
Li Chuanmin's column | miss yimeng mountain

Li Chuanmin's column | miss yimeng mountain

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Missing Mount Yimeng (lyric poem)

Miss Yimeng Mountain

That place that always lingers,

That's always the place to dream,

Thinking of you,

At this time, I can't snuggle up next to you.

What a place to always be attached!

That's where I left before that.

But I don't know,

Turning deep thoughts into permanent yearning.

Night has fallen,

Devoured the sorrow in my heart.

Like the deep sea stirring,

Like a mourning goose, an outcast lamb.

Every time I remember you,

They all want to repeat their old dreams.

Every time I want to pounce on your chest.

Li Chuanmin's column | miss yimeng mountain

What a place to stay!

That's always the direction of looking.

Under the bright sky across the mountain and the water,

It's you, dear Yimeng Mountain,

I can't forget that my career set sail from here.

Listen, the rustling of the wind,

Fluttering with a song "Yimeng Mountain Minor",

The wisp of sorrow that I chanted in my heart,

Turn into the candlelight of the zhaizi reservoir to pick up the lights of the night battle.

Smell, the rolling mud of the hills by the Meng river,

Dyed with autumn frost for a few nights.

Look at the sky with sad thoughts,

Bring the fragrance of fish and rice from the irrigation area of 10,000 acres.

Pin, the news of the mountain stream flowing,

Riding on the falling leaves floating in the stream,

Carrying the sadness of returning,

Li Chuanmin's column | miss yimeng mountain

Visit my second home that I have been thinking about day and night.

Tiptoe once design blueprint,

Has it ever turned into a rainbow flying frame?

Thinking of the installed water lifting station,

Can every household in a water-scarce mountain village fill a basin full of tanks?

Is my hydropower station still functioning?

Can everyone in the mountains watch TV, thousands of lights, golden splendor?

Ask, the comrades-in-arms who ate and slept together,

Is it already gray-haired and tough?

When will we boat again in the Daqingshan Reservoir,

Taste the taste of pancake rolls of green onions,

When will we carry our bicycles across the Wen River,

Go to the Menglianggu Martyrs Cemetery to rest and cool off?

When will we recount the glorious years together,

Relieved of my thoughts of the incessant Yimeng along the way?

When I think of Yimeng Mountain, my heart is agitated,

Speaking of Yimeng Mountain, I am radiant.

She has been fixed as a symbol of my youth,

One of my favorite songs: Good place in Yimeng Mountain!

Li Chuanmin's column | miss yimeng mountain

Recall jiangnan three

Yi Meng is good

Yimeng is good, and Yishui surrounds Mengshan Mountain.

Pancakes and green onions can nourish, pine wind huts can prolong life,

The most beautiful "literacy class".

Yi Mengmei

Yimengmei, the most beautiful is Yinan.

Listen to the evening song at the side of the River Wen, and pull the fishing sails from the embankment reservoir.

Ferry To Crouching Tiger Beach.

Yi Meng Rao

Yimeng Rao, everywhere is a golden mountain.

The north yu sorghum is red and the fire is better, and the tea trees on the south slope are as green as blue.

"Minor" sings the Harvest Year.

Note: Yimeng people follow the habits of the revolutionary war years. Call young girls "literacy classes."

Henghe Village is located on the north bank of the Wen River in Mamuchi Township, Yinan County, and is the hometown of Yimeng Hongjie.

Refers to the "Yimeng Mountain Minor".

Li Chuanmin's column | miss yimeng mountain
Li Chuanmin's column | miss yimeng mountain
Li Chuanmin's column | miss yimeng mountain

Author: Li Chuanmin, pen name Lei Zefeng. Male, born in 1945, from Heze City. Retired construction engineer of Heze Foreign Trade Grain, Oil and Food Company. He is a member of the Poetry Society of Shandong Province and Heze City.

One Point Heart Dream Literature

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