
After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot

As many stereotypes have come to mind, Russia is known as a "fighting nation." We marvel at the strength and hardcore of the Russians, but we also remember the Soviets that once dominated the world in this land.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot

Fighting National Soviets

So far, this vast land of Siberia has undergone the transition from feudal monarchy to socialism and then to today's capitalist system. In the midst of these vicissitudes of historical changes, some people have been forgotten in no-man's corner, unaware of the upheaval of the outside world.

This man was a sentry who had been holding his post, and an accident had caused him to be buried deep underground for nine years, and if he had not been discovered, he might have been reduced to a pile of dead bones. Unfortunately, when he was found, he was blind in both eyes, what was going on? What kept him buried deep underground for nine years, and how did he survive?

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot

Russian soldiers

The fighting path of the "Fighting Nation"

The misfortune of this soldier who has been buried deep underground for nine years stems from a war, an unjust war - the First World War: the war for resources and territory waged by the uneven division of the spoils of the capitalist empire, which is a dirty battle to divide the world, bringing endless disasters and suffering to the people of the whole world, and depriving the whole of Europe of a large number of young laborers.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot

World War I

At that time, Russia was still the Tsarist Empire under the feudal monarchy. Before World War I, the "fighting nations" began to exert their unique fighting talents, and their expansion was full of nature. At this time, Tsarist Russia relied on its expansion and competition in Europe and Asia, and its power was like japan and heaven, dividing Poland three times, defeating the powerful and powerful Napoleonic Empire, and becoming the hegemon of Europe.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot

Tsarist Russia conquered the Napoleonic Empire

After the outbreak of the First World War, the Tsarist Russian Empire, which was the hegemonic empire for a time, naturally participated in this scuffle, trying to divide more power and land for itself through the First World War. And our protagonist, like other Russian hot-blooded men, threw himself into the battlefield with great enthusiasm and loyalty to serve the Tsar. But at this time, within Russia, a Red Revolution was quietly spreading.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot

Tsarist Soldiers

Tsarist Russia during World War I

In World War I, the shortcomings of the feudal monarchy of Tsarist Russia began to appear. The so-called prosperity will decline, the tsarist regime under the long-term rule has shown the characteristics of corruption and incompetence, the former powerful Tsarist Empire is no longer majestic, leaving only a non-committal, weak, incompetent Nicholas II as emperor, under his incompetent rule, tens of thousands of people displaced, miserable, and finally handed over the power of the state to a wizard.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot

Tsar ruled

Under such a decadent and incompetent atmosphere of domination, Tsarist Russia's armament was far behind that of Germany, the "perpetrator" of the First World War. During world war I, Germany was already a newly emerging industrial military power, with very advanced military equipment and very strong military strength, which could be described as unstoppable in the early stage of World War I, sweeping through Europe. At this time, the Tsarist Russian army was already strong and strong, and many military leaders were dissatisfied with the tsar's autocracy and absurd rule, and were defeated and retreated by the German army, and the military was scattered.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot

Tsarist Soldiers of The Transfer

It was not until 1914 that the Germans implemented the Griffin Plan, concentrating their forces on the Western Front, Britain and France. At this time, as an ally of Britain and France, Russia should support Britain and France and attack Germany. Therefore, Tsarist Russia took advantage of the scorching war on the western front and could not be distracted to launch a fierce attack on the eastern front, and in one fell swoop entered the territory of eastern Germany and approached Berlin at one time.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot

Germans in World War I

Germany came back to its senses and immediately sent its main forces to launch a fierce attack on Russia, directly destroying the Russian army of nearly 250,000 troops and knocking the Russian troops back home. In 1915, the Germans, taking advantage of the weak buffer of the Russian rout, launched a pursuit of Russia, and the remnants of the Russian forces had to retreat one after another, from Warsaw back to Lublin, and even to the eastern part of Poland occupied by the Russians, in order to preserve the remnants of military strength.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot

Quartermaster depot

Brest, in eastern Poland, is on the edge of the Russian border, where there is an underground huge munitions warehouse built by Russia, which is very hidden but cannot be removed. At first, the Tsar thought that simply blowing up the munitions depot would not be able to cheapen the enemy.

However, a White Russian colonel believed that this underground quartermaster warehouse was very hidden and would not be easily discovered by the enemy, so it was only necessary to blow up the entrance to the warehouse to avoid enemy search, and when the war was over, it could be redeveloped, and the general need warehouse could continue to be restored. The Tsar was also moved by his words and adopted his advice.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot


Soon, the blow-up of the entrance was perfectly carried out, and from the outside, the entrance to the quartermaster warehouse had been reduced to a pile of stones. However, to the surprise of everyone, just before the entrance to the munitions warehouse was blown up, the soldiers in the warehouse were transferred, and in a hurry, everyone accidentally missed a sentry, and this sentry was our protagonist - the soldier who had been buried underground for nine years.

Lonely years

After finding himself left out in the warehouse, the Russian soldier also broke down and cried, angrily scolding those who had forgotten him. But no matter how he roared, the solid stone walls would block any sound he made, and gradually he accepted the fact that he was buried deep underground and began to seriously plan how to survive.

Fortunately, he was in a military warehouse, well fed, and flowing water underground. Therefore, he stubbornly lived with these resources of survival, and at first he could rely on the candles in the warehouse for illumination, but as the candle matches were exhausted, he fell into darkness.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot

Underground warehouse

Although he was very uncomfortable with the dark environment, over time he became accustomed to a dark life. However, due to the lack of light and heat, the damp darkness of the underground soon attracted many rats, which not only snatched his food, but also gnawed on his skin while he slept, making him tired and frightened. In response, he began a duel with rats. He found some fun in the process of dueling with rats, which brought a touch of vitality to his boring and lonely life.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot

A rat in the dark underground

Not only that, but he never gave up his tenacious will to survive, and in order to calculate time, he also adhered to his habit of "bathing day" in the army, "bathing" once every Saturday. However, due to water shortages, he can only "take a bath" by changing underwear and foot cloths, and calculate the time by replacing the footcloths and dirty underwear.

Unconsciously, he had lived for nine years in the dark and lonely years underground. But he still believed that the war would end, that the Tsar would certainly send someone to dig out this underground quartermaster depot, and he must hold on.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot

See the light of day again

In 1924, a group of Polish soldiers was ordered to excavate the quartermaster warehouse, and after digging up a pile of rocky weeds, they finally found the entrance to the underground quartermaster warehouse. Just as they were sending men to investigate, deep into the ground, they discovered the presence of the Russian soldier. The Polish soldiers, who did not speak the same language, understood all this by finding out what was going on and by bringing in people who were fluent in Russian to communicate.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot

Polish soldiers

At the same time, the Russian soldier faced these "uninvited guests" and still insisted on his duties, requiring them to show the "Tsar's Pass" to enter the munitions warehouse. The Polish soldiers who heard the word "Tsar" were stunned. Because the Tsarist regime by this time had long ceased to exist – the October Revolution of 1917 overthrew the Tsarist regime and replaced it with the Soviet Republic. Hearing this, the Russian soldier fell into a long silence, and for a moment he could not digest the fact that the Tsar to whom he had been loyal allegiance had ceased to exist.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot


Then the Polish soldiers wondered what had happened to the Russian soldier, and after hearing the Russian soldier's story, the Polish soldiers were greatly shocked, and they were very impressed by the fact that the Russian soldier had been locked up in the ground for nine years, and they were even more impressed by his extraordinary will.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot

The missing Russian sentry was later discovered by Polish soldiers

So the Polish soldiers slowly lifted him out of the underground munitions depot where he had been imprisoned for nine years, setting him free. Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out of the basement, the Russian soldiers let out a terrible scream. It turned out that because the Russian soldier had not seen the sun for a long time, his eyes could not adapt to the presence of light, and he became very fragile, and even lost the ability to see. His eyes were momentarily blind when they suddenly came into contact with sunlight.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot

Blind theme image

Guilt-ridden Polish soldiers sent him to the highest local hotel, bathed him and got his haircut, pooled money for a cup of coffee, a big meal, and even sent him to Warsaw to seek medical treatment for his eyes, but unfortunately he could not see the light again.

After some rest, the Russian soldier refused to be retained by the Polish soldier and decided to embark on a resolute journey back to china, looking for the girl who had sent her a love letter in 1915. After nine years, when he regained his new life, he must personally show his love to the girl.

After being forgotten by his teammates, the sentry was buried deep underground for 9 years, blind and still insisted on guarding the quartermaster depot


Rise, the people suffer; death, the people suffer. The experience of the German soldier shows us the trauma of war - not only the loss of light and freedom, but also the loss of all illusions of a better future. However, even after such a dark and lonely life, the German soldier still stuck to his post, which is admirable. Therefore, we must cherish peace, stay away from war, and put an end to all such tragedies.

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