
13 courses of seaweed

author:vegetarian diet

What does the sea taste like?

It is the afterglow of the setting sun that is gently swallowed up by the surging waves of water,

Is when the song to the wine, the stars and moon wrapped in the season of the deep blue,

It is the waves blooming pure white, the drizzle stirring the yellow sand,

It is a salty taste blown by the sea breeze.

13 courses of seaweed

Seaweed, is a collective term for the algae that grows in the sea, belongs to the sea red algae. The long seas along China's coast are produced, and they begin to grow in February and March every year, and The season of seaweed is the most tender season between April and May. There are many varieties of seaweed, and the common seaweed in China is round seaweed, wrinkled seaweed, winter spots, sweet seaweed and so on.

Seaweed is dried and eaten, is a kind of precious seafood, soup dishes made of seaweed, delicious and fragrant, unique flavor, not only has the nutritional value of Fengyu, but also has a high medicinal value, seaweed is really worthy of being a treasure in vegetables. China has a long history of eating seaweed, according to records, in the Song Dynasty, seaweed was a tribute exclusively for the emperor to enjoy, and now, seaweed is the food of ordinary people.

13 courses of seaweed to let you taste the taste of the sea

13 courses of seaweed

1. Fragrant roasted seaweed puff pastry


20 g of seaweed sandless, 15 g of sesame oil, 1 tbsp of white sesame seeds, 1/4 tsp of salt


1. Cut the sandless laver into small pieces with scissors

2: Find a larger container and put the seaweed in, drizzle with sesame oil and mix well, then add the white sesame seeds and salt and mix well

3: Spread the mixed seaweed evenly on a baking sheet and bake in the oven that has been preheated to 140 for 12-15 minutes. After taking it out and cooling it will be very crispy, eat it as soon as possible, and put it in a container to seal and store it to prevent moisture from getting soft.

13 courses of seaweed

2: Seaweed glutinous rice fried rice

160g of rice, 80g of glutinous rice, 10g of seaweed, 1 carrot (small), 1 parsley, 10g+10g of cooking oil, 1/2 tsp of salt

1, preparation, glutinous rice and rice ratio of 1:2, glutinous rice soaked in advance for 2 hours, and then washed together with rice, add 1.1-1.2 times the water discharge rice cooker cooked, the specific amount of water according to their own rice to adjust;

2, seaweed chopped, warm pot under 10g cold oil, put in the seaweed crushed low heat slow frying for 2 and a half minutes when turn off the heat, continue to fry at residual temperature for 30 seconds, out of the pot;

4. Carrots and parsley are cut into the size of grains of rice;

5: Put 10g of oil in the pot, add the chopped carrot celery grains and fry them together until they are broken;

6: Beat the boiled white rice sticky rice, put it in and fry together, add salt and stir-fry well, and finally add the seaweed crisp that was fried before and stir-fry evenly .

13 courses of seaweed

3. Cold mixed seaweed

30g seaweed, coriander, dried chili peppers, a small amount of white sesame seeds, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt, MSG

1: Cut 30g of seaweed into small pieces

2: Heat the seaweed and blister it, and fish it out

3: Prepare the seasonings, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp vinegar, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp sugar, parsley, dried chili peppers, white sesame seeds, MSG, mix all the spices well

4: Pour oil into the pan, heat the oil and pour the oil into the seasoning in 3 steps

5: Mix the seasoning and seaweed well

13 courses of seaweed

4. Seaweed sauce

50g of seaweed, 400g of hot water, 100g of soy sauce, 20g of sugar

1, seaweed, buy sandless no wash can be eaten directly usually used to cook soup. Tear it into small pieces by hand, soak it soft with 400g of hot water, hot water can quickly soak the seaweed soft, the volume of seaweed becomes smaller by more than half, and the hot water is all absorbed.

2: Pour the seaweed into the pot, add sugar, soy sauce, simmer for 5 minutes, stir in one direction. Ok, put into a clean oil-free and water-free container, cool to room temperature and move to the refrigerator for refrigeration.

13 courses of seaweed

5. Seaweed asparagus soup

200 grams of asparagus, 40 grams of dried seaweed, 10 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 2 grams of salt, flavor of full high and fresh, sesame oil (sesame oil) 5 grams, cold water 500 grams

1: Wash the dried seaweed with warm water, and wash and slice the asparagus and shiitake mushrooms

2: Put all the ingredients together in a pot of 500 grams of water and cook until cooked

3, finally put salt, taste full high and fresh, sesame oil, pot in the soup bowl can drink soup and eat vegetables.

13 courses of seaweed

6. Seaweed dumplings

Seaweed, coriander, shiitake mushrooms, fungus, salt

1: Wash and chop seaweed and coriander, and chop the mushroom fungus

2. A large collection of chopped materials, stir evenly

3. Start making dumplings

13 courses of seaweed

7. Seaweed sesame tofu pickled sushi

6 tofu puffs, rice, sushi vinegar, ground seaweed sesame seeds

1: Add sushi vinegar to the cooked rice and stir well.

2: Add the ground seaweed sesame seeds. Stir to combine.

3: Open the tofu bubble skin, stuff the rice into the tofu bubble skin, fold the opening, and plate it.

13 courses of seaweed

8. Seaweed rice balls

Seaweed, glutinous rice 1, germ rice, soy sauce, sesame seeds

1: Pour the rice into the rice cooker and cook.

2: Grill the seaweed in the oven and make small pieces for later.

3: Take half of the rice, add seaweed, sesame seeds and soy sauce and mix well, and use the rice ball mold to buckle out the shape.

13 courses of seaweed

9, seaweed cold mix cabbage heart

Seaweed, cabbage hearts, cooked sesame seeds, ginger

1: Tear the seaweed into strips and soak in boiling water

2: Drain and let cool

3: Mix the cabbage hearts with shredded cabbage and seaweed, add salt, sugar, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and sesame oil and mix well

4: Fry the minced ginger over low heat and pour it on the seaweed while hot

13 courses of seaweed

10. Sea cabbage broccoli

500 grams of broccoli, 200 grams of seaweed, 1 carrot, vegetable oil, salt, MONOSG, vegetarian oyster sauce, soy sauce

1: Break the broccoli into small blossoms and wash the carrot slices.

2: Bring water to a boil, add a few drops of oil and a pinch of salt, then add broccoli and blanch until it is broken.

3: After fishing out, add a little salt and MSG and mix well. Add an appropriate amount of vegetarian oyster sauce, mix well and marinate for 10 minutes.

4: Soak the seaweed in warm water to soften. After drying, add oyster sauce. Add soy sauce and mix well, marinate for 5 minutes to allow to taste.

5. Plate: first use seaweed to form a trunk, then use broccoli to form the shape of a large tree, and finally garnish with carrot slices to serve.

13 courses of seaweed

11. Seaweed paste

4 pieces of seaweed, ginger, red pepper, soy sauce, vegetable oil

1: Minced ginger and red pepper and set aside.

2: Drain the seaweed with warm water bubbles.

3: Stir-fry a little oil under the pot and prepare the ingredients.

4: Turn heat to medium heat, add drained seaweed and sauté for about 1 minute.

5: Stir in soy sauce and stir-fry well.

13 courses of seaweed

12. Miso tofu seaweed soup

1 piece of tofu, 1/2 sheet of seaweed, 1 sprig of coriander, 2 tbsp of miso soup, pepper to taste, salt to taste, sesame oil to taste

1, cut the tofu into small pieces, soak in salt water for half an hour;

2, soak the seaweed, go to the sand to wash;

3, the tofu filter the water;

4: Open the pot, put water, put 2 tbsp tofu and miso soup;

5, wait for the soup to dissolve, put the seaweed, sprinkle a few pepper;

6: Bring water to a boil, turn off the heat, add salt seasoning, add 1 tsp sesame oil and put a few coriander on the noodles.

13 courses of seaweed

13. Salt and pepper seaweed cashews

300 grams of cashew nuts, half a sheet of seaweed, a little pepper, fine salt

1: Pass the cashew nuts in water and put the water into a baking dish.

2: Bake at 150°C for 15 minutes.

3: After baking, add the ground seaweed and pepper fine salt to taste, continue to bake at 150 degrees for 10 minutes.

4. Let cool and enjoy.

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