
Some people have a pension of 8000, some people have 3000, and many people don't know that the level of pension is related to 4 points

author:Xiang 168

#造成职工退休工资低的原因是什么? #我有个亲戚, it is a lady in a remote urban area of Wuhan, who only went through the retirement procedures last month, and her pension is more than 8,000. As for the same lady retirement, I know a few people who work in general enterprises in the central urban area of Wuhan, and their pension at the time of retirement is only about 3,000 yuan.

There are many reasons for the difference in employees' retirement wages, among which the main reasons are the following four situations:

1. Differences between inside and outside the system

The same is retirement, if you retire within the system, that is, if you retire as a civil servant or a public institution, your pension is significantly higher. If you retire at an enterprise or a flexible employment window, your pension is generally lower.

There is no reason for this discrepancy, there is no reason, you can only blame yourself for "going astray", this is the reason why the current public examination is hot, and they all want to enter the system, which is obviously unreasonable, but it is difficult to fill this gap in the short term.

Some people have a pension of 8000, some people have 3000, and many people don't know that the level of pension is related to 4 points

2. Differences in length of service

Similarly, when retiring in a unit, under normal circumstances, the pension for gay men is higher than that for lesbians, because in enterprises, male employees are required to be at least 60 years old, while female employees can retire at the age of 50, and female cadres can retire at the age of 55. Male employees generally have 5-10 years longer service than female employees.

In terms of pensions, most of the pensions of male employees are more than 5,000 yuan, while the pensions of female colleagues are about 3,000 yuan.

3. The difference in the payment base

According to the provisions of the social security policy, the social security payment base of employees is to pay the actual wage standard of the previous year, but some units "tap the potential" from the cost saving and only pay the employees according to the minimum payment base. As a result, when the employees of this unit retire, the pension will be significantly lower.

Some people have a pension of 8000, some people have 3000, and many people don't know that the level of pension is related to 4 points

The higher the contribution base, the more money will end up in the pension personal account, and the higher the retirement pension will be in the future.

4. Regional differences

According to the pension payment policy, the monthly pension standard is calculated based on the proportion of the average monthly salary of local employees on the job in the previous year.

The pensions of workers in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities are generally higher than those in Wuhan and Chengdu.

Some people have a pension of 8000, some people have 3000, and many people don't know that the level of pension is related to 4 points

By the same token, the pension of workers in the central urban area of Wuhan is higher than that in the remote urban area.

Question: What is the reason for the low pension of employees? I believe that by comparing the above 4 points, we will be able to find out the reason. #头条创作挑战赛#

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