
Hunan dry well dug out the Qin Dynasty bamboo pieces, which are actually 200,000 words of ancient books, Western scholars: this is simply impossible

Hunan dry well dug out the Qin Dynasty bamboo pieces, which are actually 200,000 words of ancient books, Western scholars: this is simply impossible

The ancient town of Riye is now a thousand-year-old book, and the content will rewrite history

While conducting archaeological excavations, archaeologists came to an ancient town located in Liye, Hunan, where an abandoned ancient well caught the attention of archaeologists. This ancient well has been filled with waste, not only some abandoned building materials, but also a lot of dirt, archaeologists have cleaned up this ancient well, did not expect that after digging out the soil at the bottom of the well, some wood chips with writing appeared. These wood chips soon aroused the vigilance of archaeologists, from the perspective of writing form, this is the pre-Qin period of writing, so this well, it is very likely to bury the ancient tomb of the pre-Qin period.

Hunan dry well dug out the Qin Dynasty bamboo pieces, which are actually 200,000 words of ancient books, Western scholars: this is simply impossible

Archaeologists have cleared out all the items at the bottom of the well, and among these extremely scattered cultural relics, the most important is these wooden janes with writing. This batch of wooden Jane was named Liye QinJian, Liye Qinjian after cleaning and inventory, a total of more than 36,000 pieces, archaeologists have interpreted the contents of Qin Jian, found that most of the ancient books recorded on Qin Jian are ancient books from the pre-Qin period, and many ancient books are still found for the first time. These ancient books include the laws of the Qin Dynasty, as well as the ideological and political books of the Qin Dynasty, as well as medical books, mathematical books, astronomical books, and so on. This batch of Qin Jian is from Riye, and there are many contents related to Riye, and many contents are related to Riye's management system.

Hunan dry well dug out the Qin Dynasty bamboo pieces, which are actually 200,000 words of ancient books, Western scholars: this is simply impossible

After counting, the number of words in ancient books reached 200,000 words, so many words, enough for archaeologists to study for a long time. In interpreting Riye's management system, archaeologists found an article about a day in the Qin Dynasty, and archaeologists said that Riye Qinjian was very likely to rewrite history. In this article, the officials Qianling Shoucheng asked his superior government for a message on this day, and he asked whether the number of slaves they bought this time was in accordance with the law. It can be seen from this that during the Qin Dynasty, the slave trade still existed, but the imperial court at that time already had strict restrictions on the slave trade, so the official would ask the superior whether this move was legal.

Hunan dry well dug out the Qin Dynasty bamboo pieces, which are actually 200,000 words of ancient books, Western scholars: this is simply impossible

The world's earliest multiplication table reality, Western scholars shouted impossible

In The Riye Qinjian, archaeologists also found the world's earliest multiplication table, that is, the ninety-nine multiplication table that everyone is very familiar with today. However, the multiplication table on the Riye Qinjian is calculated backwards, starting from "nine nine eighty-one", rather than starting from scratch as it is now. The history of mathematics in China has advanced forward for a thousand years after the discovery of Liye Qinjian, which has made many Western scholars shout: This is absolutely impossible! After The archaeologists of our country published the results of Liye Qinjian's research, they were even more surprised that There are too many things worth exploring in China's history.

Hunan dry well dug out the Qin Dynasty bamboo pieces, which are actually 200,000 words of ancient books, Western scholars: this is simply impossible

Just like before the discovery of Wang Mang's bronze caliper, Western countries have always believed that the Frenchman Jonier was the first person in the world to invent the vernier caliper, Jonier is a famous French mathematician, in order to commemorate his merits, his name became the word "vernier", but after the discovery of the bronze caliper of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the ideas of Western scholars changed. They were very surprised that Jonier had invented calipers in 1631, and the Chinese bronze caliper had appeared more than two thousand years ago, when they did not want to believe that China, which was lagging behind in technology, could invent such a thing.

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