
1 Drug Network Health Column: What stages to go through from fatty liver to liver cancer!

【1 Medicine Network Health Column】

The chance of simple fatty liver cancer is very low, but some doctors predict that "if it is not taken seriously, in the next 20 years, metabolism-related fatty liver disease (fatty liver) may become the main factor leading to liver cancer." ”

This issue of science, 1 drug network will answer for everyone what stages of fatty liver cancer to go through, what harm to the body from fatty liver, and how to reverse fatty liver, hoping to help everyone correctly understand, prevent and reverse fatty liver.

1 Drug Network Health Column: What stages to go through from fatty liver to liver cancer!

What stages to go through from fatty liver to liver cancer

The liver has a strong self-healing function, and although fatty liver is a reversible disease, it is not always reversible. In the early stage of fatty liver, we can control diet, exercise and other ways to treat, change the bad lifestyle, so that the liver through self-repair to return to normal.

Fatty liver will not easily become cancerous, but if the liver has been in a "fat" state, over time it may induce steatohepatitis, and then cause cirrhosis, and finally lead to liver cancer.

Generally speaking, from fatty liver to liver cancer, it generally goes through the stage of development of steatohepatitis - cirrhosis - liver cancer, but it is not absolute. Fatty liver is generally divided into two categories: alcoholic fatty liver and non-alcoholic fatty liver. According to the Article in the International Journal of Biological Sciences, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is gradually becoming the main form of fatty liver due to dietary and lifestyle changes. There are many stages in the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, among which the non-alcoholic fatty hepatitis stage is a key stage in the adverse development of the disease, which can directly progress to liver cancer.

Therefore, after suffering from fatty liver, it is necessary to pay enough attention, otherwise fatty liver to liver cancer may only be one step away.

With the improvement of living standards, the incidence of fatty liver has increased, but many people do not pay attention to simple fatty liver without symptoms. In fact, fatty liver disease is not only at risk of becoming cancerous, but may also harm other organs of the body, leading to systemic diseases.

1 Drug Network Health Column: What stages to go through from fatty liver to liver cancer!

The liver is the detoxification organ of the body, the liver lesion, it can not play the detoxification function normally, other organs and systems will be affected, and various diseases may follow.

Damage to blood vessels

The liver is a metabolic organ, fatty liver patients will have abnormal fat metabolism, resulting in increased blood lipids, too much fat in the blood will be deposited into the blood vessels, resulting in narrowing of blood vessels, and then cause coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.

A study published in The Lancet-Gastroenterology and Hepatology showed that patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease had an increased risk of cardiovascular disease by nearly 50 percent, and as the severity of the disease increased, the risk of cardiovascular disease events increased accordingly, especially during the cirrhosis phase.

Increases the risk of diabetes

The liver is the core organ that maintains the body's blood sugar balance, in the case of normal operation of the liver, if the human body consumes too much sugar, it will be stored in the liver in the form of glycogen, and then transformed and released when the body needs it.

1 Drug Network Health Column: What stages to go through from fatty liver to liver cancer!

The liver of fatty liver patients is less able to function when processing blood sugar, and it is unable to keep blood sugar stable, resulting in too much sugar running into the bloodstream, causing or aggravating type 2 diabetes.

Studies have shown that fatty liver patients have a 2.19 times higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than the average person, especially when liver fibrosis is severe, the risk is as high as 3.42 times.

Damages the digestive system

The liver is the digestive organ of the human body, and the formation of fatty liver will directly affect the digestive function of the liver.

The most direct is to affect the secretion and manufacture of bile, thereby reducing the function of the digestive system, causing bloating, nausea, anorexia, diarrhea and a series of digestive symptoms.

How fatty liver is reversed

Although fatty liver disease is rarely uncomfortable, the damage to various functions of the body and the potential health risks are great. If the body examines fatty liver, it must be taken seriously. Fatty liver can be reversed in the early stages by regulation, and we can use the liver's powerful self-repair function to restore it to normal. The following are some ways to reverse fatty liver compiled by 1 drug network.

1. Control weight

Obesity is the main cause of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, after the diagnosis of fatty liver in people with excessive weight, it is recommended to consciously reduce weight within 6-12 months, weight control within the normal range can reduce the degree of fatty liver and improve liver function.

1 Drug Network Health Column: What stages to go through from fatty liver to liver cancer!

How can I tell if I'm overweight? Refer to the BMI index criterion: body weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of height (in meters).

The normal BMI in Chinese adults should be between 18.5-23.9. If it is less than 18.5, it is underweight; if it is greater than or equal to 24, it is overweight; if it is greater than or equal to 28, it is obese.

Clinical data show that when patients with fatty liver with a BMI index greater than 30 control their body weight within the normal range (BMI 18.5-23.9), they can reduce the degree of fatty liver and improve liver function.

2. Adjust your diet

Fatty liver is often "eaten" out, and it is crucial to adjust the diet if you want to reverse the fatty liver. 1 drug network suggests that everyone mainly start from two aspects, one is to control the intake of food calories, and the other is to optimize the diet structure.

The caloric intake of fatty liver patients should be controlled three times a day, and the most reasonable caloric intake is that breakfast and lunch account for 40% each, and dinner accounts for 20%, following the dietary rules of "eating well in the morning, eating at noon, and eating less at night".

In terms of diet structure, fatty liver patients should change the eating habits of overeating, pay attention to meat and vegetarian collocation, balanced nutrition, diversified ingredients, meat can choose more fish and lean meat, oil is mainly vegetable oil, and protein intake is mainly plant protein.

1 Drug Network Health Column: What stages to go through from fatty liver to liver cancer!

Fatty liver patients can drink more green tea, there are studies have proved that the tea polyphenols in green tea can regulate blood lipids, reduce the fat content in liver cells, and have a direct effect on fatty liver. Alcohol is very harmful to the liver, fatty liver patients to control the intake of alcohol, it is best not to drink alcohol.

3. Exercise appropriately

To prevent and reverse fatty liver, aerobic exercise is the main way. A new study published in the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology found that achieving weekly recreational exercise targets, that is, moderate-intensity exercise for at least 150 minutes, or at least 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise, reduced the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by 44%. The study also found that sitting for more than 8 hours a day led to a 44% increase in the incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

1 drug network recommends that fatty liver patients carry out moderate-intensity exercise more than 4 times a week, such as brisk walking, cycling, playing table tennis, etc., even if the amount of exercise is not enough to lose weight, it can also have a good impact on fatty liver.

1 Drug Network Health Column: What stages to go through from fatty liver to liver cancer!

If you want to reverse fatty liver, remember the six-word mantra: keep your mouth shut and open your legs. "Fatty liver can be effectively controlled by diet and exercise in the early stage. Do not take fatty liver as a small matter, such as the development of steatohepatitis, there will be a risk of cancer, Chinese medicine theory has "on the treatment of the disease" saying, not only in the disease before the occurrence of prevention, but also in the early stage of the disease to control, to prevent lesions and worsening of the disease, so as to make the body healthier.

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