
The current situation of the domestic folding screen mobile phone market this year: Huawei accounts for nearly 70% of the share!

Folding screen mobile phones have become an important route for mobile phone manufacturers to impact the high end, and now many players are joining in. There is a data that reveals the current situation of the domestic folding screen mobile phone market, which may make people sigh after reading it.

The current situation of the domestic folding screen mobile phone market this year: Huawei accounts for nearly 70% of the share!

Huawei P50 treasure box

On December 17, according to the data recently released by iResearch, huawei alone accounted for 64% of the market share in the domestic folding screen market this year, which is more exaggerated than the period when Huawei "ruled" the domestic smartphone market. But objectively speaking, Huawei has few opponents in the folding screen mobile phone market, almost only Samsung.

The current situation of the domestic folding screen mobile phone market this year: Huawei accounts for nearly 70% of the share!

Relevant data

On December 23, Huawei will hold a winter flagship new product conference, when the Huawei P50 treasure box vertical folding screen new machine will be officially released, this time the main focus is "fashion". If there is no accident, the market response of the machine should be very good.

The current situation of the domestic folding screen mobile phone market this year: Huawei accounts for nearly 70% of the share!
The current situation of the domestic folding screen mobile phone market this year: Huawei accounts for nearly 70% of the share!

"Fashion" seems to have become a very obvious trait on vertical folding screen mobile phones, such as the Samsung Z Flip3 and Huawei P50 treasure box. According to iResearch consulting data, vertical folding screen mobile phone users pay more attention to hardware configuration and appearance design, while horizontal folding screen mobile phone users pay more attention to hardware configuration and brand reputation.

Previously, some media combed the black cat complaint folding screen Top10 problems, and found that nearly 70% of the complaints were concentrated on the screen. But even if there are these problems, folding screen mobile phones are still growing against the trend year after year, and a very important factor is that its price is declining.

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