effort of the Japanese. Later, a reporter specially published a report, praising "no need for a bullet and a shot, no cost for a soldier or a pawn, and safe evacuation of the three encirclements." ”

Surrounded by heavy Japanese troops, what method did Our Army Luo Ronghuan use to successfully break through


This unique style of play, pioneered by General Luo Ronghuan, is known as the "enemy advances and we advance" tactics. It is a superb method of guerrilla warfare against the enemy. By analyzing the contrast between the strength of the enemy and us, we boldly and calmly choose the direction of the breakthrough, "turn" the enemy's rear along the guerrilla zone, disrupt the enemy's deployment, and then play the dual purpose of self-protection and attacking the enemy.

The chairman later praised this method of warfare, "This is not only a tactic but also a superb strategic thinking. "With this strategic style of play he pioneered, his rank as field marshal is well deserved. Zhuang Zhao, National Marshal, Zhuang Zhao national hero. How fortunate it is that the Chinese nation has such a hero.

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