
The latest progress of the 2024 National Natural Education Review: the review of some projects of multiple divisions has been completed!

author:Frontiers of Plant Science

Source of this article: NSFC, part of the content is transferred from "Science Award Online"

As of June 26, the National Science Foundation of China has completed the evaluation of various types of projects, and the information is summarized as follows for reference:

The latest progress of the 2024 National Natural Education Review: the review of some projects of multiple divisions has been completed!

The latest information is as follows:

The latest progress of the 2024 National Natural Education Review: the review of some projects of multiple divisions has been completed!

On June 20, 2024, the Interdisciplinary Science Department of the Natural Science Foundation of China held the 2024 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars project review meeting in Beijing. Academician Dou Xiankang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Natural Science Foundation of China, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, Academician Tang Chao, Director of the Department of Interdisciplinary Science, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony, and Pan Qing, Deputy Director of the Department of Interdisciplinary Science, presided over the opening ceremony. Director Dou Xiankang pointed out that the Natural Science Foundation of China is one of the main channels for funding basic research and applied basic research in the mainland, aiming to use the most valuable scientific research resources to support the most innovative and dynamic front-line scientists. The new party group of the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars (hereinafter referred to as the Outstanding Young Scholars) project is one of the most important talent selection and training methods established by the state, and the new party group of the Natural Science Foundation Committee has made a series of important reform measures for the outstanding young people, implemented the final grading evaluation, continued funding, and opened the application of the Outstanding Youth Project to Hong Kong and Macao, aiming to cultivate and inspire more outstanding leading talents, and provide talent support for the mainland's high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance. He emphasized that the Party Group of the Natural Science Foundation of China and the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly carried out the special rectification work of the evaluation experts being "greeted" by the stubborn diseases, and deepened the reform of the conference organization and evaluation mode in many aspects, aiming to create a clean and upright evaluation environment for the Science Foundation, encourage scientists to give full play to their academic appreciation, and make every effort to ensure that the evaluation experts exercise public power without interference, select excellent projects that are truly worthy of funding, and help the high-quality development of basic research in the mainland. Director Tang Chao said in his speech that the Outstanding Young Scholars Program of the Department of Interdisciplinary Science aims to support and cultivate outstanding young talents who have a good research foundation in the field of interdisciplinary scientific research, have achieved excellent interdisciplinary research results, and have the ability to independently lead a team to carry out interdisciplinary scientific research. It is hoped that the participating experts will uphold the principle of "high threshold, high quality, and high standard" and the evaluation mechanism based on scientific value, strictly abide by the discipline of fund evaluation, resolutely resist the interference of non-academic factors, give full play to academic appreciation and judgment, and independently select outstanding talents in interdisciplinary fields who are highly recognized by the scientific community and can play a good guiding and exemplary role. Deputy Director Pan Qing introduced the application and correspondence evaluation of the Outstanding Young Scholars Project of the Department of Interdisciplinary Science to the participating experts, put forward the review requirements, and clarified the key points of the review. Tian Zhixi, a member of the Supervisory Committee, introduced the overall situation and work responsibilities of the conference review and supervision, and further emphasized the discipline of the conference review. The expert group listened carefully to the project report, and after questions and discussions, successfully selected the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars to be funded by the Ministry of Interdisciplinary Science in 2024, and completed the evaluation task. The Oversight Committee's resident oversight team supervised the review process throughout the process. The relevant staff of the Office of the Natural Science Foundation of China (Office of Scientific Research Integrity Construction), the Planning and Policy Bureau, the High-tech Research and Development Center and the China Agenda 21 Management Center attended the meeting, and the relevant staff of the Department of Interdisciplinary Science attended the meeting.

The latest progress of the 2024 National Natural Education Review: the review of some projects of multiple divisions has been completed!

On June 21, 2024, the Department of Earth Sciences of the Natural Science Foundation of China held the 2024 Outstanding Young Scientist Fund Project Review Meeting in Beijing. Lan Yujie, member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Natural Science Foundation of China, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and Academician Guo Zhengtang, Director of the Department of Earth Sciences, presided over the opening ceremony. Deputy Director Lan Yujie pointed out that young talents are the new force of the mainland's scientific and technological innovation and the reserve army of the country's strategic talent force. The Outstanding Young Scholars Program aims to support young scholars who have achieved good results in basic research, fund them to carry out innovative research, promote their rapid growth and become excellent academic backbones at the forefront of science and technology in the world, which is an important foundation for achieving self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology, and building a strong country with talents, science and technology, and economy. It is hoped that the participating experts will stand at the height of the country and strictly control the selection of the best projects. Yao Yupeng, executive deputy director of the Department of Earth Sciences, introduced the application acceptance, conference review organization and related precautions of the 2024 Outstanding Young Scientists Fund project of the Ministry of Earth Sciences in the work report of the review meeting, and focused on the interpretation of the key points of the evaluation of talent projects formulated by the Ministry of Earth Sciences. Wang Hongyan, a member of the Supervisory Committee, gave a detailed introduction and explanation of the relevant disciplinary requirements of the meeting review to ensure the scientific and fair evaluation work. During the review meeting, the expert group listened to the respondent's report, and after questioning, discussion and voting, selected the outstanding young scientist fund projects to be funded, and successfully completed the review task. The Oversight Committee's resident oversight team supervised the review process throughout the process. Relevant staff of the Department of Earth Sciences of the Natural Science Foundation of China attended the meeting.

The previous information is summarized as follows:

The Department of Earth Sciences of the National Natural Science Foundation of China was convened

2024 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars Project Review Meeting

On June 19, 2024, the Department of Earth Sciences of the Natural Science Foundation of China held the 2024 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars project review meeting in Beijing. Academician Dou Xiankang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Natural Science Foundation of China, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and Academician Guo Zhengtang, Director of the Department of Earth Sciences, presided over the opening ceremony. Director Dou Xiankang pointed out in his speech that this year is the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, and as a brand project of the Natural Science Foundation of China, it has effectively promoted the rapid growth of young talents in basic research. In order to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the Party Group of the Natural Science Foundation of China has adopted a series of reform measures, especially the "graded evaluation" and "continuation funding" for the completed projects, so as to promote the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars to return to the scientific research standard, build a full-chain funding system covering the careers of scientific researchers, and invest valuable scientific research resources in the most innovative and energetic front-line scientists. At the same time, in order to resist the erosion of the culture of the Science Foundation by the bad atmosphere of "being greeted", the Party Group of the Natural Science Foundation Committee put forward the working principle of "positive guidance, extreme defense, and serious punishment", which has achieved remarkable results. Finally, it is hoped that the participating experts will stand at the height of "selecting talents for the country", strictly control the checks, and select the best projects. Yao Yupeng, executive deputy director of the Department of Earth Sciences, introduced the application acceptance, review grouping, and precautions for the 2024 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of the Ministry of Earth Sciences in the work report of the review meeting, focusing on the interpretation and emphasis on the key points of the review, including methodological innovation, key scientific evidence, theoretical cognition or social needs, and discipline development. He Minghong, deputy director of the Supervisory Committee, introduced in detail the guiding ideology, organizational guarantees, work content and related matters of the supervision work in the meeting, and especially reminded the experts to carefully read the "National Natural Science Foundation of China Project Conference Review Experts Duty Diligence Reminder Letter" and other disciplinary documents, so as to jointly create a clean and upright review environment. At the meeting, the experts of the review team listened to the report of the project applicant, and after questions and discussions, they selected the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars to be funded, and successfully completed the evaluation task. The Oversight Committee's resident oversight team supervised the review process throughout the process. Leaders and staff from the Office of the Natural Science Foundation of China, the Planning and Policy Bureau, the High-tech Research and Development Center and the China Agenda 21 Management Center attended the meeting, and the relevant staff of the Ministry of Earth Sciences attended the meeting.

The International Research Grants Department of the Natural Science Foundation of China held the 2024 Key International (Regional) Cooperative Research Project Review Meeting

From June 19 to 20, 2024, the International Research Funding Department of the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) held the 2024 Key International (Regional) Cooperative Research Project Review Meeting in Beijing. Lan Yujie, member of the party group and deputy director of the Natural Science Foundation of China, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and Yin Wenxuan, deputy director of the International Research Funding Department, presided over the opening ceremony.

In his speech, Lan Yujie pointed out that the establishment of the International Research Funding Department is an important measure for the Natural Science Foundation Committee to implement the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee to "establish a global scientific research fund" and deepen and expand international cooperation in basic research. The Ministry of International Research Funding will adhere to the "four aspects", intensify the opening up to the outside world, build an international basic research cooperation platform, implement a fully open, inclusive, flexible and diverse funding mechanism, play a role in attracting and nurturing talents, and play a unique role in building the mainland into a world-class talent center and innovation highland. Lan Yujie emphasized that key international (regional) cooperative research projects play an important role in supporting scientists to carry out extensive international cooperation in basic research, and on the basis of attaching importance to the originality and innovation of the project, the review experts should accurately grasp the positioning of the project, so that the key international (regional) cooperative research projects have become an important brand for deepening Sino-foreign joint scientific research. Lan Yujie emphasized that science and impartiality are the lifeblood of the Natural Science Foundation, and hoped that the review experts would work together to resolutely resist bad practices such as "greetings", and select projects with high scientific level and great international cooperation value in a fair and just manner. Yin Wenxuan, Deputy Director of the International Research Funding Department, introduced the application, communication review and recommendation defense of key international (regional) cooperative research projects in 2024, and clarified the tasks and requirements of the review meeting. On the basis of listening to the reports of the project applicants and asking questions and discussions, the experts of the evaluation team voted to select the key international (regional) cooperative research projects to be funded in 2024 and made recommendations for the amount of funding. The meeting also discussed priority funding areas for the coming year. Relevant staff of the International Research Funding Department of the Natural Science Foundation of China attended the meeting.

The latest progress of the 2024 National Natural Education Review: the review of some projects of multiple divisions has been completed!
  • Chemical Sciences Faculty

The Department of Chemical Sciences of the Natural Science Foundation of China held the 2024 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars project review meeting

On June 13, 2024, the Department of Chemical Sciences of the Natural Science Foundation of China held the 2024 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars project review meeting in Beijing. Academician Dou Xiankang, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Natural Science Foundation of China, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Academician Yang Xueming, Director of the Department of Chemical Sciences, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony, and Executive Deputy Director Yang Junlin presided over the opening ceremony.

Director Dou Xiankang pointed out that the country has always attached great importance to scientific and technological innovation, deeply implemented the strategy of strengthening the country with science and technology and the strategy of strengthening the country with talents, and regarded high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement as the strategic support for national development. The Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) is one of the main channels for funding basic and applied basic research in mainland China, and shoulders the mission of promoting the high-quality development of basic research. The new party group continues to promote a series of science fund reform measures, aiming to invest valuable scientific research resources in the most innovative and dynamic front-line scientists. Young talents are the new force of scientific and technological innovation, and the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, as a "brand" project of the Natural Science Foundation of China, has played an important role in cultivating young scientific and technological talents since its establishment 30 years ago, so the evaluation of such projects has received extensive attention from the academic community. From 2023 onwards, the Party Group of the Natural Science Foundation of China will strike hard, and jointly carry out the special rectification work of "greeting" stubborn diseases of review experts with the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Ministry of Science and Technology, following the working principle of "positive guidance, extreme defense, and serious punishment", and vigorously stop the unhealthy trend of "greeting" in the evaluation of scientific research projects in recent years. He further emphasized that it is the unshirkable responsibility of all colleagues in the scientific and technological community to maintain the scientificity and fairness of the evaluation of the science fund, and hoped that the participating experts will stand at the height of the country, perform their duties and responsibilities with due diligence, fair evaluation, and strict control, and select the best projects.

Director Yang Xueming said in his speech that China's chemistry discipline has made proud achievements in the past ten years, but there is still a certain gap between it and a real chemical power, especially the current international situation and scientific research situation put forward higher requirements for the development of basic research in the field of chemistry and chemical engineering. Therefore, the applicant's ability to carry out innovative and leading research and solve major scientific problems should be the key factors in the evaluation, and whether the research has promoted the creation of new chemical substances, revealed new chemical reaction mechanisms, and developed new chemical measurement methods. At the same time, he hoped that the evaluation experts would uphold a scientific attitude and give full play to their professional judgment to select the most innovative young people.

Executive Deputy Director Yang Junlin introduced the application acceptance, project positioning, selection principles, defense requirements, evaluation elements and venue discipline of the 2024 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of the Department of Chemical Sciences. He reminded the experts to focus on the scientific value of the applicant's research results and the uniqueness of the scientific ideas contained therein, as well as the forward-looking, innovative and new research paradigm for solving scientific problems proposed by the applicant for future research directions.

Professor Cui Xiang of the resident supervision working group gave a detailed explanation of the guiding ideology, organizational guarantee, main content and related matters of the resident supervision work, and called on the participating experts to jointly create a fair and just review atmosphere, ensure the quality of the evaluation of the science fund, and help achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance.

On the basis of listening to the reports of the project applicants and asking questions and discussions, the experts of the review team voted to select the projects to be funded by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2024 and successfully completed the evaluation task. The Oversight Committee's resident oversight team supervised the review process throughout the process.

Zhan Shige, deputy director of the Department of Chemical Sciences of the Natural Science Foundation of China, and relevant staff attended the meeting.

  • Life Sciences Faculty

The 2024 Outstanding Young Scientist Fund Project Review Meeting of the Department of Life Sciences of the Natural Science Foundation of China was held in Beijing

The latest progress of the 2024 National Natural Education Review: the review of some projects of multiple divisions has been completed!

On June 14, 2024, the 2024 Outstanding Young Scientist Fund Project Review Meeting of the Department of Life Sciences of the Natural Science Foundation of China was held in Beijing. Academician Zhang Xuemin, member of the party group and deputy director of the Natural Science Foundation of China, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and academician Chong Kang, director of the Department of Life Sciences, presided over the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Deputy Director Zhang Xuemin pointed out in his speech at the opening ceremony that the Outstanding Young Scientist Fund project is an important platform for cultivating and supporting the growth of young scientists, which is different from the positioning of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, and the focus of experts in the evaluation should also be different. This year, the Natural Science Foundation of China has further optimized the project evaluation mechanism, further promoted the special rectification of stubborn diseases that the review experts were "greeted", and adopted a variety of measures to create a clean and upright academic ecology, and effectively maintain the scientificity and fairness of the evaluation of the Science Foundation project. It is hoped that the experts will adhere to the correct value orientation in the evaluation to ensure that young scientists with real innovation potential can receive funding. Director Chong Kang introduced a series of new measures taken by the Department of Life Sciences to the special rectification of stubborn diseases in which review experts were "greeted", and emphasized that a sound review and evaluation system is the key to ensure the reasonable allocation of scientific research funds and the correct guidance of scientific research direction, and the fairness of the review work is the basis for maintaining the integrity of scientific research and the purity of the scientific research environment. It is hoped that the review experts can give full play to their excellent scientific appreciation, gain insight into the frontiers of science, select young scientists with real innovation potential for the country, and promote scientific discovery and technological innovation. Lv Qunyan, deputy director of the Department of Life Sciences, reported to the experts on the application and acceptance of the Outstanding Young Scientist Fund project, the selection of respondents, the requirements for defense, and the key points of evaluation. Wang Junhong, a member of the Supervisory Committee, gave a detailed introduction and explanation of the relevant work and requirements of the resident supervision. During the review meeting, the expert group listened carefully to the respondent's report and conducted in-depth questions and discussions with the respondent. On this basis, the expert group voted to select the outstanding young scientist fund projects to be funded in 2024 in accordance with the strict evaluation process. Gu Ruisheng, deputy director of the life science department, and relevant staff attended the meeting.

  • Information Science Faculty

The Information Science Department of the Natural Science Foundation of China held the project review meeting of the Basic Science Center and the second plenary (enlarged) meeting of the 9th Expert Advisory Committee

The latest progress of the 2024 National Natural Education Review: the review of some projects of multiple divisions has been completed!

On May 30-31, 2024, the Information Science Department of the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) held the project review meeting of the Basic Science Center and the second plenary (expanded) meeting of the 9th Expert Advisory Committee in Beijing. Academician Lu Jianhua, member of the party group and deputy director of the Natural Science Foundation of China, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, Academician Hao Yue, director of the Department of Information Science, presided over the meeting, and Liu Ke, executive deputy director of the Department of Information Science, made a work report. Deputy Director Lu Jianhua said in his speech that in order to better implement the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee on "strengthening the forward-looking, strategic and systematic layout of basic research", the Ministry of Information Science should further coordinate the dual goals of meeting the major needs of the country and promoting the high-quality development of disciplines, and play a more important role in the reform of the science fund. The National Major Scientific Research Instrument Development Project (recommended by the department) is currently the largest single funding project of the Science Foundation, which aims to fund the development of original scientific research instruments and core components that play an important role in promoting scientific development, exploring the laws of nature and exploring the research field for the world's scientific and technological frontiers and major national needs. It is hoped that the experts attending the meeting will focus on the scientific problems in the process of instrument development and the scientific problems that can be solved by using the developed instruments, and select projects that can truly solve the national "stuck neck" problem. Director Hao Yue clarified the positioning of the basic science center project when presiding over the meeting, and hoped that the participating experts would focus on whether the project aims at major national strategic needs, research real problems, and whether the research team is cross-complementary and form a joint force in the review. At the same time, he emphasized the discipline of conference review, and hoped that experts would do a good job in project review scientifically and fairly, and jointly create a clean and upright academic ecological environment. In his work report, Executive Deputy Director Liu Ke introduced the application and funding plan of the 2024 Science Foundation of the Department of Information Science, as well as the recent main work of the Division. He said that in the face of the current opportunities and challenges, he hoped that the members of the expert advisory committee would actively make suggestions and suggestions to jointly promote the paradigm change of scientific research in the field of information science and better play the enabling role of information technology. The experts at the meeting had an in-depth discussion on "how to optimize the funding layout of major projects and improve the efficiency of project management", and put forward valuable opinions and suggestions. The expert group listened carefully to the applicant's report, and after questioning and discussion, completed the evaluation of the 2024 Basic Science Center Project (Class A) of the Ministry of Information Science, and selected the national major scientific research instrument development project (recommended by the department). Relevant staff of the Information Science Department of the Natural Science Foundation of China attended the meeting.

  • Chemical Sciences Faculty

The Department of Chemical Sciences of the Natural Science Foundation of China held the 2024 Basic Science Center Project and Innovative Research Group Project Review Meeting

The latest progress of the 2024 National Natural Education Review: the review of some projects of multiple divisions has been completed!

On May 29 and 30, 2024, the Department of Chemical Sciences of the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) held the 2024 Basic Science Center Project A and Innovative Research Group Project Review Meeting in Beijing. Academician Yang Xueming, Director of the Department of Chemical Sciences, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and Yang Junlin, Executive Deputy Director of the Department of Chemical Sciences, presided over the opening ceremony. Director Yang Xueming pointed out in his speech that in recent years, the Natural Science Foundation of China has continued to optimize the talent funding system, improve the funding efficiency of the Science Foundation, and strive to invest limited resources in the most innovative and dynamic front-line scientific researchers. The Basic Science Center Project and the Innovative Research Group Project are two important types of projects in the Talent Series of the Natural Science Foundation, which have played an important role in cultivating and cultivating leading talents in scientific and technological innovation since their establishment. From 2024 onwards, the Basic Science Center program will be divided into two subcategories: Category A and Category B, with the Category B project setting up a "track" for teams composed of outstanding young researchers under the age of 55, aiming to give young scientists more opportunities to take on the lead and take on heavy responsibilities and promote them to stand out as soon as possible. During the project review process, the focus should be on whether the team members have a good foundation for cooperation, and whether the academic leaders have high academic attainments and academic influence. It is hoped that the participating experts will give full play to their academic judgment, stand at the height of the country, eliminate all kinds of interference, conduct scientific and fair evaluation, and select the excellent projects that best meet the requirements of the project positioning. Executive Deputy Director Yang Junlin clarified the review requirements and review discipline. He emphasized that the project review of the basic science center should focus on the forward-looking, originality and intersectionality of the planned research work, and the project review of the innovative research group should focus on the innovation of the team's research direction, the scientific value of the research content, the uniqueness of the research ideas, and the ability of team members to solve scientific problems collaboratively. At the same time, he pointed out that scientificity is the foundation of the survival of the Science Fund, and impartiality is the lifeline and foundation of the Science Fund. On the basis of listening to the reports of the project applicants and asking questions and discussions, the evaluation panel voted to select the Class A and innovative research group projects of the Basic Science Center to be funded this year, and successfully completed the evaluation task. Evaluation experts, Zhan Shige, deputy director of the Department of Chemical Sciences, and relevant staff attended the meeting.

  • Life Sciences Faculty

The 2024 Basic Science Center Project Review Meeting of the Department of Life Sciences of the Natural Science Foundation of China was held in Beijing

The latest progress of the 2024 National Natural Education Review: the review of some projects of multiple divisions has been completed!

On June 5, 2024, the 2024 Basic Science Center Class A Project Review Meeting of the Department of Life Sciences of the Natural Science Foundation of China was held in Beijing. Academician Zhang Xuemin, member of the party group and deputy director of the Natural Science Foundation of China, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and academician Chong Kang, director of the Department of Life Sciences, presided over the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. In his speech, Director Zhang Xuemin introduced the reform measures of the Natural Science Foundation of China in 2024 on the Basic Science Center project, aiming to invest scientific and technological resources in the most innovative and dynamic group of scientists. He emphasized that scientificity and impartiality are the fundamental principles of the evaluation of the Science Fund, and it is an important action to maintain the fairness and justice of the Science Fund to further promote the special rectification of stubborn diseases in which the review experts are "greeted". The review experts should eliminate the interference of non-academic factors, strictly follow the evaluation points and standards, scientifically and fairly select outstanding academic leaders and research teams, and promote the high-quality development of basic research in the mainland. Director Chong Kang introduced a series of new measures taken by the Ministry of Life Sciences to deal with the special rectification of stubborn diseases in which the review experts were "greeted", and emphasized that it is necessary to encourage excellent domestic research teams to carry out multidisciplinary research, further promote the development of the mainland's advantageous fields, and lead the international frontier. Gu Ruisheng, deputy director of the Department of Life Sciences, introduced the application, preliminary review and correspondence evaluation of the Class A projects of the Basic Science Center of the Ministry of Life Sciences in 2024 to the participating experts, emphasizing the precautions for the review work and the review discipline during the meeting. The expert group listened carefully to the applicant's report, and after sufficient questions and discussions, voted to select the Class A project of the basic science center project to be funded by the Ministry of Life Sciences in 2024, and successfully completed the evaluation task. Lv Qunyan, deputy director of the Department of Life Sciences, and relevant staff of the Division attended the meeting. The 2024 Innovative Research Group Project Review Meeting of the Department of Life Sciences of the Natural Science Foundation of China was held in Beijing

The latest progress of the 2024 National Natural Education Review: the review of some projects of multiple divisions has been completed!

On June 6, 2024, the 2024 Innovative Research Group Project Review Meeting of the Department of Life Sciences of the Natural Science Foundation of China was held in Beijing. Academician Chong Kang, Director of the Department of Life Sciences, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and Gu Ruisheng, Deputy Director of the Department of Life Sciences, presided over the opening ceremony of the meeting. In his speech, Director Chong Kang pointed out that the innovative research group project aims to support outstanding academic leaders to independently choose research directions, independently form teams, overcome difficulties, and cultivate and cultivate research groups that occupy a place in the international scientific frontier. He hoped that the review experts would focus on the cohesion of academic leaders and their ability to grasp the academic macro, condense scientific issues for the scientific frontier and national strategic needs, and reflect their importance, foresight and originality. He emphasized that the Natural Science Foundation of China has vigorously promoted the special rectification of stubborn diseases that the review experts have been "greeted", and hoped that the review experts will strictly grasp the project evaluation criteria, eliminate the interference of non-academic factors, and select research group projects with real original innovation potential. Deputy Director Gu Ruisheng gave a detailed introduction to the application, preliminary review and correspondence evaluation of the innovative research group project of the Ministry of Life Sciences in 2024, emphasizing the precautions for the review work and the review discipline during the meeting. The experts of the review team listened carefully to the report of the project applicant, and after full questions and discussions, voted to select the innovative research group project to be funded by the Ministry of Life Sciences in 2024, and successfully completed the review task. Relevant staff from the Department of Life Sciences attended the meeting.

  • Crossover Sciences Faculty

    The Interdisciplinary Science Department of the National Natural Science Foundation of China held the 2024 Innovative Research Group Project Review Meeting

    The latest progress of the 2024 National Natural Education Review: the review of some projects of multiple divisions has been completed!

On June 6, 2024, the Department of Interdisciplinary Science of the National Natural Science Foundation of China held a project review meeting for innovative research groups in Beijing. Academician Tang Chao, Director of the Department of Interdisciplinary Sciences, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and Pan Qing, Deputy Director of the Department of Interdisciplinary Sciences, presided over the opening ceremony of the meeting. In his speech, Director Tang Chao emphasized the positioning of the innovative research group project to support outstanding scientific research teams to carry out innovative basic research, and pointed out that the projects funded by the Department of Interdisciplinary Science need to focus on their interdisciplinary and cross-field interdisciplinary research characteristics, the rationality of the group composition, the complementarity between the research directions of the members, and the potential to promote the formation of new research paradigms and discipline growth points. In order to maintain the scientificity and fairness of the evaluation of the Science Fund, it is hoped that the participating experts will give full play to their academic appreciation and scientific judgment, adhere to the scientific spirit, resist the interference of non-academic factors, and select research projects with strong scientific nature, high intersectionality, and can play a benchmarking and exemplary role, so as to help the high-quality development of interdisciplinary scientific research in mainland China.

Deputy Director Pan Qing introduced the application, preliminary review and correspondence evaluation of the 2024 Innovation Research Group Project of the Department of Interdisciplinary Science to the participating experts, clarified the evaluation criteria and expert precautions, and once again emphasized the review discipline. On the basis of listening to the project report and asking questions and discussions, the participating experts voted to select the innovative research group projects to be funded in 2024, and successfully completed the review task. All the staff of the Interdisciplinary Science Department attended the meeting.

The 2024 Basic Science Center Project Review Meeting of the Interdisciplinary Science Department of the Natural Science Foundation of China was held in Beijing

The latest progress of the 2024 National Natural Education Review: the review of some projects of multiple divisions has been completed!

On May 29, 2024, the 2024 Basic Science Center Project Review Meeting of the Department of Interdisciplinary Science of the Natural Science Foundation of China was held in Beijing. In his speech, Director Tang Chao clarified the positioning of the Basic Science Center project, and pointed out that the Natural Science Foundation of China divided this type of project into two subcategories for the first time this year, Category A and Category B, and this time the review was for the Category A project of the Basic Science Center. It is hoped that the experts attending the meeting will focus on the forward-looking, scientific, innovative and interdisciplinary complementarity of the project members in the review, strictly control and select the best among the best, select the basic science center projects that can play a benchmarking role, encourage more outstanding scientific research teams in China to carry out interdisciplinary scientific research, and promote the high-quality and rapid development of interdisciplinary science in the mainland. Deputy Director Pan Qing introduced the application, preliminary review and correspondence evaluation of the Class A projects of the Basic Science Center of the Ministry of Interdisciplinary Science in 2024 to the participating experts, and emphasized the matters that need to be paid attention to when the experts ask questions at the review meeting and the review discipline during the meeting. The expert group listened carefully to the applicant's report, and after questions and discussions, voted to select the Class A project of the Basic Science Center to be funded by the Department of Interdisciplinary Science in 2024, and successfully completed the evaluation task. All the staff of the Interdisciplinary Science Department attended the meeting. Source of this article: NSFC, part of the content is transferred from "Science Award Online"

The latest progress of the 2024 National Natural Education Review: the review of some projects of multiple divisions has been completed!

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